- Home page image of Optics Letters Issue 13 of volume 38 for our paper on "spherical beams"
Nature Photonics Research Highlight "Along a curve", vol 6, p 717 Nov. 2012
- New Scientist "Self-bending light boomerangs could help surgeons", May 2012
- Science NOW "Light bends by Itself", April 2012
- Optics and Photonics News, "Accelerating Beyond the Horizon", Dec. 2012
- Nature Photonics Research Highlight "Faster fabrication", vol 4, p 128 March 2010
- Laser Focus World, "Technology Review 2010", Dec. 2010
- Laser Focus World "CLEO/QELS Preview", April 2010
Several results of my PhD thesis and postdoc were highlighted in the litterature
Laser light sees through clouds, Nature News and Views (24th July 2003)
Les débuts du laser perce-nuage, Le Figaro (28th August 2003)
Soliton-like laser pulses punch through fog, Laser Focus World (October 2003)
Light filaments burst through fog, Photonics Spectra (August 2003)
Penetrating the fog, Industrial Physicist (October 2003)
Ultra-Intense light filaments, Physics News Update, AIP Bulletin (#645, July 9 2003)