Profile Summary
Dr. Patrice Salzenstein holds a PhD in Electronics, University of Sciences and Technologies of Lille (USTL'96), a Master of Research degree and a Graduate Engineering school degree (Lille, Eudil'93). Between 1996 and 2001 he worked near Paris, France, at Thomson CSF LCR (now Thales-TRT), Alcatel Alsthom Recherche, LCIE private research laboratories. He managed a calibration laboratory (phase noise and short term stability of frequency) between 2002 and the beginning of 2012. He has been working since 2001 for CNRS, a government-funded research organization under administrative authority of France's Ministry of research, at FEMTO-ST institute in Besancon. In 2010, one of his articles was featured in Electronics Letters for his participation with Czech and Swiss colleagues to the best frequency stability ever measured on a quartz crystal oscillator: 2.5×10-14 at 5 MHz [20]. Between 2010 and recently, his fields of interest in research were for optoelectronic resonators and oscillators for microwaves photonics applications. He is now the deputy head of the Phononic & Microscopy team, at the Micro Nano Science & Systems department of CNRS UMR 6174 FEMTO-ST laboratory, with an interest in uncertainty estimations [1, 4, 9, 18]. Dr. Salzenstein has published over 120 papers in various international peer review journals and international conferences.
5 selected publications in uncertainty analysis:
[1] Salzenstein P., Wu T. Y., "Uncertainty estimation for the Brillouin frequency shift measurement using a scanning tandem Fabry-Pérot interferometer," Micromachines 14(7), 1429 (2023).
[4] Salzenstein P., Pavlyuchenko E., "Uncertainty Evaluation on a 10.52 GHz (5 dBm) Optoelectronic Oscillator Phase Noise Performance," Micromachines 12(5), 474 (2021).
[9] Salzenstein P., Wu T. Y., "Uncertainty analysis for a phase-detector based phase noise measurement system," Measurement 85, 118–123 (2016).
[18] Salzenstein P., Pavlyuchenko E., Hmima A., Cholley N., Zarubin M., Galliou S., Chembo Y. K. and Larger L., "Estimation of the uncertainty for a phase noise optoelectronic metrology system," Physica Scripta T 149, 014025 (2012).
[20] Salzenstein P., Kuna A., Sojdr L. and Chauvin J., "Significant step in ultra high stability quartz crystal oscillators," Electronics Letters 46(21), 1433–1434, (2010). – Featured in Electronics Letters.
Links: SPIE Member. See also Orcid, Google scholar, Web of Science, Scopus, SciProfiles, Loop profile, HAL, LinkedIn, IEEE xplore, Semantic scholar, Justia Patents.
Special Issues
Guest Editor of this Special Issue "High Power Lasers for Materials Processing". and 2nd edition, Special issue of Micromachines (ISSN 2072-666X). This special issue belongs to the section "D:Materials and Processing".
Guest Editor of this Special Issue "Miniature Optoelectronic Resonators and Oscillators". Special issue of Micromachines (ISSN 2072-666X). This special issue belongs to the section "E:Engineering and Technology".
Committe member of 2025 5th International Conference on Laser, Optics and Optoelectronic Technology (LOPET 2025) May 23-25, 2025, Xi'an, China. Early-bird Submission Date: November 11, 2024. Proceedings Kunming, China, SPIE volume 12757 (2023). and Chongqing, China, SPIE volume 13231 (2024) ("Conference Review Committee" Kunming 2023 at page 12/13, Chongqing 2024 at page 11/12)
Chairman at SPIE/COS Photonics Asia 12-14 October 2024, Nantong, Jiangsu, China, for session 6 of the "Optical Metrology and Inspection for Industrial Applications XI" conference.
Current research activities after 31 years of experience in Research
- Brillouin Scattering Stimulation (since 2018): Brillouin scattering reveals acoustic or spin-wave frequencies in the microwave frequency domain. Brillouin light scattering (BLS) setup deals with the detection and analysis of laser light scattered by fluctuations of refractive index in a medium...(see link). Interested in evaluating uncertainties (see a recent article on this topic, collaboration with Singapore).
- Optoelectronic oscillators based on Whispering gallery mode or delay line resonators (since 2010): At FEMTO-ST, I was project leader for Femto-ST of "Optical Resonators and their applications" (ORA), ANR (French National Agency for Research) project, in collaboration with Patrice Féron, Professor at University of Rennes 1 and researcher at FOTON (see link). I was also involved in the CNES project "shyro" (Project leader at FEMTO-ST: Dr. Yanne Chembo, CNRS senior researcher). Some state-of-the-art results were published such as those references : see Link1 - collaboration with ITMO, St-Petersburg, Russia - and Link2. Also interested in evaluating uncertainties (see a recent article on this topic).
- Phase noise optoelectronic metrology (2007-2017): Phase noise complex system engineering operating in X-band (8.2-12.4 GHz) using a photonic delay line as a frequency discriminator is a good solution to perform ultra low noise measurements. Phase noise floor can be better than -90 and -170 dBc/Hz including 2 km delay lines respectively at 101 and 104 Hz from a 10 GHz carrier. Uncertainty is estimated to be better than 2 dB. I was the project leader of several contracts with CNES and LNE. Interested in evaluating uncertainties (see a publication on this topic).
- Phase noise metrology for quartz oscillators, Electrical and Electronic Engineering: With Czech and Swiss colleagues, I contributed to the best frequency stability ever measured on a quartz crystal oscillator: 2.5×10−14 at 5 MHz. An article (DOI) was featured in Electronics Letters in 2010, project funded by LNE, collaboration with Czech and Swiss colleagues.
Interested in evaluating uncertainties (see a publication on this topic, collaboration with Singapore).
- Interested in other subjects of researches such as interference and wave propagation, electromagnetism, physics, seismology, technology etc. Skills and experience in technology in clean room, materials, microwaves.
