Paper publication is an important way to share the results of research and should be open and free for the benefit of mankind. Unfortunately, it has moved from an essentially disinterested task by learned societies to a business by profit seeking organizations restricting severely access to the vast majority of people.
A partial answer to this problem is brought up by open access journals that at least guaranty free access to the scientific literature, but many of them are financially motivated and publishing charges may be very high. Actually, the model has recently shown its limit with the emergence of predatory editors, fueled by the open archive movement in public institution, seeking your grant money more than trying to help improve your research output... An interesting option is brought by the Diamond OA journals, providing free access for both authors and readers (with institutional funding), but they are still not indexed in a satisfactory manner.
The possibility to give direct access to the papers on our own website is an alternative approach that is authorized by a growing number of "classical" journals (you may identify them using the RoMEO database), even if it is not a perfect long term solution. This last issue is addressed by using open archive like HAL or arXiv.
Accordingly, I'll recommend to publish only in diamond open access journals or in journals allowing self-archiving on open archive or at least on personal website of the peer-reviewed version (even if it is not in the journal format).
If you want more details about my research publications with abstracts and some citation statistics you can check GoogleScholar, ResearchGate, Web of Sciences (Clarivate) or Scopus (Elsevier).
I'm the editor and main author of an open book about MEMS in general that can be used as an introduction to the topic, with some subjects treated in more depth for Master level students. The book receives a new edition every year and half roughly, and is aptly called, A (not so) short introduction to MEMS. Enjoy.
My 'most requested' papers can be directly accessed online by following the link in the list below in pre-proof format. For the other papers please ask me, I have them in soft-copy too...
- M. Prudhomme, C. Lakhdar, J. Fattaccioli, M. Addouche, F. Chollet, "Functionalization of microbubbles in a microfluidic chip for biosensing application". Biomedical Microdevices 26, 39 (2024). - editor version (view only), pre-proof version
- M. Prudhomme, M. Addouche, J. Fattaccioli, F. Chollet, “Acoustic sensing of bioanalytes with functionalized microbubbles”, The 27th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (µTAS 2023), 15-19/10/2023, M089.c, Katowice, Poland, 2023
- M. Hamidullah, F. Chollet, T. Leblois “Integration of GaAs-based lateral field excitation (LFE) sensor with PDMS microfluidic channel: simulation and experimental validation”, The 27th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (µTAS 2023), 15-19/10/2023, W135.e, Katowice, Poland, 2023
- A. Oseev, F. Chollet, T. Lecompte, T. Leblois, “Multiplexed biosensor using quartz-on-silicon microacoustic (QSIM) technology for in-vitro label-free investigation of hemostasis”, The 27th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (µTAS 2023), 15-19/10/2023, T176.f, Katowice, Poland, 2023
- A. Figarol, R. Mosbah, M. Hamidullah, L. Durand, M. Pouit, S. Chamouton, F. Chollet, T. Leblois, V. Humblot, "A vascularized glioblastoma multiforme within a 3D perfused microphysiological system: combining a self-organized microvasculature and a central venule in a hydrogel", MPS World Summit 2023 microphysiological systems society (MPSS) ( MPS World Summit 2023), Berlin, Germany, jun 2023
