Les fichiers peuvent légèrement être différents des versions publiées.
- with Donghyeok Lim, On the analycity of the maximal extension of a number field with prescribed ramification and splitting,Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 152 (2024), 5013-5024. https://doi.org/10.1090/proc/16922
- with Farshid Hajir and Ravi Ramakrishna, On Ozaki's theorem realizing prescribed p-groups as p-class tower groups,Algebra and Number Theory 18, n°4 (2024), 771-786. DOI 10.2140/ant.2024.18.771
- with Farshid Hajir and Ravi Ramakrishna, On tame Z/pZ-extensions with prescribed ramification,Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 67, n1 (2024), 40-48. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4153/S0008439523000498
- On Galois representations with large image,Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 370, n10 (2023), 7087-7106.
- with Farshid Hajir and Ravi Ramakrishna, Deficiency of p-class field tower groups and Minkowski units,Annales de l'Institut Fourier (2025), to appear.
- With Farshid Hajir, Analytic Lie extensions of number fields with cyclic fixed points and tame ramification Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society 37 (2022), 63-85. version longue - juin 2018.
- with Farshid Hajir and Ravi Ramakrishna, Cutting towers of number fields,Annales Mathématiques du Québec 45 (2021), 321–345.
- with Farshid Hajir and Ravi Ramakrishna, On the Shafarevich group of restricted ramification extensions of number fieldsIndiana University Mathematics Journal 70 (2021), 2693-2710.
- with Aurel Page, Codes from unit groups of division algebras over number fields,Mathematische Zeitschrift 298 (2021), 327-348.
- with Farshid Hajir and Ravi Ramakrishna, Infinite class field towers of number fields of prime power discriminant,Advances in Mathematics 373 (2020), 8 p.
- with Oussama Hamza, A note on asymptotically good extensions in which infinitely many primes split completely,Archiv der Mathematik 115 (2020), 523-534.
- with Marine Rougnant, A note on p-rational fields and the ABC-conjecture,Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 148 n8 (2020), 3263-3271. Remarques.
- Genus theory and governing fields,New York Journal of Mathematics 24 (2018), 1056-1067.
- Avec Marine Rougnant, Composantes isotypiques de pro-p-extensions de corps de nombres et p-rationalité,Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen 94 1/2 (2019), 123-155.
- On the quotients of the maximal unramified 2-extension of a number field,Documenta Mathematica 23 (2018), 1263-1290.
- with Farshid Hajir, Prime decomposition and the Iwasawa mu-invariant,Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 166 (2019), 599-617.
- with F. Oggier, Maximal Orders Codes over Number Fields,Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 227 issue 7 (2018), 1827-1858.
- with F. Hajir, On the invariant factors of class groups in towers of number fields,Canadian Journal of Mathematics 70 n°1 (2018), 142-172.
- avec C. Euvrard, Sur la séparation des caractères par les Frobenius,Publicacions Matemàtiques (Barcelona) 61 (2017), issue 2, 475-515.
- avec C. McLeman, On p2-ranks in the Hilbert Class Field Tower problem, Annales Mathématiques Blaise Pascal 21 (2014), 57-68.
- Some examples of FAB and mild pro-p-group with trivial cup product,Kyushu Journal of Mathematics 68 (2014), 359-376.
- avec J. Blondeau et P. Lebacque, On the cohomological dimension of some pro-p-extensions above the cyclotomic Z_p-extension of a number field,Moscow Mathematical Journal 13 (2013), 601-619. Remarques.
- avec J.-F. Jaulent et G. Perbet, Sur les formules asymptotiques le long des Z_l-extensions,Annales Mathématiques du Québec 37 (2013), 63-78.
- Plongements locaux et extensions de corps de nombres,International Journal of Number Theory 7 (2011), 721-738.
- Sur la structure Galoisienne de certaines pro-p-extensions de corps de nombres,Mathematische Zeitschrift 267 (2011), 887-913.
- Cohomology of number fied and analytic pro-p-groups,Moscow Mathematical Journal 10 (2010), 399-414.
- Some new evidence for the Fontaine-Mazur conjecture,Mathematical Research Letters 14 (2007), 673-680.
- with E. Hallouin, Cancellation in totally definite quaternion algebras, J. Reine Ang. Math. (Crelle) 595 (2006), 189-214
- Une estimation de la dimension de Krull des anneaux de déformations en ramification incomplète,Publications Math. Besancon (2006).
- Sur la dimension cohomologique des pro-p-extensions des corps de nombres,J. Th. des Nombres de Bordeaux 17 fasc. 2 (2005), 575-606.
- avec W. Aitken et F. Hajir, Finitely ramified iterated extensions, International Math. Research Notices 14 (2005), 855-880.
- avec J.-F. Jaulent, Sur les invariants d’Iwasawa des tours cyclotomiques, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 46 (2003), 178-190.
- avec J.-F. Jaulent, Radical Hilbertien et tour localement cyclotomique,Japanese Journal of Mathematics 28 (2002), 203-213.
- with F. Hajir, Extensions of number fields with wild ramification of bounded depth, International Math. Research Notices 13 (2002), 667-696.
- On the Zl-rank of abelian extensions with restricted ramification, Journal of Number Theory 92 (2002), 376-404. (Addentum 98 (2003), 217-220.)
- with F. Hajir, Tamely ramified towers and discriminant bounds for number fields II,Journal of Symbolic Computation 33 (2002), 415-423.
- with F. Hajir, Unramified subextensions of ray class fields towers, Journal of Algebra 249 (2002), 528-543.
- with B. Angles, A note on tamely ramified towers of global function fields, Finite Fields and Their Applications 8 (2002), 207-215.
- avec F. Hajir, Tamely ramified towers and discriminant bounds for number fields,Compositio Math. 128 (2001), 35-53.
- avec J.-F. Jaulent, A propos de la tour localement cylotomique d’un corps de nombres,Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hambourg 70 (2000), 239-250.
- On infinite unramified extensions,Pacific Journal of Math. 192 (2000), 135-142.
- with F. Hajir, Asymptotically good towers of global fields,Proceedings of the European Congress of Mathematics, Barcelona 2000, Progress in Math. 202, 207-218.
- Un raffinement du théorème de Golod-Safarevic, Nagoya Math. Journal 150 (1998).
- Tours de Hilbert des extensions cubiques cycliques de Q,Manuscripta Math. 92 (1997), 303-323.
- Compléments à un résultat de Safarevic,Math. Nachrichten 198 (1999), 149-168.
- Finitude de tours et p-tours T-ramifiées modérées, S-décomposées,J. Th. des Nombres de Bordeaux 8 (1996), 47-73.
- T-S capitulation,Publ. Math. Fac. Sci. Besançon, 1994-1995.
- Une remarque sur la capitulation du groupe des classes au sens restreint, Publ. Math. Fac. Sci. Besançon, 1996/97-1998/99.
- Extensions T-ramifiées modérées, S-décomposées, thèse Université de Besançon (1995).