For more information about these researches, your are invited to read the corresponding publications.
Links to these papers are available in the biography mentioned below.
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Recent publications : Articles and letters in peer review journals:
- Salzenstein P., Wu T. Y., "Uncertainty estimation for the Brillouin frequency shift measurement using a scanning tandem Fabry-Pérot interferometer," Micromachines 14(7), 1429 (2023). DOI: 10.3390/mi14071429 © 2023 Mdpi
- Salzenstein P., "Editorial for the Special Issue on High-Power Lasers for Materials Processing," Micromachines 14(5), 1041 (2023). DOI: 10.3390/mi14051041 © 2023 Mdpi
- Salzenstein P., "Editorial for the Special Issue on Miniature Optoelectronic Resonators and Oscillators," Micromachines 13(11), 1928 (2022). DOI: 10.3390/mi13111928 © 2022 Mdpi
- Salzenstein P., Pavlyuchenko E., "Uncertainty Evaluation on a 10.52 GHz (5 dBm) Optoelectronic Oscillator Phase Noise Performance," Micromachines 12(5), 474 (2021). DOI: 10.3390/mi12050474 © 2021 Mdpi
- Salzenstein P., Pavlyuchenko E., "Celebration of the centenary of a major scientific milestone thanks to Heinrich Barkhausen," Int. J. for Sim. and Mult. Design Optimization 11, 24 (2020). (doi:10.1051/smdo/2020018) © 2020 EDP (PDF)
- Salzenstein P., "Frequency and temperature control for complex system engineering in optoelectronics and electronics: an overview," Int. J. for Sim. and Mult. Design Optimization 11, 7 (2020). (doi:10.1051/smdo/2020001) © 2020 EDP (PDF)
- Salzenstein P., "An example of design, optimization, stabilization and noise performances of resonator based optoelectronic oscillators," Int. J. for Sim. and Mult. Design Optimization 10, A2 (2019). (doi:10.1051/smdo/2019001) © 2019 EDP (PDF)
- Salzenstein P., Diallo S., Zarubin M., "Electrically driven thermal annealing set-up dedicated to high quality factor optical resonator fabrication," Journal of Power Technologies 98(2), 198-201 (2018). © Journal of Power Technologies (PDF)
- Salzenstein P., Wu T. Y., "Uncertainty analysis for a phase-detector based phase noise measurement system," Measurement 85, 118–123 (2016). (doi:10.1016/j.measurement.2016.02.026) © 2016 Elsevier (PDF)
- Salzenstein P., "Recent progress in the performances of ultrastable Quartz resonators and oscillators," Int. J. for Sim. and Mult. Design Optimization 7, A8 (6) (2016). (doi:10.1051/smdo/2016014) © 2016 EDP (PDF)
- Saleh, K., Henriet, R., Diallo, S., Lin, G., Martinenghi, R., Balakireva, I. V., Salzenstein, P., Coillet, A., Chembo, Y. K., "Phase noise performance comparison between optoelectronic oscillators based on optical delay lines and whispering gallery mode resonators," Optics Express 22(26), 32158-32173 (2014). (doi:10.1364/OE.22.032158) ©2014 Optical Society of America
- Henriet, R., Salzenstein, P., Ristic, D., Coillet, A., Mortier, M., Rasoloniaina, A., Saleh, K., Cibiel, G., Dumeige, Y., Ferrari, M., Chembo, Y. K., Llopis, O., Féron, P., "High quality factor optical resonators," Physica Scripta T 162, 014032 (2014). (doi:10.1088/0031-8949/2014/T162/014032) ©2014 IOP (PDF)
- Salzenstein P., Voloshinov V. B. and Trushin A. S., "Investigation in acousto-optic laser stabilization for crystal resonator based optoelectronic oscillators," Optical Engineering 52(2), 024603 (2013). (doi:10.1117/1.OE.52.2.024603) © 2013 SPIE(PDF)
- Coillet A., Henriet H., Salzenstein P., Phan Huy K., Larger L. and Chembo Y. K., "Time-domain Dynamics and Stability Analysis of Optoelectronic Oscillators based on Whispering-Gallery Mode Resonators," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 19(5), 6000112 (2013). (doi:10.1109/JSTQE.2013.2252152) ©2013 IEEE International (PDF)
- Salzenstein P., Mortier M., Sérier-Brault H., Henriet R., Coillet A., Chembo Y. K., Rasoloniaina A., Dumeige Y., Féron P., "Coupling of high quality factor optical resonators," Physica Scripta, T157, 014024 (2013). (doi:10.1088/0031-8949/2013/T157/014024) ©2013 IOP(PDF)
- Sthal F., Imbaud J., Vacheret X., Salzenstein P., Cibiel G. and Galliou S., "Computation method for the short-term stability of quartz crystal resonators obtained from passive phase noise measures," IEEE Trans. on UFFC 60(7), 1530–1532 (2013). (doi:10.1109/TUFFC.2013.2725) ©2013 IEEE International
- Salzenstein P., Cholley N., Kuna A., Abbé P., Lardet-Vieudrin F., Sojdr L. and Chauvin J., "Distributed amplified ultra-stable signal quartz oscillator based," Measurement 45(7), 1937–1939 (2012). (doi:10.1016/j.measurement.2012.03.035) © 2012 Elsevier (PDF)
- Salzenstein P., Pavlyuchenko E., Hmima A., Cholley N., Zarubin M., Galliou S., Chembo Y. K. and Larger L., "Estimation of the uncertainty for a phase noise optoelectronic metrology system," Physica Scripta T 149, 014025 (2012). (doi:10.1088/0031-8949/2012/T149/014025) © 2012 IOP (PDF)
- Tavernier H., Salzenstein P., Volyanskiy K., Chembo Y. K. and Larger L., "Magnesium Fluoride Whispering Gallery Mode Disk-Resonators for Microwave Photonics Applications," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 22(22), 1629-1631 (2010). (doi: 10.1109/LPT.2010.2075923) ©2010 IEEE International (PDF)
