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- M. Wilm, S. Ballandras, V. Laude, and T. Pastureaud, "A full 3-D plane-wave-expansion model for piezocomposite structures", J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 112, 943-952 (2002).
- M. Wilm, K. Khelif, S. Ballandras, V. Laude, and B. Djafari-Rouhani, "Out-of-plane propagation of elastic waves in two-dimensional phononic band-gap materials", Phys. Rev. E 67, 065602-(1-4) (2003).
- A. Khelif, A. Choujaa, B. Djafari-Rouhani, M. Wilm, S. Ballandras, and V. Laude, Trapping and guiding of acoustic waves by defect modes in a full-band-gap ultrasonic crystal, Phys. Rev. B 68, 214301 (2003).
- A. Khelif, A. Choujaa, S. Benchabane, B. Djafari-Rouhani, and V. Laude, "Guiding and bending of acoustic waves in highly confined phononic crystal waveguides", Appl. Phys. Lett. 84 (22), 4400-4002 (2004).
- A. Khelif, M. Wilm, V. Laude, and S. Ballandras, "Guided elastic waves along a rod-defect of a two-dimensional phononic crystal", Phys. Rev. E 69, 067601(4) (2004).
- V. Laude, M. Wilm, S. Benchabane, and A. Khelif, "Full band gap for surface acoustic waves in a piezoelectric phononic crystal", Phys. Rev. E 71, 036607 (2005).
- S. Benchabane, A. Khelif, A. Choujaa, B. Djafari-Rouhani, and V. Laude, "Interaction of waveguide and localized modes in a phononic crystal", Europhys. Lett. 71 (4), 570-575 (2005).
- A. Khelif, A. Choujaa, S. Benchabane, B. Djafari-rouhani, and V. Laude, "Experimental study of guiding and filtering of acoustic waves in a two dimensional ultrasonic crystal", Z. Kristallogr. 220, 836-840 (2005).
- Y. Pennec, B. Djafari-Rouhani, J.O. Vasseur, H. Larabi, A. Khelif, A. Choujaa, S. Benchabane, and V. Laude, Acoustic channel drop tunneling in a phononic crystal, Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 261912 (2005).
- S. Benchabane, A. Khelif, J.-Y. Rauch, L. Robert, and V. Laude, "Evidence for complete surface wave band gaps in a piezoelectric phononic crystal", Phys. Rev. E 73 065601(R) (2006).
- A. Khelif, B. Aoubiza, S. Mohammadi, A. Adibi, and V. Laude, "Complete band gaps in two-dimensional phononic crystal slabs", Phys. Rev. E 74, 046610 (2006).
- F.-L. Hsiao, A. Khelif, H. Moubchir, A. Choujaa, C.-C. Chen, and V. Laude, "Complete band gaps and deaf bands of triangular and honeycomb water-steel phononic crystals", J. Appl. Phys. 101, 044903 (2007).
- K. Kokkonen, M. Kaivola, S. Benchabane, A. Khelif, and V. Laude, Scattering of surface acoustic waves by a phononic crystal revealed by heterodyne interferometry, Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 083517 (2007). Selected by the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 16 (11) (2007).
- F.-L. Hsiao, A. Khelif, H. Moubchir, A. Choujaa, C.-C. Chen, and V. Laude, "Waveguiding in a complete band gap phononic crystal slab", Phys. Rev. E 76 (5), 056601 (2007).
- S. Benchabane, L. Robert, J.-Y. Rauch, A. Khelif, and V. Laude Highly selective electroplated nickel mask for lithium niobate dry etching, '' J. Appl. Phys. 105 (9), 094109, doi:10.1063/1.3125315 (2009).
- V. Laude, Younes Achaoui, Sarah Benchabane, and Abdelkrim Khelif, Evanescent Bloch waves and the complex band structure of phononic crystals, Phys. Rev. B 80, 092301 (2009).
