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Du, K., Domas, S., Lenczner, M. Actors with stretchable access patterns. Integration, the VLSI Journal. Volume 66, Pages 44-59,
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Homam Issa, Egon Ostrosi, Michel Lenczner, Rabie Habib; Fuzzy holons for intelligent multi-scale design in cloud-based design for configurations. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. Volume 28, Issue 5, pp 1219–1247, 2017.
Lenczner, M., Yang, B., Bontempi, A., Teyssieux, D., Cogan, S., Janus, P., Köhler B., Ratier, N. A SThM probe optimization and its time-space multi-scale modeling. Mechatronics Volume 40, December 2016, Pages 251–263 (2016).
F. Vernotte, M. Lenczner, P.-Y. Bourgeois, E. Rubiola. The Parabolic variance (PVAR), a wavelet variance based on least-square fit. arXiv:1506.00687v1 (2015), IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control. Volume: 63, Issue: 4, 2016. PDF
E. Rubiola, M. Lenczner, P.-Y. Bourgeois, F. Vernotte. The Omega counter, a frequency counter based on the Linear Regression. arXiv:1506.05009 (2015). IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control. Volume: 63, Issue: 7, 2016. PDF
Nguyen, T. T., Lenczner, M., & Brassart, M. Homogenization of the one-dimensional wave equation. In Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications-ENUMATH 2013 (pp. 377-385). Springer International Publishing (2015). PDF
H. Issa, E. Ostrosi, M. Lenczner, R. Habib. Fuzzy holons for intelligent multi-scale design in cloud-based design for configurations. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. DOI 10.1007/s10845-015-1119-4, (2015).
W. Belkhir, A. Giorgetti, M. Lenczner, Rewriting and Symbolic Transformations for Multiscale Methods. Journal of Symbolic Computation, vol. 65, pp. 49–78 (2014) and arXiv:1311.0904. PDF
T.T. Nguyen, M. Lenczner, M. Brassart, Homogenization of the spectral equation in one-dimension, arXiv:1310.4064 (2013). International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, vol 12, 5, pp.423-450, (2014). PDF
Y. Yakoubi, M. Lenczner, N. Ratier, Semi-Decentralized Approximation of Optimal Control of Distributed Systems Based on a Functional Calculus, arXiv:1310.7100 (2013). Volume 36, Issue 4, Pages 422–446 (2015). PDF
G. Goavec-Merou, N., J-M. Friedt, P. Sandoz, G. Martin, M. Lenczner, and S. Ballandras, Fast contactless vibrating structure characterization using real time FPGA-based digital signal processing: demonstrations with a passive wireless acoustic delay line probe and vision, Review of Scientific Instruments 85, 015109 (2014). PDF
T.T. Nguyen, M. Lenczner, M. Brassart, Homogenization of the one-dimensional wave equation, arXiv:1312.0654, 2013 PDF
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M. Lenczner, G. Montseny, Y. Yakoubi, Diffusive Realizations for Solutions of Some Operator Equations : the One-Dimensional Case. Mathematics of Computation, vol. 81, n° 277, pp. 319–344, 2012. PDF
W. Belkhir, A. Giorgetti, M. Lenczner, Rewriting and Symbolic Transformations for Multiscale Methods. arXiv: 1101.3218 (2011). PDF
Lenczner M., Ratier N., Pillet E., Cogan S., Hui H. and Yakoubi Y. Modelling, Identification and Control of a Micro-cantilever Array, Book chapter in NanoSystems & Systems on Chips, Modeling, Control and Estimation, Edited by Alina Voda, John Wiley & Sons. PDF
M. Brassart, M. Lenczner, A two-scale model for the periodic homogenization of the wave equation, J. Math. Pures Appl. 93 (2010) 474–517. PDF
M. Lenczner, G. Montseny, Y. Yakoubi, Diffusive Realizations for Solutions of Some Operator Equations : the One-Dimensional Case. Math. Comp. 81 (2012), 319-344. PDF
M. Lenczner, Y. Yakoubi, Semi-decentralized Approximation of Optimal Control for Partial Differential Equations in Bounded Domains. Comptes Rendus Mécanique, vol. 337, Issue 4, pp. 245-250, (2009). PDF
M. Lenczner, S. Cogan, E. Pillet, H. Hui, A Multiscale Model of Cantilever Arrays and its Updating. Sensors & Transducers Journal, Vol.7, Oct. 2009, pp. 125-135. PDF
M. Brassart, M. Lenczner, A two-scale model for the wave equation with oscillating coefficients and data. Comptes Rendus Mathématiques, vol. 347, n° 23-24, pp. 1439-1442, 2009. PDF
M. Lenczner, A Multiscale Model for Atomic Force Microscope Array Mechanical behavior, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 90, pp. 091908, (2007). PDF
M. Lenczner, R.C. Smith, A two-scale model for an array of AFM’s cantilever in the static case, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, vol. 46, n° 5-6 , pp. 776-805, (2007). PDF
M. Lenczner, and C. Prieur, Asymptotic model of an active mirror, Int. J. of Tomography Statistics, vol. 5, pp. 68-72, 2007.
