Centenary of Brillouin scattering

In 1922, Léon Brillouin published alone and in French, in the "Comptes Rendus de Physique" a paper on the scattering of light by acoustic waves coming from thermal fluctuations. He theoretically demonstrates that these acoustic waves induce a shift in frequency of the backscattered light. In sixties, the invention of lasers made this scattering very efficient and allowed many technological and industrial developments in materials spectroscopy, medical microscopy, lasers and distributed fiber optic sensors.
After one hundred years, the Brillouin effect is still widely used experimentally in applications (spectroscopy, microscopy, biology, lasers, sensors, mechanics, magnetism) that extend far beyond condensed matter. The use of lasers and optoelectronic measurement systems allows today to consider joint use of Raman and Brillouin scattering to characterize matter from the microscopic to the macroscopic scale. This centenary is also an opportunity to remember that beyond
the scattering that carry his name, Léon Brillouin has made an exceptional contribution to science by approaching wave physics with relevance and originality.


Quand le verre et la lumière font des étincelles CNRS, le journal, juin 2022.

Centenaire de la découverte de l’effet Brillouin Jean-Charles Beugnot, Philippe Djemia et Jérémie Margueritat, Photonique, 114 (2022)

 8ème édition de l’École Son & lumière à Oleron organisé par Jérémie Margueritat, Jean-Charles Beugnot, Philippe Djemia.

P. Dainese, J-C. Beugnot, F. Yang, M. Pang, Chapitre "Brillouin scattering in photonic crystal fibers", in Brillouin Scattering Part 1, Elsevier, 2022, Editor :Benjamin J. Eggleton, Michael J. Steel, Christopher G. Poulton, ISBN: 9780323989299.