Junior Innovation Chair Institut Universitaire de France (IUF)
Strain and Chemical engineering of structural and physical properties of alkaline niobate/tantalate single crystals, films, heterostructures & nanostructures for miniaturized and/or integrated devices with better performance in acoustics, optics and energy harvesting.
Development of cost-effective synthesis routes/ treatments with scale-up potential viable for industrial applications/mass production of advanced functional materials with designed physical properties.
ResearcherID Q-9005-2017, Google Scholar
Group Outing, Voray sur l'Ognon, July 2020: (from left to right) Ausrine Bartasyte, Ishamol Labbaveettil Basheer, Sondes Boujnah, Merieme Ouhabaz, Duc Tung Bui, Mihaela Eugenia Ivan, Vincent Astié and Neetu Kumari.
Group Outing, La Loue, Ornans, July 2018: (from left to right) Samuel Margueron, Ausrine Bartasyte, Vincent Astié, Cyril Millon, Hanane Taktak, Anthony Almirall, Giacomo Clementi, and Sabina Kuprenaite.