- Y. Achaoui, A. Khelif, S. Benchabane, and V. Laude, Polarization state and level repulsion in two-dimensional piezoelectric phononic crystals and waveguides, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 43, 185401 (2010).
- A. Khelif, Y. Achaoui, S. Benchabane, and V. Laude, Locally resonant surface acoustic wave band gaps in a two-dimensional phononic crystal of pillars on a surface, Phys. Rev. B 81, 214303 (2010).
- A. Khelif, A. Choujaa, S. Benchabane, and V. Laude, "Octave complete band gap in a three-dimensional phononic crystal", IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelec. Freq. Control. 57(7), 1621-1625 (2010).
- R. P. Moiseyenko and V. Laude, "Material loss influence on the complex band structure and group velocity in phononic crystals", Phys. Rev. B 83 (6), 064301 (2011).
- Y. Achaoui, A. Khelif, S. Benchabane, L. Robert, and V. Laude, "Experimental observation of locally-resonant and Bragg band gaps for surface guided waves in a phononic crystal of pillars", Phys. Rev. B 83 (10) 104201 (2011).
- S. Benchabane, O. Gaiffe, G. Ulliac, R. Salut, Y. Achaoui, and V. Laude, "Observation of surface-guided waves in holey hypersonic phononic crystal", Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 171908 (2011).
- M. Gorisse, S. Benchabane, G. Teissier, C. Billard, A. Reinhardt, V. Laude, E. Defaÿ, and M. Aïd, "Observation of band gaps in the gigahertz range and deaf bands in a hypersonic aluminum nitride phononic crystal slab", Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 234103 (2011).
- V. Laude, R. P. Moiseyenko, S. Benchabane, and N. F. Declercq, "Bloch wave deafness and modal conversion at a phononic crystal boundary", AIP Advances 1 (4), 041402 (2011). doi: 10.1063/1.3675828.
- D. Yudistira, Y. Pennec, B. Djafari Rouhani, S. Dupont, and V. Laude, "Non-radiative complete surface acoustic wave bandgap for finite-depth holey phononic crystal in lithium niobate", Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 061912 (2012).
- R. P. Moiseyenko, S. W. Herbison, N. F. Declercq, and V. Laude, "Phononic crystal diffraction gratings ", J. Appl. Phys. 111, 034907 (2012);
- R. P. Moiseyenko, J. Liu, N. F. Declercq, and V. Laude, Blazed phononic crystal grating, Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 034108 (2013); doi: 10.1063/1.4789767.
- R. P Moiseyenko, N. F. Declercq, and V. Laude, Guided wave propagation along the surface of a one-dimensional solid–fluid phononic crystal, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 46, 365305 (2013). doi:10.1088/0022-3727/46/36/365305.
- Y. Achaoui, V. Laude, S. Benchabane, and A. Khelif, Local resonances in phononic crystals and in random arrangements of pillars on a surface, J. Appl. Phys. 114, 104503 (2013).
- Jose Maria Escalante, Alejandro Martinez, and Vincent Laude, Dispersion relation of coupled-resonator acoustic waveguides formed by defect cavities in a phononic crystal, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 46, 475301 (2013). doi:10.1088/0022-3727/46/47/475301.
- P. H. Otsuka, K. Nanri, O. Matsuda, M. Tomoda, D. M. Profunser, I. A. Veres, S. Danworaphong, A. Khelif, S. Benchabane, V. Laude, and O. B. Wright, Broadband evolution of phononic-crystal-waveguide eigenstates in real- and k-spaces, Scientific Reports 3, 3351 (2013). Supplementary information.
- V. Laude, J. M. Escalante, and A. Martinez, Effect of loss on the dispersion relation of photonic and phononic crystals, Phys. Rev. B 88, 224302 (2013). doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.88.224302.
- Y. F. Wang, V. Laude, and Y. S. Wang, "Coupling of evanescent and propagating guided modes in locally resonant phononic crystals", Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 47, 475502 (2014). doi: 10.1088/0022-3727/47/47/475502.