- M. Prudhomme, M. Addouche, F. Chollet, “Interaction of acoustic waves and shelled microbubbles for sensing application”, ETOPIM12: 12th International Conference on Elastic, Electrical, Transport, and Optical Properties of Inhomogeneous Media, 4-8 July 2022, Besançon, France, (2022) : 57-58
- A. Oseev, T. Lecompte, F. Remy-Martin, C. Élie-Caille, G. Mourey, E. de Maistre, A. Rouleau, F. Chollet, J.-F. Manceau, W. Boireau et T. Leblois, « Microacoustic biosensor for label-free assessment of von Willebrand factor function in primary haemostasis”, Biosensors 2021, on line, electronic conference, July (2021)
- A. Oseev, N. Mukhin, F. Remy-Martin, C. Elie-Caille, T. Lecompte, G. Mourey, A. Rouleau, O. Bourgeois, B. Le Roy de Boiseaumarié, E. de Maistre, R. Lucklum, W. Boireau, F. Chollet, J.-F. Manceau, T. Leblois "Assessment of primary hemostasis with an acoustic biosensor using shear dependent kinetics behavior: principle and limitations", 65th Annual Meeting of the Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis Research, 22.-26.02.2021, Hamostaseologie 2021; 41(S 01): S16-S17, DOI: 10.1055/s-0041-1728109 (2021)
- A. Oseev, T. Lecompte, F. Remy-Martin, G. Mourey, F. Chollet, B. Le Roy de Boiseaumarie, A. Rouleau, O. Bourgeois, E. De Maistre, C. Elie-Caille, J.-F. Manceau, W. Boireau and T. Leblois, "Assessment of shear-dependent kinetics of primary haemostasis with a microfluidic acoustic biosensor." IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, DOI:10.1109/TBME.2020.3031542 (2021)
- A. Oseev, N. Mukhin, C. Elie-Caille, W. Boireau, R. Lucklum, T. Lecompte, F. Remy-Martin, J.-F. Manceau, F. Chollet, and T. Leblois. "Topology Challenge for the Assessment of Living Cell Deposits with Shear Bulk Acoustic Biosensor." Nanomaterials, DOI:10.3390/nano10102079, Vol. 10, no. 10 (2020): 2079 - open access paper
- C.-L. Azzopardi, F. Chollet, J.-F. Manceau, W. Boireau “Analyte capture in an array of functionalized droplets for a regenerable biosensor”, 23rd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (µTAS), 27 - 31 October 2019, Basel, Switzerland (2019) - free access proceeding (with CBMS copyright)
- C.-L. Azzopardi, F. Chollet, J.-F. Manceau, W. Boireau “Analyte capture in an array of functionalized droplets for a regenerable biosensor”, Biomicrofluidics, doi:10.1063/1.5115494, Vol. 13 (2019) : 054105 - pre proof PDF
- N. Laforge, V. Laude, F. Chollet, A. Khelif, M. Kadic “Observation of topological gravity-capillary waves in a water wave crystal”, New Journal of Physics, doi: 10.1088/1367-2630/ab376a, Vol. 21 (2019) : 083031 - open access paper
- Azzopardi, C.-L.; Lacour, V.; Manceau, J.-F.; Barthès, M.; Bonnet, D.; Chollet, F.; Leblois, T. “A Fluidic Interface with High Flow Uniformity for Reusable Large Area Resonant Biosensors”, Micromachines, doi: 10.3390/mi8100308, Vol. 8, No. 10 (2017) : 308 -- open access paper
- Azzopardi C.-L., Leblois T., Barthès M., Manceau J.-F., Chollet F., “Homogénéisation de l’écoulement dans une cellule de Hele-Shaw et caractérisation par μPIV en champ large”, 23e Congrès Français de Mécanique, hdl: 2042/63192, 28 aug.-1 sept. 2017, Lille, France (2017) -- open access proceeeding
- Azzopardi C.-L., Chollet F., Tarchichi N., Manceau J.-F., ” Integration of electrodes with diphasic microfluidics for capacitance tuning”, Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS (DTIP), doi: 10.1109/DTIP.2017.7984466, 29 May-1 June 2017, Bordeaux, France (2017) : 60-63
- Razip Wee, M. F. M.; Addouche, M.; Siow, K. S.; Zain, A. R. M.; Elayouch, A.; Chollet, F. & Khelif, "A.
