School career


2013     Accreditation to supervise research (HDR)“Strain and chemical engineering of functional oxides: from single crystals to thin films and nanostructures”(HDR permits to supervise PhD students and to be a candidate to a full professor position), University of Lorraine, France

2008     PhD “Stress effects and phase transitions in PbTiO3 thin films deposited by MOCVD,  Award -Best PhD thesis 2009, Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble INP), France. Supervisors: DR F. Weiss (Grenoble INP) & Prof. A. Abrutis (University of Vilnius)

2004     Master of Science in Chemistry, Award «Magnus cum laude» (maximal grade), Faculty of Chemistry, University of Vilnius,     Lithuania         

2002      Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, Award « Very good » (maximal grade), Faculty of Chemistry, University of Vilnius, Lithuania


•  Since 09/2019              Full Professor (1st class since 09/2022), CNU28 « Advanced material architectures for the next, generation of acoustic RF filters and sensors, energy harvesters and integrated photonics and optomechanical devices », FEMTO-ST Institute, Physics Depart./UFR ST, University of Franche-Comté

2024 – 2025    Visiting Scholar, Prof. S. Trolier-McKinstry group, MRI, Penn State University , USA


2014 –2019  Chaire of Excellence, Laboratory of Excellence ACTION, FEMTO-ST Institute, University of Franche-Comté (UFC), France

Invited stays: Univ. California – Berkeley (7d., 2019), Univ. Catania (7d., 2017)

2013 – 2014    Visiting Scholar (sabbatical leave), Prof. E. Mazur group, SEAS, University of Harvard , USA

2009 –  Associate Professor (Section 30 of National Council of Universities, CNU), detached until 12/2019, Jean Lamour Institute/ Department of Physics/ University of Lorraine/France

2008 – 2009    Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Prof. A.M. Glazer group, Clarendon Laboratory, Department of Physics, University of Oxford, UK

2008 – 2008    Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Dr. J. Kreisel, LMGP, Grenoble INP, France

2001 – 2004   Research Assistant, Prof. A. Abrutis group, Faculty of Chemistry, Vilnius Univ., Lithuania


•  2022-2027 Junior member of Institut Universitaire de France, Innovation chair

•  2020 Financial bonys, PEDR, Level A, CNU 28, University of Franche-Comté

•  2014-2019 Chair of Excellence, Labex ACTION, FEMTO-ST Institute

•  2013 Financial bonus, PES, Level A, CNU 30, University of Lorraine

•  2008 Award Best PhD thesis, Grenoble INP

•  2007 Best Student Paper, IEEE-TUFFC, Int. conference ISAF, Nara, Japan

•  2006 Fellowship EIFFEL, EGIDE, France

•  2005 Award "Best Student Work - Hard Sciences" Academy of Sciences, Lithuania

•  2004 Master's degree “Magnus Cum Laude”, 10 best students of the Vilnius Univ.

•  2004 &2003 Congratulations on exceptional research results, Vilnius Univ., Lithuania

•  1998 &1997 4th prize, National Chemistry Olympiad, Lithuania

•  1996 3rd prize, National Chemistry Olympiad, Lithuania


•  2023 I. Labbaveettil, Best Poster, Conf. Int. EUROCVD, Leuven, Belgium

•  2023 I. Labbaveettil, Best Poster, Summer School AMAES, Assois, France

•  2021 i-PhD Grand Prix G. Clementi (France)

•  2021 G. Clementi, Best Oral Presentation, National Workshop JNRSE, Grenoble (FR)

•  2017 S. Kuprenaite, Best Oral Presentation, Int. Conference ISIF, Delhi, India

•  2016 S. Oliveri, Best Poster, IEEE-TUFFC, Conf. Int. ISAF, Darmstadt, Germany

•  2016 S. Oliveri, Best Posterr, Int. Workshop AMAES, Cologne, Germany


• Coordinator of Training activities of EuroNanoLab ( European network of 54 academic cleanrooms, since 2022)

•  Member of national scientific council, Institut Universitaire de France (since 2024)

•  Merber of national office, Institut Universitaire de France (since 2023)

