Main thematics
My research interest is in micro/nano-fabrication, fluidics and optics and in the different ways they may play together. I generally pursue projects in MEMS and more precisely in microfluidics, MOEMS, photonics...
I work within the BioMicroDevices team at the MN2S department of FEMTO-ST Institute and particularly with the clean-room facility of MIMENTO.
The different topics I'm pursuing can be split along:
Diphasic micro-fluidics
droplet/bubble generation, surface tension sensor...
vibration/acceleration sensor, optical switch with moving waveguides, tunable photonic crystals...
refractive microlenses fabrication, microlenses metrology, micro-mirror for optical switch...
Micro/Nano-fabrication technology
one step etch and release DRIE process, nano-patterning techniques, thickness measurement sensor, tissue scaffold microfabrication...
Research students
The main supporters of my research results have been the students that I advised on their thesis work
PhD students (Country, Year started - Year defense)
- Développement d'un dispositif microfluidique instrumenté pour étudier et optimiser les interactions entre les nanoparticules et les protéines du sang (Development of microfluidic instrumented device to study and optimize interactions between nanoparticles and blood's proteins), Aurora ESPADAS (France 11/2023 - 10/2026) (in collaboration with T. LEBLOIS, L. MAURIZI in Dijon)
- Étude de l'interaction acoustique dans des émulsions et des mousses pour un capteur biomédical (Acousto-fluidics in water emulsion and foam for detection of bio-analytes), Marc PRUDHOMME (France 11/2020 - 03/2024) (in collaboration with M. ADDOUCHE)
- Dispositifs microfluidiques pour l’injection de fluides à travers un réseau de gouttes. Application biocapteur. (Microfluidic chips for fluid injection through a droplet network. Biosensor application), Charles-Louis AZZOPARDI (France, 10/2014 - 06/2018) (in collaboration with J.-F. MANCEAU, W. BOIREAU)
- Resonances locales des cristaux phononiques pour biocapteur (Phononic crystal local resonance for biosesnor), Mohd farhanulhakim MOHD RAZIP WEE (France/Malaisie, 10/2014 - 09/2017) (main supervisor A. KHELIF)
- Microfluidique Diphasique Accordable (Tunable diphasic microfluidics), Nathalie TARCHICHI (France, 03/2010 - 04/2013) (in collaboration with J.-F. MANCEAU)
- Investigation into Periodic Sub-wavelength Structure Fabrication and their Applications, Sidharthan RAGHURAMAN (Singapore, 08/2007 - 10/2012) (in collaboration with Murukeshan V.)
- Shape Memory Alloy for optical MEMS application, WU Mingjie (Singapore, 07/2002 - 09/2009) (in collaboration with HUANG Weimin)
- CMOS technology for optical MEMS devices with integrated photodetector for sensor application, ZHOU YingHui (Singapore, 11/2001 - ended 11/2002)
- Design and Fundamental Technologies for a Self-latching MEMS optical switch with moving polymer waveguide, LIU HaoBing (Singapore, 09/2001 - 07/2007)
- Développement d'un dispositif microfluidique instrumenté pour étudier et optimiser les interactions entre les nanoparticules et les protéines du sang (Development of microfluidic instrumented device to study and optimize interactions between nanoparticles and blood's proteins), Aurora ESPADAS (France 11/2023 - 10/2026) (in collaboration with T. LEBLOIS, L. MAURIZI in Dijon)
- MEng students (Year started - Year defense)
- Micro/Nano process combination for tunable nanophotonics, Borriboon THUBTHIMTHONG (Singapore, 10-2007 - 01-2011) (in collaboration with Murukeshan V.)
- Polymer optical MEMS (POEMS) for free-space optics, Mohammed ASHRAF (Singapore, 12-2004 - 10-2007) (in collaboration with YANG Chun, Charles
For describing a bit more what I'm trying to do, here is a list of the funded projects where I've been actively involved in :
- Research grant (Country, Type of grant, Involvment, Start date - End date, Amount)
- Nanophotonics improving substrates (NIS) for molecular imaging in cells (NIS) (France, ANR, co-PI, 10/2021 - 09/2025 €55600) (in collaboration with Fresnel Institute and IRIM, total €400148)
- Bio-analyte sensor using acousto-fluidic in water emulsion and foam (BIAcoustic) (France, EUR EIPHI/BFC Region, PI, 10/2020 - 06/2024, €158400)
- Plateforme Acousto-FLuidique intégréE pour CApteur BiOmédical (PAFLeCaBo) (France, LabeX ACTION, PI, 01/2018-12/2018, €26667)
- Nouvelles filières technologiques pour la micro-nano-optique et la micro-nano-acoustique (France, Region F-C, PI, 07/2015 - 05/2017, €96556) (in collaboration with MIMENTO staff)
- Bistable cell technology (Bisceltech) (France, FUI 20.0, co-PI, 10/2016-10/2019, €180000) (in collaboration with L. Hirsinger, P. Lemoal, G. Bourbon and external partners Eurobraille and Paris-Sorbonne)
- Phononics for microfluidic systems (France, LabEx ACTION, PI, 01/2015 - 12/2016, €26000)
- Plateforme micro-acousto-fluidique (Micro-acousto-fluidics platform) (France, BQR, PI, 01/2013 - 12/2014, €7200)
- Plateforme Régionale de Micro et Nano-fabrication (France, UFC Projet d'Envergure, PI, 2013 - 2016, €200000) (in collaboration with MIMENTO staff)
- Sub micrometric bubbles for photonic crystal (France, BQR, PI, 01/2010 - 12/2011, €8000)
- Evanescent wave Biosensor using Photonic Crystal Fiber (PCF) (Singapore, SEP, PI, 02/07 - 01/09, S$81.955)
- Etching of Functional Structures on ZnGeP2 (ZGP) (Singapore, DSO JPP, PI, 12/06 - 12/07, S$50.000)
- Development of Interference Lithography System for Nano-Fabrication and Application (Singapore, AcRF, PI, 11/06 - 10/09, S$183.983)
Gratings in photoresist with IL - Development of 2D tunable photonic crystal for sensing and optical telecommunications (Singapore, A*STAR SERC Grant, PI, 09/05 - 08/08, S$766.940)
- Nanoparticle based nanofabrication (Singapore, NanoCluster Seed Fund, PI, 05/05 - 04/06, S$20.000)
- CMP for Polymeric Materials for MEMS Applications (Singapore, SimTech CRP, Collaborator, 12/04 - 12/06, S$800.000)
- Polymer optical MEMS (POEMS) (Singapore, AcRF, PI, 11/02 - 07/07, S$131.245)
- Processing and characterization of shape memory alloy thin films for micro-grippers with multi-degree-of-freedom and other applications (Singapore, AcRF, co-PI, 10/00 - 04/04, S$427.511)
- Development of micro-machined optical bench technology based on photo-polymer (Singapore, SDS, PI, 04/00 - 04/01, S$10.045)
- Development of evanescent wave MEMS optical switch (Japan, JSPS, PI, 03/95 - 03/97)
- Development of tunable filter on lithium niobate for telecommunication (France, France Telecom, PI, 02/92 - 02/95)