Guiding and confinement of interface acoustic waves in solid-fluid pillar-based phononic crystals",
AIP Advances, doi:10.1063/1.4968609, Vol. 6, (2016) : 121703 - Chollet F., “Devices Based on Co-Integrated MEMS Actuators and Optical Waveguide: A Review”, Micromachines, doi:10.3390/mi7020018, Vol. 7, No. 2 (2016) : 18 (33 pp.) -- open access paper
- Chollet F., “In-situ optical monitoring of single-crystal silicon membrane etching”, Microsystem Technologies, doi:10.1007/s00542-014-2282-9, Vol. 21, No. 6 (2015) : 1287-1292 -- Pre Proof PDF
- Tarchichi N., Chollet F., Manceau J.-F., “Oil-in-water droplets generation in dripping regime with channel partial wetting”, Micro and Nanosystems, doi:10.2174/187640290603150112122537, Vol. 6, No. 3 (2014) : 145-155 -- Pre Proof PDF
- Tarchichi N., Chollet F., Manceau J.-F., "New regime of droplet generation in a T-shape microfluidic junction", Journal of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, doi:10.1007/s10404-012-1021-8, Vol. 14, No. 1 (2013) : 45-51 -- Pre proof PDF
- Tarchichi N., Chollet F., Manceau J.-F., "Dispersed phase velocity controlled regime of micro-droplets generation in T-junction", 3rd European conference on Microfluidics, (Microfluidics 2012), 3-5 December 2012, Heidelberg, Germany (2012)
- Wasiq M.F., Nadeem M.Y. Chollet F., "Substrate temperature effect on optical constants of Gd2O3 thin films", Key Engineering Materials, doi:10.4028/, Vol. 442 (2010) : 96-101
- Chollet F., Ashraf M., "Simultaneous measurement of focal length and index of refraction of a microlens using a compound microscope", Journal of Micromech. and Microeng., doi:10.1088/0960-1317/19/10/105004, Vol. 19, (2009) : 105004 (8pp)
- Ashraf M., Chollet F., Murukeshan VM., Yang C., "Fabrication of polymer-based reflowed microlenses on optical fibre with control of focal length using differential coating technique", Sadhana, doi:10.1007/s12046-009-0038-5, Vol. 34, No. 4, (2009) : 607-613
- Chollet F., Liu HB., Ashraf M, Thubthimthong B, Zhang XM., Hegde G., Asundi A., Murukeshan VM., Liu AQ., "Of light, of MEMS: Optical MEMS in telecommunications and beyond", Sadhana, doi:10.1007/s12046-009-0037-6, Vol. 34, No. 4, (2009) : 599-606
- Liu HB., Chollet F., "Moving Polymer Waveguides and Latching Actuator for 2X2 MEMS Optical Switch", IEEE/ASME Journal of MEMS, doi:10.1109/JMEMS.2009.2017073, Vol. 18, Iss. 3, (2009) : 715-724
- Xu T., Miao JM., Ashraf M., Lin N., Chollet F., "Synthesis of regular nano-pitched carbon nanotube array by using nanosphere lithography for interconnect applications", Materials Letters, doi:10.1016/j.matlet.2009.01.048, Vol. 63, No. 11, (2009) : 867-869
- Sidhartan R., Chollet F., Murukeshan VM., "Periodic patterning using multi-facet prism based laser interference lithography", Laser Physics, doi:10.1134/S1054660X09030256, Vol. 19, No. 3, (2009) : 505-510
- Wu MJ., Huang WM., Fu YQ., Chollet F., Hu YY., Cai MD., "Reversible surface morphology in shape-memory alloy thin films", Journal of Applied Physics, doi:10.1063/1.3075773, Vol. 105, No. 3, (2009)
- Ashraf M., Gupta C., Chollet F., Springham V., "Geometrical characterization techniques for microlens made by thermal reflow of photoresist cylinder", Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol. 46, Iss. 10, (2008) : 711-720
- Ashraf M., Teh ZY., Chollet F., "Optimization and comparative study of positive and negative tone electron beam resists for nano-patterning applications", nanoMan2008, July 2008, Singapore (2008)
- Ashraf M., Koh HW., Chollet F., "Study of experimental parameters for nanosphere-based lithography for nano-patterning", ThinFilms2008, July 2008, Singapore (2008)
