- Diploma and degree :
1987-1990: Special school mathematics, physics and chemistry (Math Sup et Math Spé) at the Lycée Technique d'Etat Raspail (Paris XIVeme)
1993: Engineering diploma from Ecole Universitaire d'Ingénieurs de Lille, school of Sciences of Materials for Microelectronics (Villeneuve d'Ascq, northen France)
1996: PhD in Electronics at the University of Lille
- Experience before CNRS :
Summer 1988 : Employee at IBM France, Tour Descartes, Paris La Défense, France
Aug. - Sept. 1990 : Employee at Carrefour, Rambouillet, France.
Apr. - June 1993: Engineering internship on protective coatings for encapsulating mounted electronic components at THOMSON-CSF Communication, Marcq-en-Baroeul, France.
Oct. 1993-Jan. 1996: PhD student at IEMN, Villeneuve d'Ascq. "Technology of heterostructure devices for satellite detection systems at millimeter wavelengths".
Feb.1996-Dec.1997: Military service as scientist then Research engineer at the central research laboratories of THOMSON-CSF, Orsay (near Paris). Fabrication of Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors. Patents (FR2764118 1997-05-03, EP0881690 1998-12-04, JP11074286 1999-10-16, US6031255 2000-02-29, US2002031892 2002-03-14, EP0881690B1 2010-08-25)
March-Sept.1998: Microwave engineer at ALCATEL ALSTHOM Research Labs. (AAR), Marcoussis (near Paris). Design of microwaves circuits for optoelectronics. Fabrication of Laser-Modulators.
Nov. 1998-Jan. 2001: Engineer at the LCIE (Electrical industries central laboratory), Fontenay-aux-Roses (near Paris). Manager of a service for high-frequency and time&frequency calibrations. Head for high-frequency-COFRAC-center n°2.41 from july 2000 to january 2001.
- Position since 2001 :
CNRS research engineer since february 2001. Between 2002 and Jan. 2012 : head of LNE-FEMTO-ST, associated laboratory to LNE (Laboratoire National de métrologie et d'Essais) & LNE-LTFB Deputy director (March 2008-December 2011) - joint laboratory between Femto-st and Observatoire de Besançon. Working on Optoelectronics oscillators, resonators and their applications between 2007 and 2017, now interested in Brillouin light scattering.