•  Deputy director of the FEMTO-ST Institute (750 people, 2020-2023)

•  President of the Scientific Council of the FEMTO-ST Institute (2020-2023)

•  management Committee member of the MIMENTO cleanroom/Renatech (since 2018)

•  Head of research action committee, EUR Graduate School EIPHI (since 2020)

•  Founder and member of the Women Chapter of the FEMTO-ST Institute in 2020

•  Member of the Academic Council, Univ. Bourgogne Franche-Comté (UBFC) (since 2020)

•  Member of the UBFC Research Ethics Board (REB) (2021-2022)

•  Member of the UBFC Committee for UBFC status (since 2021)

•  Organizer of the internal seminars of the TF department, FEMTO-ST Institute (2017-2020)

•  Member of the "Health and Safety Committee", FEMTO-ST (since 2016)

•  Member of the steering committee of the CMDO+ national network (since 2019).

Representative of the FEMTO-ST institute in national network GDR OXYFUN (since 2014)


2019 –            Full Professor &  IUF Chaire  (64h/year) – Piezoelectrics & Microfabrication, Physics Department/University of Franche-Comté/ France

2014 –2019             Chaire of Excellence (64h/year) – Piezoelectrics & Microfabrication, Electronics Department/University of Franche-Comté/ France

2009 – 2013    Associate Professor (192h/year) – Physics, Physics Department /University of Lorraine, France

2008 – 2009    Teaching assistant (24h)– Optics Practicals, Physics Department/Oxford University, UK


•  Reviewer in more than 20 international journals

•  Jury of HDR (1), Reviewer of theses (5), Thesis Examiner (5), Vice-President of the jury (1), Monitoring Committee (1) of which 4 times abroad

•  Member of international committee of 3 regular conferences (IUS, MCARE, CIMTEC), national conference (Optique/CMDO+), session chair (7 international conferences)

•  Editor: “Review editor” -Journal « Experimental results » Cambridge University Press (2019-2023) “Guest editor” – Institutional Focus Collection on Renatech-Nanotechnology “, IOP Nanotechnology (2023)

•  Expertise: vice-president of selection committee of Swedish council (2022-2024), French national ANR (Call 2022), expert for ANR (AAP 2014 et 2016), ANRT, Project region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

•  Trainer : Training for MSCA-ITN Project Coordinators, Ministry MESRI (2017 – 2019)

Scientific Advisor

2018-2022, responsible for "high temperature SAW sensors", WIKA group (FR-DE)

Since 02/2020, materials for optical modulators, Exail (FR)


2018           Member of International Advisory Board & Chair of topical track “vibrational energy harvesters”, ISEPD-International Symposium on Eco-materials Processing and Design (500 participants), India

2018           Member of International Advisory Board, International Conference on Modern Materials and Technologies, CIMTEC 2018 & the 8th Forum on New Materials (600 participants), Italy

2018           Local organizing committee member, French National Conference “JNRSE- 8ème Journées Nationales sur la Récupération et le Stockage d’Energie) (150 participants), France

2015, 2017 Scientific committee member of international conference MCARE “Materials Challenges in Alternative & Renewable Energy” (500 participants), Korea

2017           Co-organizer of session “Multifunctional Nanomaterials for Energy and Sensing Devices”, PacRim12- Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology (1200 participants), USA

2015           Co-organizer of session “Functional Nanomaterials for Sustainable Energy Technologies”, CMCEE15- (560 participants), American Ceramic Society, Canada

2015           Co-organizer of Workshop “Multifunctional Photonic Micro Devices” (70 participants), France

2014           Chair of Workshop “Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters” (30 participants), France

2012           Chair of Workshop “CVD-Diagnostique-Modélisation” (20 participants), France


Since 2014 – Member, IEEE society

Since 2016 - Member of SPIE society & ex-member of American Ceramic Society (2015)

2014 – Member, National French Network GDR “Oxyfun”- Oxydes fonctionnels : du matériau au dispositif

2015 - Member, National French Network CMDO+ Cristaux, Micro-nano-structures et Dispositifs l’Optique