- Thubthimthong B., Chan PM., Chollet F., "Development of fabrication process for PDMS patterning for PDMS-hybrid microstructures", ThinFilms2008, July 2008, Singapore (2008)
- Chollet F., Ashraf M., "A simple technique to measure focal length and refractive index of microlens using a conventional compound microscope", APCOT 2008, June 2008, Tainan, Taiwan (2008)
- Ho Lai-Fun, Chollet F., "Standardized bio-opto-fluidic chip technology using channel only process", Microelectronics Engineering, doi:10.1016/j.mee.2008.01.102, Vol. 85, No. 5-6, (2008) : 1306-1310
- Thubthimthong B., Chollet F., "Design and simulation of a 1D tunable photonic band gap filter", Microelectronics Engineering, doi:10.1016/j.mee.2008.01.09, Vol. 85, No. 5-6, (2008) : 1421-1424
- Chaudhuri B. Paul, Thubtimthong B., Chollet F., "Development of fabrication process and electrostatic actuator for a mechanically tunable 2-D photonic crystal", Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 31 (online at (2007) : 179-181
- Chollet F., "Of Light, Of MEMS: optical MEMS in telecommunication and beyond", IUMRS-ICAM 2007, 7-13 October 2007, Hotel Grand Ashok, Bangalore, India (2007) - invited
- Ashraf M., Chollet F., Murukeshan M., Yang C., "Fabrication of polymer-based-reflowed microlenses on optical fiber with control of focal length using differential coating technique", IUMRS-ICAM 2007, 7-13 October 2007, Hotel Grand Ashok, Bangalore, India (2007)
- Xu Ting, Ashraf Mohammed, Dixit Pradeep, Chollet F., Miao Jianmin, "Vertically aligned carbon nanotubes grown on nanospots formed by nanosphere lithography for advanced interconnect applications", International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT), July 2007, Singapore (2007)
- Wang Cheng, Chollet F., "Effect of Dose and Pitch On Size of E-Beam Patterned Nano-Dots", International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT), July 2007, Singapore (2007)
- Chaudhuri B. Paul, Thubtimthong B., Chollet F., "Development of fabrication process and electrostatic actuator for a mechanically tunable 2-D photonic crystal", International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT), July 2007, Singapore (2007)
- Ashraf M., Gupta C., Chollet F., Springham V., "Geometrical characterization of refractive microlens made by thermal reflow of photoresist cylinder", International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) , July 2007, Singapore (2007)
- Ashraf M., Chollet F., "Simultaneous fabrication of concave and convex microlenses using thermal reflow", International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) , July 2007, Singapore (2007)
- Liu HB., Chollet F., "Characterization of Latching 2X2 Optical Switch with Movable Polymer Waveguide", Transducer's 07, Lyon, France (2007)
- Ashraf M., Sreenath A., Chollet F., "Low-cost mould for nano-imprinting uses monolayer of self-organized nanospheres", SPIE Newsroom (2007)
- Ng Gary, Wang Cheng, Chollet F., "Evaluation of Chemical Mechanical Polishing for Fabrication of Tunable Photonic Crystals", 34th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2007), April 23-27, 2007, San Diego, California, USA (2007)
- Nguyen N.T., Lassemono S., Chollet F., Yang Chun, Charles, "Interfacial Tension Measurement with an Optofluidic Sensor", IEEE Sensors, Vol. 7, No.5 (2007) : 692-697
- Ashraf M., Sreenath A., Chollet F., "Fabrication of inexpensive metallic mould for nanoimprinting using colloidal monolayer as a nanomask", SPIE Micro- and Nanotechnology: Materials, Processes, Packaging, and Systems III, Dec 11-14, Adelaïde, Australia (2006)