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Lenczner M., Montseny G., Diffusive realization of operator solutions of certain operational partial differential equations, C. R. Mathematique de l’Acad. des Sci., vol. 341, n°12, pp. 737-740, (2005). PDF
Lenczner M., Mercier D., Homogenization of periodic electrical network including voltage to current amplifiers, SIAM Journal of Multiscale Modelling and Simulation, vol. 2, n°3, pp. 359 –397, (2004). PDF
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Lenczner M. et G. Senouci, Modelling of a thin piezoelectric shell coupled with a distributed electronic circuit by distributed piezoelectric transducers, Partial Differential Equations on Multistructures, Luminy, 19-23 Avril 1999. Edited by F. Ali Mehmeti, J. von Below et S. Nicaise, Lecture notes in pure and applied mathematics, vol. 219, pp. 227-248 (2001).
Mahamane K., Lenczner M. et Mrcarica Z. Approximation d'un contrôle optimal distribue par un circuit electronique reparti : Application au contrôle de vibrations. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Serie II b, t. 328, n° 7, p. 547-553, (2000). PDF
Canon E. et Lenczner M. Modelling of thin elastic plates with small piezoelectric inclusions and distributed electronic circuits. Models for inclusions that are small with respect to the thickness of the plate. Journal of Elasticity n°55, p. 111-141 (1999). PDF
Lenczner M. et Senouci‑Bereksi G. Homogenization of electrical network including voltage to voltage amplifiers. Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, Vol. 9, n° 6, pp 899-932, (1999). PDF
Lenczner M. Microsystèmes actifs distribues, Chapitre IX de l’ouvrage collectif « ARAGO 21 : Microsystèmes », Ed. Observatoire Français des Techniques Avancees, (1999).
Canon E. et Lenczner M. Modelling of thin elastic plates with small piezoelectric inclusions and distributed electronic circuits. Models for inclusions that are small with respect to the thickness of the plate. Journal of Elasticity n°55, p. 111-141 (1999). PDF
Canon E. et Lenczner M. Deux modèles de plaques minces avec inclusions piezoelectriques et circuits electroniques distribues, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris Serie II b, t. 326, pp 793-798, (1998). PDF
Mahamane K. et Lenczner M. Parametrisation de stabilisateurs H‑infini sous optimaux. Application à l’equation des ondes, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Serie I, t. 327, pp 179-183, (1998). PDF
Lenczner M. Homogeneisation d'un circuit electrique. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Serie II b, t. 324, n° 9, pp. 537-542, (1997). PDF
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Canon E. et Lenczner M. Models of elastic plates with piezoelectric inclusions, Part 1 Models without homogenization, Mathernatical and Computer Modeling, vol. 26, 5, pp. 79‑106, (1997). PDF
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Lenczner M. Modelling and optimization of a plate including a distribution of piezoelectric transducers and an electronic network. Journal of Structural Control, vol. 3, n° 1‑2, pp. 53‑77, (1996).
Benabdallah A. et Lenczner M. Une methode d'estimation du taux de decroissance pour des problèmes de stabilisation, application au contrôle optimal de l'equation des ondes par un contrôle de Dirichlet. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 321, Serie I, pp. 875‑878, (1995).
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Lenczner M. Une Methode de calcul du coefficient de singularite pour la solution du problème de Laplace dans un domaine dièdral, Modelisation Math. Anal. Numer., n° 4, pp 395‑420, (1993).
Lenczner M., Caracterisation des fonctions singulières duales, et calcul du coefficient de singularite de la solution de l'equation de Laplace 3-D dans un domaine fissure. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 314, Serie I, pp. 265-270, (1992).