- Salzenstein P., Kuna A., Sojdr L. and Chauvin J., "Significant step in ultra high stability quartz crystal oscillators," Electronics Letters 46(21), 1433–1434, (2010). (doi: 10.1049/el.2010.1828) ©2010 IET (PDF) + featured in Electronics Letters: "Dropping thtough the floor" (PDF) – Highlighted by CNRS INSIS
- Volyanskiy K., Salzenstein P., Tavernier H., Pogurmirskiy M., Chembo Y. K. and Larger L., "Compact Optoelectronic Microwave Oscillators using Ultra-High Q Whispering Gallery Mode Disk-Resonators and Phase Modulation," Optics Express 18(21), 22358-22363 (2010). (doi: 10.1364/OE.18.022358) ©2010 Optical Society of America
- Salzenstein P., Kuna A., Sojdr L., Sthal F., Cholley N. and Lefebvre F., "Frequency stability measurements of ultra-stable BVA resonators and oscillators," Electronics Letters 46(10), 686-688 (2010). (doi:10.1049/el.2010.0941) ©2010 IET
- Kuna A., Cermak J., Sojdr L., Salzenstein P., Lefebvre F., "Lowest Flicker-Frequency Floor Measured on BVA Oscillators," IEEE Trans. on UFFC 57(3), 548-551 (2010) (doi:10.1109/TUFFC.2010.1446). ©2010 IEEE International (PDF)
- Salzenstein P., Tavernier H., Volyanskiy K., Kim N. N. T., Larger L. and Rubiola E., "Optical mini-disk resonator integrated into a compact optoelectronic oscillator," Acta Physica Polonica A 116(4), 661-663 (2009). (doi:10.12693/APhysPolA.116.661) ©2009 Polish academy of sciences PDF
- Volyanskiy K., Cussey J., Tavernier H., Salzenstein P., Sauvage G., Larger L. and Rubiola E., “Applications of the optical fiber to the generation and to the measurement of low-phase-noise microwave signals,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B 25(12), 2140-2150 (2008). (doi:10.1364/JOSAB.25.002140) ©2008 Optical Society of America
- Salzenstein P., "Temps-Fréquence: amélioration de la sensibilité des mesures de bruit de phase à l'aide de l'optique", Afnor-classeur-à-feuillet-mobile II-30-21, 1-12 (2008). HAL, PDF, ©2008 AFNOR
- Salzenstein P., Cussey J., Jouvenceau X., Tavernier H., Larger L., Rubiola E., Sauvage G., "Realization of a Phase Noise Measurement Bench Using Cross Correlation and Double Optical Delay Line," Acta Physica Polonica A 112(5), 1107-1111 (2007). (doi:10.12693/APhysPolA.112.1107) ©2007 Polish academy of sciences PDF
- Salzenstein P., "Exemple d'application de la métrologie des temps et fréquences", Afnor-classeur-à-feuillet-mobile, II-30-20 (2006). HAL PDF
- Salzenstein P., Barhaila R., Gruson Y., Kersalé Y., Giordano V., "Oscillateur 26 GHz à faible bruit de phase utilisant un résonateur à quartz à mode de galerie," Annales Françaises des Microtechniques et de Chronométries 50, 133-136 (2001). PDF ©2001 INIST
- Giordano V., Rubiola E., Groslambert J., Kersalé Y., Gruson Y., Lardet-Vieudrin F., Berthelot P., Rocher C., Martin G., Salzenstein P., "Métrologie du bruit de phase au LPMO: développements récents," Annales Françaises des Microtechniques et de Chronométries 49, 59-64 (2000). PDF ©2000 INIST
- Lheurette E., Mounaix P., Salzenstein P., Mollot F., Lippens D., "High performance InP-based heterostructure barrier varactors in single and stack configuration," Electronics Letters 32(15), 1417-1418 (1996). DOI: 10.1049/el:19960893 ©1996 IET PDF
- Salzenstein P., Dupuis O., Helal M., Lheurette E., Vanbésien O., Mounaix P., Lippens D., "Coplanar waveguides on dielectric membranes micromachined on GaAs substrate," Electronics Letters 32(9), 821-822 (1996). DOI: 10.1049/el:19960564 ©1996 IET PDF
Recent conferences : international conferences published since 2002:
- P. Salzenstein, "Uncertainty estimation in optics and optoelectronic systems", Proc. SPIE 13241, Optical Metrology and Inspection for Industrial Applications XI, 132410I (2024). DOI:10.1117/12.3036094 © 2024 SPIE
- P. Salzenstein, F. Lefebvre, M. Addouche "Drive level dependence and origin of noise in ultra-stable piezoelectric crystal resonators", Proc. SPIE 13241, Optical Metrology and Inspection for Industrial Applications XI, 132411Y (2024). DOI10.1117/12.3036701 © 2024 SPIE
- P. Salzenstein, M. Addouche, F. Lefebvre "Preliminary study of the influence of the parameters of the piezoelectric element on the possible piezoaxionic effect", Proc. SPIE 13241, Optical Metrology and Inspection for Industrial Applications XI, 132411X (2024). DOI:10.1117/12.3036695 © 2024 SPIE
- D. Bassir, S. Guessasma, Y. Zheng, Y. Cai, P. Salzenstein, "Composite characterization using digital image correlation (DIC) approach for stress-strain prediction," AIP Conference Proceedings 3094, 230003 (2024). DOI:10.1063/5.0213202 © 2024 AIP (link)
- P. Salzenstein, T. Y. Wu, "Uncertainty on Brillouin frequency on bulk polymethyl methacrylate for acoustic waves velocities", Proc. SPIE 12997, Optics and Photonics for Advanced Dimensional Metrology III, 129971H (2024). DOI:10.1117/12.3022390 © 2024 SPIE