- Leo CS., Chollet F., "Maskless lithography using off-the-shelf inkjet printer", SPIE Micro- and Nanotechnology: Materials, Processes, Packaging, and Systems III, Dec 10-13, Adelaïde, Australia (2006)
- Nguyen N.T., Sumantri Lassemono, Franck Chollet, Yang Chun, Charles, Microfluidic Sensor for Interfacial Tension Measurement, Patent, United States 60/662,811 18.03.2005 WO/2006/098700 (application 2005)
- Nguyen N.T., Lassemono S., Chollet F., Yang Chun, Charles, "A microfluidic sensor for dynamic surface tension measurement", IEE Proceedings - Nanobiotechnology, vol. 153 (2006) : 102-106
- Nguyen N.T., Lassemono S., Chollet F., "Optical Detection for Droplet Size Control in Microfluidic Droplet-Based Analysis Systems", Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, vol. 117, no. 2 (2006) : 431-436
- Goh YN., Ashraf M., Chollet F., "Design, fabrication and characterization of copper micro mould for microlens array using electroplating", Asia Pacific Conference on Transducers, Nano Micro Technology (APCOT), 26-28 June 2006 (2006) : 182
- Liu H., Chollet F., "Design and fabrication of latching micro-opto-mechanical 2x2 switch with movable polymer waveguide", Asia Pacific Conference on Transducers, Nano Micro Technology (APCOT), 26-28 June 2006 (2006) : 109
- Liu H., Chollet F. , "Layout Controlled One-Step Dry Etch and Release of MEMS Using Deep RIE on SOI Wafer", IEEE/ASME Journal of MEMS, vol. 15, no. 3 (2006) : 541- 547
- Wu MJ., Huang WM., Chollet F., "In situ characterization of NiTi based shape memory thin films by optical measurement", Smart Mater. Struct., vol. 15, no. 2 (2006) : N29-N35
- Liu H., Chollet F., "Micro Fork Hinge for MEMS Devices", Journal of Experimental Mechanics (special issue: 'Advance in Experimental Mechanics in Asia'), vol. 21, no. 1 (2006) : 61-70
- Chollet F., Ooi GH., "In-situ optical monitoring of silicon membrane etching", SPIE Microelectronics, MEMS, and Nanotechnology, Device and Process Technologies for Microelectronics, MEMS, and Photonics IV, Dec 11-14, Brisbane, Australia (2005)
- Ashraf. M., Chollet F., Murukeshan V., Yang C., "Polymer microlens with independent control of radius and focal length for an imaging fiber", SPIE Microelectronics, MEMS, and Nanotechnology, Device and Process Technologies for Microelectronics, MEMS, and Photonics IV, Dec 11-14, Brisbane, Australia (2005)
- Nguyen N.T., Sumantri Lassemono, Chollet F., Yang Chun, Charles, "A Microfluidic Sensor for Dynamic Surface Tension Measurement", SPIE Microelectronics, MEMS, and Nanotechnology 2005, Dec 11-14, Brisbane, Australia (2005)
- Nguyen N.T., Sumantri Lassemono, Chollet F., Yang Chun, Charles, "Surface Tension Measurement with an Optofluidic Sensor", International Conference on Sensing Technology 2005 (ICST 2005), New Zealand (2005)
- Nguyen N.T., Sumantri Lassemono, Chollet F., "A Microfluidic Sensor for Interfacial Tension Measurement", microTAS2005 Ninth International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, United States (2005)
- HB. Liu, F. Chollet, "Design, Simulation and Fabrication of Polymer Waveguide Device for Micro Optical Switch", ICMAT conference, July 3-5, Singapore (2005)
- NT. Nguyen, S. Lassemono, F. Chollet, "Droplet-Based Microfluidic Devices with Optical Feedback", ICMAT conference, July 3-5, Singapore (2005)
- Nguyen N.-T., Lassemono S., Chollet F., "Optical detection for droplet size control in microfluidic droplet-based analysis systems", International Conference on Solid State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducer), June 5-9, Seoul, Korea, vol. 2 (2005) : 1557-1560
