
2024 (1)

2023 (2)

2022 (3)

  • inproceedings - Proposal for a complete 3D surface reconstruction using images from a scanning electron microscope (SEM)
    2022 Frontiers in Optics (2022) / Rochester, United States (Volume 1, Issue 1, 2022, Pages pages 2)
    Beb Caal, Mayra Yucely | Dembele, Sounkalo | Bekel, Akkiz | Jouffroy-Bapicot, Isabelle | Thibaud, Sébastien | Piat, Nadine | Lehmann, Olivier | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Rougeot, Patrick | Lebas, Louis-Marie | Langlois, Cyril | Fellah, Clémentine | Cuny, Gilles | Masenelli-Varlot, Karine
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Influence of compression tilt angle on the elastic properties of single fibers identified from transverse compression tests
    The Fiber Society (2022) / Leuven, Belgium (2022, Pages pages 1)
    Govilas, Jason | Guicheret, Violaine | Amiot, Fabien | Rougeot, Patrick | Laurent, Guillaume | Beaugrand, Johnny | Clevy, Cédric | Placet, Vincent
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  • article - Magnetic concentric tube robots: Introduction and analysis
    The international Journal of robotics Research (Volume 41, Issue (4), apr 2022, Pages :1 - 21)
    Peyron, Quentin | Q, Boehler | Rougeot, Patrick | Roux, Pierre | Nelson, B.J. | Andreff, Nicolas | Rabenorosoa, Kanty | Renaud, Pierre

2021 (4)

  • article - A Hybrid Concentric Tube Robot for Cholesteatoma Laser Surgery
    IEEE Robotics and automation letters (Volume 7, Issue (1), nov 2021, Pages :462 - 469)
    Nguyen, Dang Viet Anh | Girerd, Cédric | Boyer, Quentin | Rougeot, Patrick | Lehmann, Olivier | Tavernier, Laurent | Szewczyk, Jérôme | Rabenorosoa, Kanty
  • inproceedings - Pollen 3D: An Application of 3D Reconstruction for the Scanning Electron Microscope
    2021 International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technology (ISOT 2021) / Besançon, France (2021, Pages pages 2)
    Beb Caal, Mayra Yucely | Bekel, Akkiz | Dembele, Sounkalo | Rougeot, Patrick | Jouffroy-Bapicot, Isabelle | Lebas, Louis-Marie | Langlois, Cyril | Lucian, Roiban | Fellah, Clémentine | Piat, Nadine | Thibaud, Sébastien | Cuny, Gilles | Masenelli-Varlot, Karine
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  • article - Development of new sticky and conducting polymer surfaces for MEMS applications
    Synthetic Metals (Volume 276, jun 2021, Pages :116757)
    Dejeu, Jérôme | Cot, Amélie | Rougeot, Patrick | Lakard, Boris | Lakard, Sophie | Gauthier, Michaël
  • article - Origami-based auxetic tunable Helmholtz resonator for noise control
    Smart Materials and Structures (Volume 30, Issue (3), feb 2021, Pages :35029)
    Benouhiba, Amine | Rougeot, Patrick | Andreff, Nicolas | Rabenorosoa, Kanty | Ouisse, Morvan

2020 (5)

2019 (1)

2018 (9)

  • inproceedings - "A multisegment Electro-Active Polymer based milli-Continuum Soft Robots"
    IEEE RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2018) / Madrid, Spain (2018, Pages pages 1 - 7)
    Benouhiba, Amine | Rabenorosoa, Kanty | Rougeot, Patrick | Ouisse, Morvan | Andreff, Nicolas
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Electro-active polymer based self-folding approach devoted to origami-inspired structures
    Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive structures and intelligent systems (SMASIS 2018) / San Antonio, Texas, United States (2018, Pages pages 8)
    Benouhiba, Amine | Rabenorosoa, Kanty | Rougeot, Patrick | Ouisse, Morvan | Andreff, Nicolas
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Online robust endomicroscopy video mosaicking using robot prior
    IEEE Robotics and automation letters (Volume 3, Issue (4), aug 2018, Pages :4163 - 4170)
    Rosa, Benoit | Dahroug, Bassem | Tamadazte, Brahim | Rabenorosoa, Kanty | Rougeot, Patrick | Andreff, Nicolas | Renaud, Pierre
  • article - Developments and Control of Biocompatible Conducting Polymer for Intracorporeal Continuum Robots
    Annals of Biomedical Engineering (Volume 46, Issue (10), jun 2018, Pages :1511 - 1521)
    Chikhaoui, Mohamed Taha | Benouhiba, Amine | Rougeot, Patrick | Rabenorosoa, Kanty | Ouisse, Morvan | Andreff, Nicolas
  • inproceedings - Building robust confocal endomicroscopy mosaics despite image losses
    Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics ( 2018) / London, United Kingdom (Volume 8, 2018, Pages pages 1 - 6)
    Rosa, Benoit | Rabenorosoa, Kanty | Tamadazte, Brahim | Rougeot, Patrick | Andreff, Nicolas | Renaud, Pierre
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Smallest microhouse in the world, assembled on the facet of an optical fiber by origamiand welded in the μRobotex nanofactory
    Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films (JVSTA) (Volume 36, Issue (4), may 2018, Pages :041601 (9))
    Rauch, Jean-Yves | Lehmann, Olivier | Rougeot, Patrick | Abadie, Joël | Agnus, Joel | Suarez, Miguel Angel
  • inproceedings - Eye-in-hand visual servoing of concentric tube robots
    (Volume 3, Issue 3, 2018, Pages pages 2315 - 2321)
    Kudryavtsev, Andrey | Liadov, A. | Chikhaoui, Mohamed Taha | Rougeot, Patrick | Spindler, F. | Rabenorosoa, Kanty | Andreff, Nicolas | Tamadazte, Brahim
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - 'Study and realization of a piezoelectric actuator/sensor by the laser manufacturing process'
    GDR Oxydes fonctionnels - des matériaux aux dispositifs (GDR Oxyfun 2018) / Piriac sur Mer , France (2018)
    Hanane Taktak | Rougeot, Patrick | Rakotondrabe, Micky | Agnus, Joel | Hammouche, Mounir | Bafumba Liseli, Joël
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Eye-in-hand visual servoing of concentric tube robots
    IEEE Robotics and automation letters (Volume 3, Issue (3), feb 2018, Pages :2315 - 2321)
    Kudryavtsev, Andrey | Liadov, A. | Chikhaoui, Mohamed Taha | Rougeot, Patrick | Spindler, F. | Rabenorosoa, Kanty | Andreff, Nicolas | Tamadazte, Brahim