- E. Pavlyuchenko, P. Salzenstein, "Investigating uncertainty estimation on phase noise for a compact optical delay line optoelectronic oscillator", Proc. SPIE 13003, Fiber Lasers and Glass Photonics: Materials through Applications IV, 130030X (2024). DOI:10.1117/12.3022514 © 2024 SPIE
- P. Salzenstein, M. Addouche, F. Lefebvre, "Investigation in determining fluctuations that could demonstrate the possible presence of particles interacting with photons", Proc. SPIE 12999, Optical Sensing and Detection VIII, 129992G (2024). DOI:10.1117/12.3022518 © 2024 SPIE
- D. Bassir, H. Yue, K. Abouzaid, P. Salzenstein, "Multicriteria optimization of 3D printed wing using PLA reinforced with carbon fiber," AIP Conference Proceedings 2849, 250005 (2023). DOI: 10.1063/5.0163955 © 2023 AIP
- P. Salzenstein, "Low phase noise optical delay line optoelectronic oscillator uncertainty evaluation", Proc. SPIE 12764, Optoelectronic Devices and Integration XII, 127640Q (2023). DOI:10.1117/12.2689283 © 2023 SPIE
- P. Salzenstein, T. Y. Wu, "Uncertainty on Brillouin scattering measurements on bulk materials using a power laser", Proc. SPIE 12760, Advanced Lasers, High-Power Lasers, and Applications XIV, 127600M (2023). DOI:10.1117/12.2689285 © 2023 SPIE
- P. Salzenstein, D. Bassir, "Evaluation of the possibility of determining fluctuations that could demonstrate the presence of particles interacting with photons", Proc. SPIE 12763, Photonics for Energy III, 127630U (2023). DOI:10.1117/12.2689287 © 2023 SPIE
- P. Salzenstein, M. Zarubin, "Low-phase noise compact optical delay line optoelectronic oscillator", Proc. SPIE PC12569, Nonlinear Optics and Applications XIII, PC1256901 (2023). DOI:10.1117/12.2665789 © 2023 SPIE
- D. Bassir, H. Chang, N. Lebaal, P. Salzenstein, "Contribution of AI and machining learning in advanced material characterization", 8th International Conference on Materials Science & Engineering, Mercure Paris CDG Airport & Convention, 21 September 2023, Paris, France (2023). (PDF).
- P. Salzenstein, E. Pavlyuchenko, "Evaluation of the uncertainty on phase noise for optoelectronic oscillators", Proc. SPIE 12142, Fiber Lasers and Glass Photonics: Materials through Applications III, 1214217 (2022). DOI:10.1117/12.2621673 © 2022 SPIE
- P. Salzenstein, D. Bassir, E. Pavlyuchenko, "Accuracy of Brillouin frequencies for material characterization by light scattering," Proc. SPIE 12142, Fiber Lasers and Glass Photonics: Materials through Applications III, 121421A (2022); DOI:10.1117/12.2621807 © 2022 SPIE
- P. Salzenstein, D. Bassir, D. Perez de Lara, "Fiber to resonator coupling multicriteria optimization with COMSOL multiphysics", Proc. SPIE 12142, Fiber Lasers and Glass Photonics: Materials through Applications III, 1214218 (2022). DOI:10.1117/12.2621690 © 2022 SPIE
- P. Salzenstein, D. Bassir, "Discussion on the principle of coupling and optimization of fiber-to-resonator coupling", Proc. SPIE 11775, Integrated Optics: Design, Devices, Systems and Applications VI, 117750V (2021). DOI:10.1117/12.2592258 © 2021 SPIE
- E. Pavlyuchenko, P. Salzenstein, "Investigation of the level of uncertainty given by Brillouin light scattering", Proc. SPIE 11770, Nonlinear Optics and Applications XII, 117701S (2021). DOI:10.1117/12.2592260 © 2021 SPIE
- P. Salzenstein, E. Pavlyuchenko, "Barkhausen conditions and starting of an optoelectronic oscillator", Proc. SPIE 11770, Nonlinear Optics and Applications XII, 117701R (2021). DOI:10.1117/12.2592257 © 2021 SPIE
- D. Bassir, P. Salzenstein, "Optimization of fiber to resonator coupling," Proc. SPIE 11357, Fiber Lasers and Glass Photonics: Materials through Applications II, 113571P (1 April 2020); doi:10.1117/12.2557053 © 2020 SPIE
- P. Salzenstein, "Brillouin light scattering characterization of optical materials," Proc. SPIE 11357, Fiber Lasers and Glass Photonics: Materials through Applications II, 113570R (1 April 2020); doi:10.1117/12.2557051 © 2020 SPIE
- P. Salzenstein, "Accuracy of the determination of propagation velocities of phononic waves in the material," Proc. SPIE 11357, Fiber Lasers and Glass Photonics: Materials through Applications II, 113571Y (1 April 2020); doi:10.1117/12.2557062 © 2020 SPIE
- Salzenstein P., Bassir D., Zarubin M., "Optimized oven for optical resonator heating process," Beijing, China, Proc. SPIE 11334, 1133406 (2019). doi:10.1117/12.2539525 © 2019 SPIE
- Bassir D., Salzenstein P., "Fiber to resonator coupling simulation measure and optimization," Beijing, China, Proc. SPIE 11334,1133405 (2019). doi:10.1117/12.2539524 © 2019 SPIE
- P. Salzenstein, E. Pavlyuchenko, A. Mosset, "Brillouin light scattering uncertainty preliminary estimation", Beijing, China, Proc. SPIE 11337, 1133703 (2019). DOI:10.1117/12.2539035 © 2019 SPIE
- Bassir, D., Salzenstein P., "Optimal design of a crystalline and integrated resonator coupled with optical fibre" Beijing, China, Proc. SPIE 10814, 108140L (2018). doi:10.1117/12.2503320 © 2018 SPIE
- Salzenstein P., Bassir, D., Hao, Y., Zarubin M., "Dedicated oven for optical resonator heating process," Beijing, China, Proc. SPIE 10814, 1081417 (2018). doi:10.1117/12.2500664 © 2018 SPIE