- Liu H., Chollet F., "Layout design rules for one-step dry release and non-stiction wet release of MEMS using DRIE/SOI technology", International Conference on Solid State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducer), June 5-9, Seoul, Korea, vol. 2 (2005) : 1384-1387
- Hutmacher D., Zhang H., Chollet F., Poo A. N., Burdet E., "Micro-robotics & MEMS based fabrication techniques for scaffold based tissue engineering", Macromolecular Bioscience, vol. 5, no. 6 (2005) : 477-489
- X. M. Zhang, J. B. Zhang, A. Q. Liu, F. Chollet and J. Z. Hao, "Study of injection-locking phenomenon using MEMS tunable laser", 18th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2005), 30 January - 3 February 2005, Miami Beach, Florida, USA (2005) : 80-83
- Chollet F., Hegde G. M., Zhang XM., Liu AQ., Asundi A., "Vibration measurement with a micromachined mirror in a very-short external cavity laser", Sensors and Actuators A, vol. 116, no. 2 (2004) : 232 -240
- He Q., Huang WM., Hong MH., Wu MJ., Fu YQ., Chong TC., Chollet F., Du HJ., "Characterization of sputtering deposited NiTi shape memory thin films using a temperature controllable atomic force microscope", Smart Mater. Struct., vol. 13 (2004): 977–982
- Wu MJ., Huang WM., Chollet F., He Q., Hong MH., Fu YQ., Du, HJ, "Surface characterization of sputtering deposited NiTi and NiTiCu shape memory thin films", in Proc. International Conference on Precision Engineering (ICoPE2003/04), pp. 587-594, 2-5 March 2004, Singapore (2004)
- Chollet F., "MEMS, Light… and Magic: the optical MEMS revolution" , 9 January 2004, Chung Chou Institute of Technology Changhua, Taiwan, invited talk (2004)
- Chollet F., "Optical MEMS activities at the MicroMachines Centre, NTU", 9 January 2004, National ChungShin University, Taichung, Taiwan , invited talk (2004)
- Chua CL., Chollet F., He J., "Study of a biological actuator and sensor: the Mimosa Pudica", Int. J. of Computation. Eng. Sci., vol. 4, n. 3 (2003) : 559-562
- Liu HB., Chollet F., "Optical switch based on moving polymer waveguides and self-latching structure", Int. J. of Computation. Eng. Sci., vol. 4, n. 3 (2003) : 447-450
- Zhang H., Chollet F., Burdet E., Poo AN., Hutmacher D., "Fabrication of 3-D microparts for the assembly of scaffold/cell constructs in tissue engineering", Int. J. of Computation. Eng. Sci., vol. 4, n. 3 (2003) : 281-284
- Chollet F., Low C. H., Lee S. K., Yang C., "Fabrication of concave and convex micro-optical elements with polymer for free-space micro-optical bench", Int. J. of Computation. Eng. Sci., vol. 4, n. 3 (2003) : 443-446
- Chollet F., "MEMS, Light… and Magic: the optical MEMS revolution", 30 October 2003, 6th Optics/Photonics forum, Singapore, invited talk (2003)
- Hutmacher D., Zhang H., Chollet F., Burdet E., Poo AN., "Design and Fabrication of Scaffold/ Cell Constructs by Using a Microasembly Technology Platform", in Proc. , pp. ?, 25-28 July 2003, First International Conference on Medical Implants, Bethesda, Maryland, USA (2003)
- Zhang XM., Liu AQ., Murukeshan V.M., Chollet F. , "Integrated micromachined tunable lasers for all optical network (AON) applications", Sensors and Actuators A, vol. 97-98 (2002) : 54-60 [IF : 1.299]
- Chollet F., Hegde G. M., Zhang XM., Liu AQ., Asundi A., "Micromachined accelerometer based on very-short external cavity laser", Proc. Eurosensors XVI, pp. 479-480, 15-18 Sept. 2002, 16th European Conference on Solid-State Transducers, Prague, Czech Republic (2002)
- Zhang, X.M., Li, J., Murukeshan, V.M., Chollet, F., Li, M.F., Liu, A.Q., "MEMS movable/rotational grating/mirror tunable lasers", Proc. Pacific Rim Workshop on Transducers and Micro/Nano Technologies, pp. 99-102, 22-24 July 2002, Xiamen, PR China (2002)