- R. P. Moiseyenko, J. Liu, S. Benchabane, N. F. Declercq, and V. Laude, "Excitation of surface waves on one-dimensional solid-fluid phononic crystals and the beam displacement effect", AIP Advances 4, 124202 (2014). doi: 10.1063/1.4903778.
- S. Benchabane, O. Gaiffe, R. Salut, G. Ulliac, V. Laude, and K. Kokkonen, "Guidance of surface waves in a micron-scale phononic crystal line-defect waveguide", Applied Physics Letters 106 (8), 081903 (2015). doi: 10.1063/1.4913532.
- V. Laude, "Phononic crystals: Harnessing the propagation of sound, elastic waves, and phonons", Comptes rendus-Physique 5 (17), 497-499 (2016). doi: 10.1016/j.crhy.2016.02.010.
- Y. F. Wang, A. A. Maznev, and V. Laude, Formation of Bragg band gaps in anisotropic phononic crystals analyzed with the empty lattice model, Crystals 6, 52 (2016). doi:10.3390/cryst6050052.
- H. Hu, L. Dai, H. Chen, S. Jiang, H. Wang, and V. Laude, "Two methods to broaden bandwidth of a nonlinear piezoelectric bimorph power harvester", Journal of Vibration and Acoustics 139 (3), 031008 (2017);
- S. Jiang, H. Chen, L. Dai, H. Hu, and V. Laude, "Multiple low-frequency broad band gaps generated by a phononic crystal of periodic circular cavity sandwich plates", Composite Structures 176, 294–303 (2017).
- Y.-F. Wang, T.-T. Wang, Y.-S. Wang, and V. Laude, "Reconfigurable Phononic-Crystal Circuits Formed by Coupled Acoustoelastic Resonators", Physical Review Applied 8 (1), 014006 (2017).
PhysRevApplied.8.014006. - S. Benchabane, R. Salut, O. Gaiffe, V. Soumann, M. Addouche, V. Laude, and A. Khelif, "Surface-wave coupling to single-phononic subwavelength resonators", Phys. Rev. Appl. 8 (3), 034016 (2017). - Yan-Feng Wang and Vincent Laude, "Longitudinal Near-Field Coupling between Acoustic Resonators Grafted onto a Waveguide", Crystals 7 (11), 323 (2017);
- S. Jiang, H. Hu, and V. Laude, Low-frequency band gap in cross-like holey phononic crystal strip, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 51 (4) (2018);
- S. Jiang, H. Hu, and V. Laude, Ultra‐Wide Band Gap in Two‐Dimensional Phononic Crystal with Combined Convex and Concave Holes, physica status solidi (RRL)–Rapid Research Letters 12 (2), 1700317 (2018).
- V. Laude and M. E. Korotyaeva, "Stochastic excitation method for calculating the resolvent band
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- Yan-Feng Wang, Ting-Ting Wang, Jin-Ping Liu, Yue-Sheng Wang, Vincent Laude, "Guiding and splitting Lamb waves in coupled-resonator elastic waveguides," Composite Structures 206, 588 (2018).
- Ting-Ting Wang, Yan-Feng Wang, Yue-Sheng Wang, Vincent Laude, "Evanescent-wave tuning of a locally resonant sonic crystal", Applied Physics Letters 113, 231901 (2018).
- Ting-Ting Wang, Vincent Laude, Muamer Kadic, Yan-Feng Wang, Yue-Sheng Wang, "Complex-Eigenfrequency Band Structure of Viscoelastic Phononic Crystals", Applied Sciences 9, 2825 (2019).
- Nicolas Laforge, Vincent Laude, Franck Chollet, Abdelkrim Khelif, Muamer Kadic, Yuning Guo, and Romain Fleury, "Observation of topological gravity-capillary waves in a water wave crystal", New Journal of Physics 21, 083031 (2019).