- Salzenstein P., Zarubin M., "Electronics improvements for optical resonators fabrication," Beijing, China, Proc. SPIE 10814, 1081418 (2018). doi:10.1117/12.2500665 © 2018 SPIE
- Bassir D., Salzenstein P., Zhang M., "Optimization of coupled device based on optical fiber with crystalline and integrated resonators", Prague, Czech Rep., Proc. of SPIE 10228, 102280Z (2017). doi: 10.1117/12.2264618 © 2017 SPIE
- Salzenstein P., Zarubin M., "Significant improvement in the thermal annealing process of optical resonators," Prague, Czech Rep., Proc. SPIE 10228, 102280Y (2017). doi:10.1117/12.2264617 © 2017 SPIE
- Zarubin, M., Salzenstein, P., "Temperature controlled optical resonator process for optoelectronic oscillator application," Prague, Czech Rep., Proc. SPIE 9503, 950311 (2015). doi: 10.1117/12.2178461 © 2015 SPIE
- Salzenstein, P., Saleh, K., "Advances in high-quality factor optical resonators for optoelectronics," Prague, Czech Rep., Proc. SPIE 9503, 950310 (2015). doi: 10.1117/12.2178460 © 2015 SPIE
- Salzenstein, P., Saleh, K., Zarubin, M., Trushin, A. S., "Comparison of two methods of laser stabilization for optoelectronic oscillators," Proc. SPIE 9134, 91342I (2014). doi: 10.1117/12.2052927 © 2014 SPIE
- Salzenstein, P., Makaryan, T., "Optical resonators based on carbon nanotube for photonics applications," Laser Optics, 2014 International Conference, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 30 2014-July 4 (2014). doi:10.1109/LO.2014.6886448 © 2014 IEEE
- Pavlyuchenko E., Salzenstein, P., "Application of modern method of calculating uncertainty to microwaves and opto-electronics," Laser Optics, 2014 International Conference, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 30 2014-July 4 (2014). doi:10.1109/LO.2014.6886449 © 2014 IEEE
- Salzenstein, P., Makaryan, T., "Preliminary investigation in optical resonators based on carbon nano-tube and coupling for optoelectronics," Proc. SPIE 9130, 913014 (2014). doi: 10.1117/12.2052925 © 2014 SPIE
- Saleh K., Coillet A., Henriet R., Salzenstein P., Larger L., Chembo Y. K., "On the metrological performances of optoelectronic oscillators based on whispering gallery mode resonators," Proc. SPIE. 89851, 89851D (2014). doi: 10.1117/12.2037836 © 2014 SPIE
- Henriet R., Coillet A., Salzenstein P., Saleh K., Larger L., Chembo YK. , "Experimental characterization of optoelectronic oscillators based on optical mini-resonators," 2013 Joint European Frequency and Time Forum & International Frequency Control Symposium (EFTF/IFC), Prague, Czech Republic, pp 37-39 (2013). doi:10.1109/EFTF-IFC.2013.6702286 © 2013 IEEE
- Salzenstein P., Kuna A., Lefebvre F., "Evaluation of the accuracy of the method for measuring state-of-the-art ultra-high stability quartz crystal oscillators," 2013 Joint European Frequency and Time Forum & International Frequency Control Symposium (EFTF/IFC), Prague, Czech Republic, pp 157-159 (2013). doi:10.1109/EFTF-IFC.2013.6702072 © 2013 IEEE
- Salzenstein P., Pavlyuchenko E., " Modern approach for estimating uncertainty of a precision optoelectronic phase noise measurement," 2013 International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers (CAOL), Sudak, Ukraine, pp 340 - 341 (2013). doi:10.1109/CAOL.2013.6657629 © 2013 IEEE
- Salzenstein P., Coillet A., Henriet H., Larger L., Yanne K. Chembo Y. K., " Experimental study of a crystalline-resonator based optoelectronic oscillator", Prague, Czech Republic, Proc. SPIE 8772, 87720O, (2013). doi:10.1117/12.2016893 © 2013 SPIE
- Salzenstein P., Pavlyuchenko E., "Determination of the uncertainty for phase noise delivered by an optoelectronic based system," Prague, Czech Republic, Proc. SPIE 8772, 877217 (2013). doi:10.1117/12.2016886 © 2013 SPIE
- Coillet A., Henriet R., Salzenstein P., Phan-Huy K., Larger L., Chembo Y. K., "Nonlinear dynamics of optoeletronic oscillators based on whispering-gallery mode resonators", in 2013 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - International Quantum Electronics Conference, (Optical Society of America, 2013), paper IG_4_6. (2013). © 2013 OSA
- Salzenstein P., Trushin A. S., Voloshinov V. B., "Laser stabilized by acousto-optic cells for optoelectronic oscillators", Proc. SPIE 8428, 84281D (2012). doi:10.1117/12.921625 © 2012 SPIE
- Salzenstein P., Hmima A., Zarubin M., Pavlyuchenko E. and Cholley N., "Optoectronic phase noise measurement system with wideband analysis", Proc. SPIE 8439, 84391M (2012). doi:10.1117/12.921630 © 2012 SPIE
- Morvan, L., Bouchier, A., Chembo, Y., Dolfi, D., Dumeige, Y., Féron, P., Ferrari, M., Larger, L., Le Cren, E., Llopis, O., Maxin, J., Merrer, P.-H., Gualtiero Nunzi Conti, Pillet, G., Saleh, K., Salzenstein, P., Van Dijk, F., Cibiel, G., "Mini and micro-resonators for the generation of high spectral purity microwave signals", Trento, Italy, Proc. of the International Conference on Micro- and nano-photonic materials and devices (MINAP), January 16-18, pp 113 (2012). © 2012 MINAP (HAL).