- Chollet F., Liu AQ., Zhang XM., Zhao B., Murukeshan V.M., Ha YJ., Zheng LD., Asundi A., Hegde G. M., "Optical MEMS activities at the MicroMachines Centre, School of MPE, NTU in Singapore", Proc. Seiken symposium 30, IIS – The University of Tokyo, pp. 31-40, 25-26 March 2002, Seiken symposium on Micro/Nano Mechatronics, Tokyo, Japan, invited paper (2002)
- Chollet F., Hegde G. M., Asundi A., Liu AQ., "Simple extra-short external cavity laser self-mixing interferometer for acceleration sensing", Proc. SPIE 4596, SPIE, pp. 272-279, 27-30 November 2001, SPIE conference on advanced photonics sensors and applications II, Singapore (2001)
- Chollet F., Goedgebuer J.-P., Ramantoko G., "Limitations imposed by LiNbO3-integrated optics technology on narrow-linewidth filters based on mode coupling", Optical Engineering, vol. 40, n. 12 (2001) : 2763-2770 [IF : 0.997]
- Zhao B., Liu A. Q., Chollet F., Miao J. M., Xie H. M., Asundi A., "Designing and modeling of a grating-based displacement micro-transducer", Nanotechnology, vol. 12 (2001) : 308 – 315 [IF : 1.621]
- Leong A., Chollet F., He L., Asundi A., Ngoi B., "In-situ cleaving of optical fiber for optical MEMS and sensor application", in Proc. iMEMS workshop, pp. 332-337, 7-10 July 2001, Singapore (2001)
- Zhang X. M., Liu A. Q., Murukeshan V. M., and Chollet F., "Integrated micromachined tunable lasers for all-optical network applications", in Proceedings Transducer's 01, IEEE, p. , 10-14 June 2001, 11th international conference on solid-state sensors and actuators, Munich (2001)
- Liu A. Q., Zhao B., Chollet F., Zou Q., Asundi A. and Fujita H., "Micro-opto-mechanical grating switches", Sensors and Actuators A, vol. 86 (2000) : 127–134 [IF : 1.003]
- Zhang XM., Chollet F., Chau FS., Quan C., Liu AQ., " Polysilicon micromachining 3D mirror integrated frequency tuner for WDM applications", in Proc. SPIE 4178, SPIE, pp. 278-287, MOEMS and miniaturized systems (2000)
- Zhang XM., Chollet F., Chau FS., Quan C., Liu AQ., " Polysilicon 3D-mirror frequency shifter for WDM fibre-optic communication applications", in Proc. Optical MEMS conference, Kauai (2000)
- Chollet F., "A journey in the micro-world of the Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS)", 24 March 2000, 2nd Precision Engineering 21 technical forum, Singapore, invited talk (2000)
- Chollet F., "Micro Electro Mechanical System (MEMS): New matter for a new millennium!", 24 March 2000, 8th Institute of Materials (East Asia) Conference on "Advanced Materials for the New Millennium", Singapore, invited talk (2000)
- Chollet F., Tang XS., Ha YJ., Liu AQ., Zheng LD., Li MF., Asundi A., "Surface micromachined shutter and low-voltage electronics for displacement/acceleration optical sensing", in Proceedings Transducer's 99, IEEE, p. 1526-1529, 7-10 June 1999, 10th international conference on solid-state sensors and actuators, Sendai (1999)
- Liu AQ., Zhao B., Chollet F., Tang XS., Fujita H., "Micro-opto-mechanical grating for planar optical interconnect switches", in Proceedings Transducer's 99, IEEE, p. 244-247, 7-10 June 1999, 10th international conference on solid-state sensors and actuators, Sendai (1999)
- Zheng LD., Asundi A., Liu AQ., Chollet F. "Polysilicon surface micromachined optical rotating sensor", in Proceedings SPIE smart electronics and MEMS, Proc. SPIE 3673, p.202-209, 2-4 March 1999, 6th annual symposium on smart structures and materials, Newport Beach (1999)
- Chollet F., de Labachelerie M., Fujita H., "Compact evanescent optical switch and attenuator with electromechanical actuation", IEEE J. of Select. Top. in Quant. Electron., vol. 5, n. 1, (1999) : 52-59 [IF : 2.507]
