School career


2013     Accreditation to supervise research (HDR)“Strain and chemical engineering of functional oxides: from single crystals to thin films and nanostructures”(HDR permits to supervise PhD students and to be a candidate to a full professor position), University of Lorraine, France

2008     PhD “Stress effects and phase transitions in PbTiO3 thin films deposited by MOCVD,  Award -Best PhD thesis 2009, Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble INP), France. Supervisors: DR F. Weiss (Grenoble INP) & Prof. A. Abrutis (University of Vilnius)

2004     Master of Science in Chemistry, Award «Magnus cum laude» (maximal grade), Faculty of Chemistry, University of Vilnius,     Lithuania         

2002      Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, Award « Very good » (maximal grade), Faculty of Chemistry, University of Vilnius, Lithuania


2014 –  Chaire of Excellence, Laboratory of Excellence ACTION, FEMTO-ST Institute, University of Franche-Comté (UFC), France

2009 –  Associate Professor (Section 30 of National Council of Universities, CNU), detached until 12/2019, Jean Lamour Institute/ Department of Physics/ University of Lorraine/France


2013 – 2014    Visiting Scholar (sabbatical leave), Prof. E. Mazur group, SEAS, University of Harvard , USA

2008 – 2009    Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Prof. A.M. Glazer group, Clarendon Laboratory, Department of Physics, University of Oxford, UK

2008 – 2008    Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Dr. J. Kreisel, LMGP, Grenoble INP, France

2001 – 2004   Research Assistant, Prof. A. Abrutis group, Faculty of Chemistry, Vilnius Univ., Lithuania


20013 – 20014           National fellowship “CRCT- Congés pour recherches ou conversion thématiques” for sabbatical leave (attributed each year to 4 from 624 assoc./full professors of section 30), Section 30 of National Council of Universities, France

2006 – 2007    Excellence fellowship “Bourse EIFFEL”, (attributed each year to 50 best foreign PhD students in France, it is a common competition for all disciplines at national level), EGIDE (National Education Ministry body), France 


2014 –             Chaire of Excellence (64h/year) – Piezoelectrics & Microfabrication, Electronics Department/University of Franche-Comté/ France

2009 – 2013    Associate Professor (192h/year) – Physics, Physics Department /University of Lorraine, France

2008 – 2009    Teaching assistant (24h)– Optics Practicals, Physics Department/Oxford University, UK


2013 Award for scientific excellence PES, Level A, CNU30/ University of  Lorraine

2009 The best D. Phil. Thesis Grenoble INP

2007 The best student paper IEEE-TUFFC, Int. conference ISAF, Nara, Japan

2006 Special excellence fellowship “Bourse EIFFEL” EGIDE, France

2005 Award for the best student work in exact sciences Lithuanian Academy of Sciences

2004 Magnus Cum Laude Master  Diploma (attributed for students with excellent academic recordings and significant research results) Vilnius University

2003, 2004 Acknowledgment for student with significant research results Vilnius University

1998, 1997 4th in National Pupil Competition of Chemistry, Lithuania

1996 3rd in National Pupil Competition of Chemistry, Lithuania


2018           Member of International Advisory Board & Chair of topical track “vibrational energy harvesters”, ISEPD-International Symposium on Eco-materials Processing and Design (500 participants), India

2018           Member of International Advisory Board, International Conference on Modern Materials and Technologies, CIMTEC 2018 & the 8th Forum on New Materials (600 participants), Italy

2018           Local organizing committee member, French National Conference “JNRSE- 8ème Journées Nationales sur la Récupération et le Stockage d’Energie) (150 participants), France

2015, 2017 Scientific committee member of international conference MCARE “Materials Challenges in Alternative & Renewable Energy” (500 participants), Korea

2017           Co-organizer of session “Multifunctional Nanomaterials for Energy and Sensing Devices”, PacRim12- Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology (1200 participants), USA

2015           Co-organizer of session “Functional Nanomaterials for Sustainable Energy Technologies”, CMCEE15- (560 participants), American Ceramic Society, Canada

2015           Co-organizer of Workshop “Multifunctional Photonic Micro Devices” (70 participants), France

2014           Chair of Workshop “Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters” (30 participants), France

2012           Chair of Workshop “CVD-Diagnostique-Modélisation” (20 participants), France


2017 –        Organizer of the Internal Seminars of Time-Frequency Dept., FEMTO-ST Institute, UFC, France

2016 –        Member of committee “CSST-Health and Security at work” FEMTO-ST Institute, UFC, France


2014 – 2016 Reviewer of French National Research Proposals, Program @RAction 2014 and AAP2016 "Matériaux et Procédés" (CES08), Agence National de la Recherche (ANR), France

2009 –        Reviewer in 19 international refereed journals: Crystal Growth & Design, Applied Physic Letters, Journal of Applied Physics, Inorganic Chemistry, SPIE Journal of Nanophotonics, IEEE Sensors Journal, Materials, Materials Chemistry and Physics, Journal of Material Research, Journal of Electroceramics, Surface Coatings & Technology, Thin Solid Films, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Material Research, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, Journal of Materials Science and Nanotechnology, IEEE Sensors, Ferroelectrics

2016 –2019  Member of thesis supervision committee, H. J. Basheer, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

2016 –2017 Reviewer of thesis, M. Neradovskyi, University of Nice, France & Federal University of Ural, Russia (2016), C.V.S. Kumar, Université de Toulouse, France & Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, LIST, Luxembourg (2017)

2012 –2015 Member of Jury of thesis, A. Waroquet, Université de Rennes 1, France (2015) L. Aloui, INP de Toulouse, France (2012)


2014 – Member, IEEE society (ex-member of SPIE society (2016) & American Ceramic Society (2015)

2014 – Member, National French Network GDR “Oxyfun”- Oxydes fonctionnels : du matériau au dispositif

2015 - Member, National French Network CMDO+ Cristaux, Micro-nano-structures et Dispositifs l’Optique