- Sthal F., Imbaud J., Devel M., Salzenstein P., Bourquin R. and Cibiel G., "Some considerations on acoustic resonator phase noise modeling and recent short-term stability experimental results", Frequency Control and the European Frequency and Time Forum (FCS), 2011 Joint Conference of the IEEE International, San Fransisco, california, USA, 2-5 May (2011); doi:10.1109/FCS.2011.5977810 © 2011 IEEE
- Salzenstein P., M. Jelínek, Y. K. Chembo, M. Pogurmiskiy, H. Tavernier, K. Volyanskiy, K. Phan Huy, M. Chauvet, L. Larger and V. Kubecek, "Resonance measurements techniques of optical whispering gallery mode mini-disc resonators for microwave photonics applications", Proc. SPIE 8071, 807104 (2011); doi:10.1117/12.886380 © 2011 SPIE
- Salzenstein P., Cholley N., Zarubin M., Pavlyuchenko E., Hmima A., Chembo Y. K. and Larger L, "Optoelectronic phase noise system designed for microwaves photonics sources measurements in metrology application", Proc. SPIE 8071, 807111 (2011); doi:10.1117/12.886694 © 2011 SPIE
- K. Volyanskiy, P. Salzenstein, H. Tavernier, M. Pogurmirskiy, Y. K. Chembo and L. Larger, "Compact optoelectronic oscillator using whispering gallery mode resonators for radio-frequency and millimeter wave generation", Proc. SPIE 7936, 79360B (2011); doi:10.1117/12.876985 © 2011 SPIE
- Y. Chembo, K. Volyanskiy, A. Hmima, H. Tavernier, P. Salzenstein, P.-A. Lacourt, E. Rubiola, J. Dudley et L. Larger, "Sur la Génération de Micro-ondes Ultra-pures et de Pulses Optiques à Gigue Ultra-faible en Utilisant les Oscillateurs Optoélectroniques," 29èmes Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidées, Besançon, 20-22 octobre 2010, pp. 38-40 PDF.
- Salzenstein P., Volyanskiy K., Rubiola E. and Larger L., "Compact optoelectronics oscillators using WGM modes on fused silica and MgF2 mini-disks resonators", Proceedings of SPIE, Micro-optics, Vol. 7716, pp 77162C, 1-9 (2010) (doi: 10.1117/12.854392) © 2010 SPIE
- Salzenstein P., Brendel R., Koumou Chembo Y., Volyanskiy K., Larger L., Rubiola E., "Noise analysis of the opto-electronic microwave oscillator (OEO)", IEEE Int. Freq. Contrl. Symp., Newport Beach, California, USA, 2-4 June, 549-549 (2010) (doi: 10.1109/FREQ.2010.5556270) © 2010 IEEE
- Salzenstein P., Cholley N., Hmima A., Zarubin M., Pavlyuchenko E., Galliou S., Chembo Y., Larger L., "Phase noise optoelectronic metrology system for microwaves photonics sources," Proceedings of the 5th Ukrainian Scientific Conference on physics of semiconductors (USCPS-5), 177 (2011). PDF
- Salzenstein P., Cholley N., Abbé P., Lardet-Vieudrin F., Sojdr L., Kuna A., "Ultrastable distributed radio-frequency quartz oscillator based signal," Proceedings of the 5th Ukrainian Scientific Conference on physics of semiconductors (USCPS-5), 176 (2011). PDF
- Salzenstein P., Kuna A., Sojdr L., Cemusova B., Cholley N. and Lefebvre F., "Resonator frequency stability contribution to the performances of ultrastable oscillators before and after integration", European Frequency and Time Forum, Nordwijk, The Netherlands, April, paper 1882325 (2010) (doi: 10.1109/eftf.2010.6533673) © 2010 IEEE
- Salzenstein P., Volyanskiy K., Tavernier H., Pogumerskiy M., Larger L. and Rubiola E., "Investigation in compact optoelectronic oscillator with mini-disk resonator", European Frequency and Time Forum, Nordwijk, The Netherlands, April, paper 1881727 (2010) (doi: 10.1109/eftf.2010.6533638) © 2010 IEEE
- P. Salzenstein, H. Tavernier, K. Volyanskiy, N. N. T. Kim, P. Féron, L. Larger and E. Rubiola, "Optical mini-disk resonator integrated into a compact optoelectronic oscillator", Photonica'09, Belgrade, Serbia, 24-28 August 2009 (2009)
- Salzenstein P., Kuna A., Cermak J., Sojdr L., Franquet N., Sthal F., Vacheret X., Levebvre F. "Frequency stability measurements of ultra-stable BVA Oscillators" Dans Proceeding of the 14th International Metrology Congress, 22-25 juin 2009, Paris, France (2009) Lien vers le serveur HAL
- Sthal F., Galliou S., Imbaud J., Vacheret X., Salzenstein P., Rubiola E., Cibiel G. "About Quartz Crystal Resonator Noise: Recent Study" AIP Conf. proc., April 23, Vol. 1229, 607-610 (2009) Lien vers le serveur HAL
- Patrice Salzenstein, Alexander Kuna, Frédéric Lefebvre, Ludvik Sojdr, Jan Cermak, Nathalie Franquet, Xavier Vacheret, Fabrice Sthal "Phase noise and frequency stability measurements of resonators before and after integration into ultra-stable oscillators and contribution of these resonators to their performance" Proceedings of the XII th international conference for youth researcher, wave electronics and its applications in information and telecommunication systems, 26-30 May 2009, Saint-Petersbourg, Russie (2009) Lien vers le serveur HAL