2017 (6)

  • inproceedings - Towards High Accuracy OCT-based Position Control of a Concentric Tube Robot
    Medical Imaging Robotics (2017) / Vancouver, Canada (2017, Pages pages 1 - 2)
    Rabenorosoa, Kanty | Baran, Yann | Laurent, Guillaume | Rougeot, Patrick | Andreff, Nicolas | Tamadazte, Brahim
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Towards Optical Biopsy of Olfactory Cells using Concentric Tube Robots with Follow-the-Leader Deployment
    IEEE RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2017) / Vancouveur, Canada (2017, Pages pages 1 - 7)
    Girerd, Cédric | Rabenorosoa, Kanty | Rougeot, Patrick | Renaud, Pierre
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Preliminary Results on OCT-based Position Control of a Concentric Tube Robot
    IEEE RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2017) / Vancouveur, Canada (2017, Pages pages 1 - 6)
    Baran, Yann | Rabenorosoa, Kanty | Laurent, Guillaume | Rougeot, Patrick | Andreff, Nicolas | Tamadazte, Brahim
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Towards High Accuracy OCT-based Position Control of a Concentric Tube Robot
    IEEE RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2017) / Vancouveur, Canada (2017)
    Rabenorosoa, Kanty | Baran, Yann | Laurent, Guillaume | Rougeot, Patrick | Andreff, Nicolas | Tamadazte, Brahim
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - New generation of nanofactories
    2017 EuroNano Forum (2017) / Malte, Malta (2017)
    Rauch, Jean-Yves | Lehmann, Olivier | Abadie, Joël | Agnus, Joel | Rougeot, Patrick | Laurent, Guillaume | Suarez, Miguel Angel
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Functionalized patterned sensors on top of optical fibers
    / Agadir, Morocco (2017)
    Rauch, Jean-Yves | Lehmann, Olivier | Abadie, Joël | Agnus, Joel | Rougeot, Patrick | Laurent, Guillaume | Suarez, Miguel Angel
    pdf | bibtex

2016 (6)

  • inproceedings - Design and closed-loop control of a tri-layer Polypyrrole based telescopic soft robot
    IEEE RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2016) / Daejeon, Korea, Republic Of (2016, Pages pages 1 - 6)
    Chikhaoui, Mohamed Taha | Cot, Amélie | Rabenorosoa, Kanty | Rougeot, Patrick | Andreff, Nicolas
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Additive manufacturing: design of a basic pivot articulation actuated with SMA wire
    IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Manufacturing (ISAM 2016) / Fort Worth, Tx, United States (2016, Pages pages 14 - 18)
    Gendreau, Dominique | Mohand Ousaid, Abdenbi | Rougeot, Patrick | Lutz, Philippe | Rakotondrabe, Micky
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - 3D-Printing: a promising technology to design three-dimensional microsystems
    MARSS 2016 International Conference on Manipulation, Automation and Robotics at Small Scales (MARSS 2016) / Paris, France (Issue 50, 2016, Pages pages 1 - 5)
    Gendreau, Dominique | Mohand Ousaid, Abdenbi | Rougeot, Patrick | Rakotondrabe, Micky
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Synthesis, Encapsulation, and Performance Analysis of Large Deformation Tri-layer Polypyrrole Actuator
    15th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2016) / Munich, Germany (2016, Pages pages 436 - 441)
    Cot, Amélie | Chikhaoui, Mohamed Taha | Rabenorosoa, Kanty | Rougeot, Patrick | Andreff, Nicolas
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Design, static modeling and simulation of a 5-DOF precise piezoelectric positioner.
    Sensors for Next-Generation Robotics ( 2016) / Baltimore, United States (2016, Pages pages 1-11)
    Mohand Ousaid, Abdenbi | Gendreau, Dominique | Rougeot, Patrick | Rakotondrabe, Micky
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Design, modeling and simulation of a three-layer piezoelectric cantilevered actuator with collocated sensor.
    Sensors for Next-Generation Robotics ( 2016) / Baltimore, United States (2016, Pages pages 1-12)
    Rougeot, Patrick | Mohand Ousaid, Abdenbi | Gendreau, Dominique | Hammouche, Mounir | Rakotondrabe, Micky
    pdf | doi | bibtex

