First news

!!! 11/12/2024: Our dual-scale modeling framework proposal has been published as "A system-level modeling framework for predicting Pt catalyst degradation in proton exchange membrane fuel cells," in Journal of Power Sources, The paper tells how to construct an efficient model linking the microscale material degradation and macroscale performance. doi:, thanks to Walid for this important contribution!

!!! 11/12/2024: Our 1-D fuel cell model packaged in Python code has been released as an open-access software here:, thanks to Raphaël for this important contribution!

Past news

01/09/2023: Our paper entitled "A deterioration-aware energy management strategy for the lifetime improvement of a multi-stack fuel cell system subject to a random dynamic load" was accepted by Reliability Engineering & System Safty. Check out the paper here:

01/07/2023: Our project "DuraPEMS", leaded by our team and dedicated to PEM electrolyzer test and modelling, was accepted by ANR in AAPG 2023.

01/07/2023: Our project "MFC-DEPLOY", leaded by GIPSA-LAB and dedicated to multi-stack fuel cell post-prognostic actions, was accepted by ANR in AAPG 2023. 

01/06/2023: My project "DEFINING", dedicated to studying PEM fuel cell material degradation mitigation control, has been accepted by ANR ERC Tremplin. I am therefore engaged to construct a ERC proposal in 2 years.