- Kirill Volyanskyi, Hervé Tavernier, Ngan Nguyen Thi Kim, Patrice Féron, Laurent Larger, Patrice Salzenstein, Enrico Rubiola "Optoelectronic oscillator using an optical disk resonator and a phase modulator" Proceedings of the XII th international conference for youth researcher, wave electronics and its applications in information and telecommunication systems, 26-30 May 2009, Saint-Petersbourg, Russie (2009) Lien vers le serveur HAL
- Kuna, A., Cermák, J., Šojdr, L., Salzenstein, P., Lefebvre, F. "Lowest Flicker-Frequency Floor Measured on BVA Oscillators" Frequency Control Symposium, 2009 joint with the 22nd European Frequency and Time forum., IEEE International, 21-24 April 2009, Besançon, France, 185 - 187 (2009) (doi: 10.1109/FREQ.2009.5168166, ISBN: 978-1-4244-3511-1) Lien vers le serveur HAL
- F. Sthal, S. Galliou, J. Imbaud, X. Vacheret, P. Salzenstein, E. Rubiola and G. Cibiel "The effect of power-drive level on the calibration of the bridge instrument for the measurement of the quartz stability", Frequency Control Symposium, 2009 joint with the 22nd European Frequency and Time forum., IEEE International, 21-24 April 2009, Besançon, France, 487 - 491 (2009) (doi: 10.1109/FREQ.2009.5168227, ISBN: 978-1-4244-3511-1) ©2009 IEEE International.
- H. Tavernier, K. Volyanskiy, N.N.T. Kim, P. Féron, L. Larger, P. Salzenstein, E. Rubiola "Optoelectronic oscillator with an optical disk resonator" Proceedings of the IEEE Frequency Control Symposium & European Frequency and Time Forum, 21-24 April 2009, Besançon, France (2009)
- Ubaldi S., Girerd J.-M., Haye G., De Labachelerie M., Boubakar L., Meyer F., Salzenstein P. "Recherche et Qualité : Avancées a l'Université de Franche-Comté" Actes de la conférence QUALITA, 18-20 mars 2009, Besançon, France (2009) Lien vers le serveur HAL
- Tavernier H., Nguyen Thi Kim N., Féron P., Bendoula R., Rubiola E., Salzenstein P., Larger L., "Optical disk resonators with microwaves free spectral range for optoelectronic oscillatorsé", Proceeding of the XI International Conference For Young Researchers Wave Electronics and Its Applications in Information and Telecommunication Systems - Saint-Petersburg, Russie, 25-30 May (2008)
- Volyanskiy K., Chembo Y., Hmima A., Salzenstein P., Rubiola E., Larger L., "On phase noise in optoelectronic oscillator" Proceeding of the XI International Conference For Young Researchers Wave Electronics and Its Applications in Information and Telecommunication Systems - Saint-Petersburg, Russie, 25-30 May (2008)
- Tavernier H., Nguyen Thi Kim N., Féron P., Bendoula R., Salzenstein P., Rubiola E., Larger L. "Optical disk resonator with microwave free spectral range for optoelectronic oscillator" Proceeding of the 22nd European Time and Frequency Forum - Toulouse, France (2008) (PDF)
- Volyanski K., Cussey J., Tavernier H., Salzenstein P., Sauvage G., Larger L., Rubiola E. "Application of the optical fiber to generation and measurement of low phase noise microwaves" Proceeding of the 22nd European Frequency and Time Forum - Toulouse, France (2008) (PDF)
- Sthal F., Galliou S., Vacheret X., Salzenstein P., Brendel R., Rubiola E., Cibiel G. "analysis of noise origin in ultra stable resonators: Preliminary Results on Measurement bench" Proceeding of the 22nd European Frequency and Time Forum - Toulouse, France (2008) (PDF)
- Kuna A., Cermak J., Sojdr L., Salzenstein P., Lefebvre F. "Comparison of ultra-stable BVA OSCillators" Proceeding of the 22nd European Frequency and Time Forum - Toulouse, France, paper FPE-0014 (2008) (PDF sur le site de l'EFTF) (PDF)
- Cermak J., Kuna A., Sojdr L., Salzenstein P., «Short-Term Frequency Stability Measurement of BVA Oscillators», Proceedings of the IEEE Frequency Control Symposium & European Frequency and Time Forum, Geneva : Suisse, 1255-1260 (2007) (doi: 10.1109/FREQ.2007.4319278, ISBN: 978-1-4244-0647-0)
- Galliou S., Sthal F., Vacheret X., Brendel R., Salzenstein P., Rubiola E., Cibiel G., «A Program to Analyse the Origin of Noise in Ultra- Stable Quartz Crystal Resonators», Proceedings of the IEEE Frequency Control Symposium & European Frequency and Time Forum, Geneva : Suisse, 1176-1181 (2007) (doi: 10.1109/FREQ.2007.4319263, ISBN: 978-1-4244-0647-0) (PDF)
- Salzenstein P., Cussey J., Jouvenceau X., Tavernier H., Larger L., Rubiola E., Sauvage G., «Realization of a phase noise measurement bench using cross correlation and double optical delay line», ISCOM 2007 (International school & Conference on optics and optical materials) ISCOM 2007 Belgrade (Serbia) - Conference on optics and optical materials - 3-7 September 2007, (2007)
- Salzenstein P., Cermak J., Barillet R., Lefebvre F., Schaefer W., Cibiel G., Sauvage G., Franquet O., Llopis O., Meyer F., Franquet N., Kuna A., Sojdr L., Hejc G., «Spectral density of phase noise inter-laboratory comparison final results», 13th International Metrology Conference Proceedings of the 13th International Metrology Conference, (2007-06-21) (2007) (2007-06-21) PDF
