Citations sur ResearchGate
Citations sur Google Scholar
Category article
Enabling Health Monitoring Approach Based on Vibration Data for Accurate Prognostics
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (Volume 62, Issue (1), jan 2015, Pages :647 - 656)
Javed, Kamran | Gouriveau, Rafael | Zerhouni, Noureddine | Nectoux, Patrick
E2GKpro: An evidential evolving multi-modeling approach for system behavior prediction with applications
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (MSSP) (Volume 37, apr 2013, Pages :213 - 218)
Serir, Lisa | Ramasso, Emmanuel | Nectoux, Patrick | Zerhouni, Noureddine
Feature Evaluation for Effective Bearing Prognostics
Quality and Reliability Engineering International (Volume 29, Issue (4), jun 2012, Pages :477 - 486)
Camci, Fatih | Medjaher, Kamal | Zerhouni, Noureddine | Nectoux, Patrick
Category inproceedings
A feature extraction procedure based on trigonometric functions and cumulative descriptors to enhance prognostics modeling.
IEEE International Conference on Prognostics and Health Management, PHM'2013. (2013, Pages pages 1-7)
Javed, Kamran | Gouriveau, Rafael | Zerhouni, Noureddine | Nectoux, Patrick
PRONOSTIA : An experimental platform for bearings accelerated degradation tests
Conference on Prognostics and Health Management. / Denver, Colorado, États-Unis (Publisher : IEEE, Volume sur CD ROM, 2012, Pages pages 1-8)
Nectoux, Patrick | Gouriveau, Rafael | Medjaher, Kamal | Ramasso, Emmanuel | Morello, Brigitte | Zerhouni, Noureddine | Varnier, Christophe
Evidential Evolving Gustafson-Kessel Algorithm (E2GK) and its application to PRONOSTIA's Data Streams Partitioning.
Conference on Decision and Control and European Control. / Orlando, Floride, {\'E}tats-Unis (Volume sur CD ROM, 2011, Pages pages 8273-8278)
Serir, Lisa | Ramasso, Emmanuel | Nectoux, Patrick | Bauer, Olivier | Zerhouni, Noureddine