2015 (2)

  • article - SQUIPABOT: a Mesoscale Parallel Robot for a Laser Phonosurgery.
    International Journal of Optomechatronics (Volume 9, Issue (4), jun 2015, Pages :310-324)
    Rabenorosoa, Kanty | Tasca, Bastien | Zerbib, Antonin | Rougeot, Patrick | Andreff, Nicolas | Eakkachai, Pengwang
  • unpublished - Micro and nano assembly in the µ-robotex ( 2015)
    Rauch, Jean-Yves | Lehmann, Olivier | Abadie, Joël | Rougeot, Patrick | Beluche, Julie | Fernier, Théo | Laurent, Guillaume

2014 (1)

  • inproceedings - SQUIPABOT: a Mesoscale Parallel Robot for a Laser Phonosurgery.
    International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies, ISOT'14. / Seattle - USA (2014, Pages pages 1-6)
    Rabenorosoa, Kanty | Tasca, Bastien | Zerbib, Antonin | Eakkachai, Pengwang | Rougeot, Patrick | Andreff, Nicolas

2013 (3)

  • inproceedings - Modeling of electrostatic forces induced by chemical surface functionalisation for microrobotics applications
    IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'13. / Tokyo, Japan (2013, Pages pages 2065 - 2070)
    Cot, Amélie | Dejeu, Jérôme | Lakard, Sophie | Rougeot, Patrick | Gauthier, Michaël
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Simulation and Experiments on Magnetic MicroForces for Magnetic MicroRobots Applications.
    The Third International Conference on Manipulation, Manufacturing and Measurement on the Nanoscale, 3M-NANO 2013. (2013, Pages pages 1-6)
    Wang, Lefeng | Dkhil, Mohamed | Bolopion, Aude | Rougeot, Patrick | Régnier, Stéphane | Gauthier, Michaël
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Analysis and specificities of adhesive forces between microscale and nanoscale
    IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (Volume 10, Issue (3), jul 2013, Pages :562 - 570)
    Gauthier, Michaël | Alvo, Sébastien | Dejeu, Jérôme | Tamadazte, Brahim | Rougeot, Patrick | Régnier, Stéphane

2012 (4)

  • article - Electrosynthesis and characterization of polymer films on silicon substrates for applications in micromanipulation.
    Synthetic Metals (Volume 162, Issue (24), dec 2012, Pages :2370 - 2378)
    Cot, Amélie | Lakard, Sophie | Dejeu, Jérôme | Rougeot, Patrick | Magnenet, Claire | Lakard, Boris | Gauthier, Michaël
  • article - Magnification-continuous static calibration model of a scanning-electron microscope.
    Journal of Electronic Imaging (Volume 21, Issue (3), jul 2012, Pages :033020-1 / 033020-12)
    Malti, Abed Chaib | Dembele, Sounkalo | Piat, Nadine | Rougeot, Patrick | Salut, Roland
  • article - Nanostructured non-adhesive surfaces for Micro- and Nanomanipulation.
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (Volume 116, 2012, Pages :15117-15125)
    Dejeu, Jérôme | Bechelany, Mikhael | Berodier, Elise | Rougeot, Patrick | Michler, Johann | Gauthier, Michaël
  • inproceedings - Control of Adhesion using Surface Functionalisations for Robotic Microhandling
    Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. / Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal (Publisher : IEEE, Volume sur CD ROM, 2012, Pages pages 2307-2312)
    Dejeu, Jérôme | Rougeot, Patrick | Lakard, Sophie | Gauthier, Michaël
    pdf | bibtex

2010 (3)

  • inproceedings - Development of a new nanotribometer with multi asperity contact.
    NordTrib 2010 / Storforsen, Suède (2010, Pages pages 1-9)
    Dejeu, Jérôme | Abadie, Joël | Piat, Emmanuel | Rougeot, Patrick | Oster, Stéphane | Stempflé, Philippe | Takadoum, Jamal
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Development of a New Nanotribometer with Multi Asperity Contact
    Dejeu, Jérôme | Abadie, Joël | Piat, Emmanuel | Rougeot, Patrick | Oster, Stéphane | Stempflé, Philippe | Takadoum, Jamal
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Improvement of robotic micromanipulations using chemical functionalisations.
    Precision Assembly Technologies and Systems. / Chamonix, France (Publisher : Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 1, 2010, Pages pages 215-221)
    Dejeu, Jérôme | Rougeot, Patrick | Gauthier, Michaël | Boireau, Wilfrid
    pdf | bibtex