- Salzenstein P., Jouvenceau X., Vacheret X., Martin G., Lardet-Vieudrin F., «Development of a 5 MHz frequency difference pre-multiplier for a short term frequency stability bench of the oscillators», Proceedings of the IEEE Frequency Control Symposium & European Frequency and Time Forum, Geneva : Suisse, 223-226 (2007) (doi: 10.1109/FREQ.2007.4319068, ISBN: 978-1-4244-0647-0)
- Sthal F., Vacheret X., Salzenstein P., Galliou S., Cibiel G., Rubiola E., «Advanced bridge instrument for the measurement of the phase noise and of the short-term frequency stability of ultra-stable quartz resonators», Proceedings of the IEEE Frequency Control Symposium & European Frequency and Time Forum, Geneva : Suisse, 254-260 (2007) (doi: 10.1109/FREQ.2007.4319076, ISBN: 978-1-4244-0647-0) (PDF)
- Salzenstein P., Lefebvre F., Barillet R., Cermak J., Schaefer W., Cibiel G., Sauvage G., Franquet O., Llopis O., Meyer F., Franquet N., Vacheret X., Kuna A., Šojdr L., Hejc G., Gribaldo S., «Phase noise inter-laboratory comparison preliminary results», Proceedings of the 20th European Frequency and Time Forum, Braunschweig, Deutschland,. 27-30 March 2006, (2006) © 2006 IEEE PDF
- Sthal F., Galliou S., Abbé P., Franquet N., Vacheret X., Salzenstein P., Rubiola E., Cibiel G., «Thermal characterization of crystal ovens used in phase noise measurement system», Proceedings of the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), 5-7 June 2006, Miami, Florida, USA, 736-739 (2006) DOI: 10.1109/FREQ.2006.275480 ©2006 IEEE
- Sthal F., Abbé P., Salzenstein P., Galliou S., «Thermal effects on frequency fluctuations in quartz oscillators», Proceedings of the 20th European Frequency and Time Forum, Braunschweig, Deutschland,. 27-30 March 2006, (2006) ©2006 IEEE
- Salzenstein P., Lardet-Vieudrin F., Vuillemin P., Martin G., Giordano V., «Development of a frequency difference multiplier and an isolation amplifier for short term frequency stability measurements of 5 and 10 MHz frequency sources», Proceedings of the 12th International Metrology Congress, Lyon, 20-23 june 2005, (2005). PDF
- Salzenstein P., Lardet-Vieudrin F., «Realization of a 5 and 10 MHz high performance isolation distribution amplifier for short term frequency stability measurements of frequency sources», Proceedings of the 19th European Frequency and Time Forum, Besançon, France. March 2005, (2005). PDF
- Salzenstein P., Meyer F., Tisserand E., Martin G., Petetin J., Franquet N., Lardet-Vieudrin F., Lavedrine O., Vincent M., «Time and frequency metrology accredited laboratories in Besançon», Proceedings of the 19th European Frequency and Time Forum, Besançon, France. March 2005, (2005). PDF
- Tavernier H., Poinsot S., Salzenstein P., Larger L., Rubiola E., Giordano V., «High purity RF optoelectronic delay oscillator», Proceedings of the VIII International Conference for Young Researchers, Wave Electronics and its Applications in Information and telecommunications Systems, St-Petersburg, Russia, 5-8 September 2005, (2005)
- Brendel R., Addouche M., Salzenstein P., Rubiola E., Shmaliy Y., "Drive Level Dependence in Quartz Crystal Resonators at Low Drive Levels: A Review", IEE Conf. Pub. 2004, 11, 11-18 (2004) DOI:10.1049/cp:20040809 ©2004 IET PDF
- Lardet-Vieudrin F., Salzenstein P., Vernier D., Gillet D., Chaubet M., Giordano V., «Design and realisation of a 100MHz synthesis chain from an X-band reference signal», Frequency control symposium and pda exhibition jointly with the 17th european frequency and time forum, 2003. proceedings of the 2003 ieee international, Tampa, USA, 5-8 may, 560 - 564 (2003). DOI: 10.1109/FREQ.2003.1275152 © 2003 IEEE PDF
- Saaloui J., Salzenstein P., Lardet-Vieudrin F., Galliou S., Vernotte F., Giordano V., «Inter-laboratory time and frequency transfer by optical fiber», Proceedings of the VI International Conference for Young Researchers, Wave Electronics and its Applications in Information and telecommunications Systems, St-Petersburg, Russia, 7-11 september 2003, A2, 5-8, (2003). PDF
- Arlot F., Lyoubi A., Nallatamby J.-C., Giordano V., Salzenstein P., Prigent M.,"A GaInP/GaAs HBT-based low phase noise oscillator in X band for metrology application" , European Microwave Conference, 2002. 32nd, Milano, Oct. 2002, 1-4 (2002). DOI: 10.1109/EUMA.2002.339333 ©2002 IEEE
- Salzenstein P., Barhaila R., Gruson Y., Kersalé Y., Giordano V., «High spectral purity 26 GHz oscillator based on a SiO2 Whispering Gallery Mode Resonator», Proceedings of the 16th European Frequency and Time Forum, St-Petersburg, Russia, 12-14 march 2002, C036-C039 (2002). PDF
Delage S., Cassette S., Henkel A., Salzenstein P., «Process for fabricating a stabilized bipolar transistor with electric insulating elements», European Patent, 25.08.2010 0881690B1, 2010, (PDF) © THALES - renouvellement/prolongation de brevet THOMSON-CSF