- Ting-Ting Wang, Sylwester Bargiel, Franck Lardet-Vieudrin, Yan-Feng Wang, Yue-Sheng Wang, and Vincent Laude, "Collective Resonances of a Chain of Coupled Phononic Microresonators," Physical Review Applied 13, 014022 (2020).
- Mehul P Makwana, Nicolas Laforge, Richard V Craster, Guillaume Dupont, Sébastien Guenneau, Vincent Laude, and Muamer Kadic, "Experimental observations of topologically guided water waves within non-hexagonal structures", Applied Physics Letters 116 (3), 131603 (2020).
- Ting-Ting Wang, Sylwester Bargiel, Franck Lardet-Vieudrin, Yan-Feng Wang, Yue-Sheng Wang, Vincent Laude, Phononic Coupled-Resonator Waveguide Micro-Cavities,'' Applied Sciences 10, 6751 (2020).
- Yan-Feng Wang, Shu-Yan Zhang, Yue-Sheng Wang, and Vincent Laude, Hybridization of resonant modes and Bloch waves in acoustoelastic phononic crystals,'' Phys. Rev. B 102, 144303 '2020).
- Hong-Tao Zhou, Wen-Xiao Fu, Yan-Feng Wang, Yue-Sheng Wang, Vincent Laude, and Chuanzeng Zhang,
Ultra-broadband passive acoustic Metasurface for wide-angle carpet cloaking, Materials & Design 199, 109414 (2021). - Shu-Yan Zhang, Dong-Jia Yan, Yue-Sheng Wang, Yan-Feng Wang, and Vincent Laude,
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International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 195, 106227 (2021). - Julio A. Iglesias Martínez, Johnny Moughames, Gwenn Ulliac, Muamer Kadic, Vincent Laude, Three-dimensional phononic crystal with ultra-wide bandgap at megahertz frequencies, Applied Physics Letters 118 (6), 063507 (2021). - Nicolas Laforge, Richard Wiltshaw, Richard V Craster, Vincent Laude, Julio Andrés Iglesias Martínez, Guillaume Dupont, Sebastien Guenneau, Muamer Kadic, Mehul P. Makwana, Acoustic topological circuitry in square and rectangular phononic crystals,'' Physical Review Applied 15 (5), 054056 (2021).
- Vincent Laude, Principles and properties of phononic crystal waveguides, APL Materials 9, 080701 (2021). - Yan-Feng Wang, Li Yang, Ting-Ting Wang, A-Li Chen, Vincent Laude, and Yue-Sheng Wang, Guided Lamb waves in reconfigurable phononic crystal waveguides, APL Materials 9, 081110 (2021).
- Ting-Ting Wang, Yan-Feng Wang, Zi-Chen Deng, Vincent Laude, and Yue-Sheng Wang,
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- Wei Guo, Shu-Yan Zhang, Yan-Feng Wang, Vincent Laude, and Yue-Sheng Wang, Evanescent Lamb waves in viscoelastic phononic metastrip, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, in press (2022).
- Ting-Ting Wang, Yan-Feng Wang, Zi-Chen Deng, Vincent Laude, and Yue-Sheng Wang, Reconfigurable coupled-resonator acoustoelastic waveguides in fluid-filled phononic metaplates, Composite Structures 303, 116355 (2023).
- Vincent Laude and Yan-Feng Wang, Quasinormal mode representation of radiating resonators in open phononic systems'' Physical Review B 107, 144301 (2023).
- Vincent Laude, Julio Andrés Iglesias Martínez, Nicolas Laforge, Muamer Kadic, Emil Prodan, Glide-reflection symmetric phononic crystal interface: variation on a theme, Acta Mechanica Sinica 39 (7), 723016 (2023).
- J. A. Iglesias Martínez, M. Kadic, V. Laude, and E. Prodan, “Pumping with symmetry,” Europhysics Letters 146 (1), 16004 (2024).