- Chollet F., La recherche micro-systèmes à Singapour (MEMS research in Singapore), report for the French National Agency for Science and Technology (ADIT), (1998)
- Chollet F., Goedgebuer J.-P., "Improved LiNbO3 technology for reducing sidelobe asymmetry in mode converter-based wavelength filters", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Part 2, vol. 37, n. 8B, (1998) : 979-981
- Chollet F., de Labachelerie M., Fujita H., "Electromechanically actuated evanescent optical switch and polarization independent attenuator", in Proc. IEEE MEMS’98, p. 476-481, 25-29 January 1998, 11th annual international workshop on micro electro mechanical systems, Heidelberg (1998)
- Gorecki C., Chollet F., Kawakatsu H., Fujita H., "Silicon-based integrated interferometer with phase modulation driven by surface acoustic waves", Optics letters, vol. 22, n. 23, (1997) : 1784-1786
- Gorecki C., Chollet F., Kawakatsu H., Fujita H., "Novel silicon-integrated interferometer sensor with phase modulation by elasto-optic effect", in Proceedings SPIE Miniaturized Systems with Micro-Optics and Micromechanics II, Proc. SPIE 3008, 10-12 Fév. 1997, Photonics West conference, San-Jose (1997)
- Chollet F., de Labachelerie M., Fujita H., "Micro-opto mechanical switch integrated on silicon", in Proceedings MECATRONICS, Vol. 3, p. 968-972, 1-3 Oct. 1996, 3rd France-Japan and 1st Europe-Asia Congress on Mechatronics, Besançon (1996)
- Gorecki C., Chollet F., Kawakatsu H., Fujita H., "Silicon-integrated microinterferometer with piezoelectric phase modulation", in Proceedings MECATRONICS, Vol. 1, p.291-295, 1-3 Oct. 1996, 1st Europe-Asia Congress on Mechatronics, Besançon (1996)
- Collard D., Fujita H., Gorecki C., Harashima F., Hashimoto H., Hiramoto T., Hoummady M., Kawakatsu H., Masuzawa T., Minotti P., Orsier E., Toshiyoshi H., Bergaud C., Buchaillot L., Chauvel D., Chollet F., Farnault E., Langlet P., "Laboratory for integrated micro-mechatronics systems : joint research on micromechatronics between Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and the Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo", in Proceedings MECATRONICS, Vol. 1, p. 1-5, 1-3 Oct. 1996, 1st Europe-Asia Congress on Mechatronics, Besançon (1996) (invited talk)
- Chollet F., Goedgebuer J.-P., Porte H., Hamel A., "Electrooptic narrow linewidth wavelength tuning and intensity modulation of an erbium fiber ring laser", IEEE Photonics technology letters, vol. 8, n. 8, (1996) : 1009-1011
- Gorecki C., Chollet F., Kawakatsu H., Fujita H., "Tentative of realization of new silicon-integrated interferometric microvibration sensor with piezoelectric amplitude modulation", Proc. CLEO, p.191, 8-13 Sept. 1996, CLEO/ Europe-EQEC’96, Hamburg (1996)
- Chollet F., de Labachelerie M., Fujita H., "Microoptomechanical devices : an electrostatically actuated bending waveguide for optical coupling", in Micro-Optical Technologies for Measurement, Sensors and Microsystems, Proc. SPIE 2783, p.163-173, 10-14 June 1996, LOVMP EUROPTO'96, Besançon (1996)
- de Labachelerie M., Collard D., Hoummady M., Chauvel D., Bergaud C., Chollet F., Fujita H., Kawakatsu H., Masuzawa T., "Mechatronics systems for optics microwaves and precision metrology applications", in Proceedings of Europe-Asia-Workshop on mechatronics, pp. 27-30, 29 Sept. 1995, Stuttgart (1995)
- Chollet F., "Réalisation d’un filtre spectral accordable étroit à 1.55 µm en optique intégrée sur niobate de lithium. Étude des limitations imposées par la technologie" (Realization on lithium niobate of a tunable narrow spectral filter working at 1.55 µm. Study of the limits imposed by the technology.), PhD. dissertation, n°441, Université de Franche-Comté, 1995, Besançon (1995)