Latest News

A selection of recent items of interest is below.

Updated Nobel Prize Poster from SPIE

I recently had the privilege to work with the scientific society SPIE and the editorial team of the journal Advanced Photonics to update a timeline-poster summarising the various Nobel Prizes awarded...

Saving Optics Oral History Article

Announcing publication in the French Optical Society magazine Photoniques of an article describing the national project to encourage the preservation of oral histories of optics pioneers. We had...

Talks now on YouTube

I am slowly populating my YouTube channel with playlists of talks that I have given over the years, as well as other content as I find it available. There is not much at the moment, but I am hoping...

International Day of Light 2024 theme announced!

 The objectives of the International Day of Light are very broad, raising awareness of the applications of light science and technology in society and in sustainable development, and promoting...

History of Optics at Franche-Comté

The University of Franche-Comté was founded in 1423, with its early academic structure organized around law, theology and medicine, and it took until 1845 before a Faculty of Science was established...

Machine Learning in Ultrafast Photonics

The tools and methods of machine learning are driving a revolution in the understanding of complex dynamics, with rapidly growing interest in the fields of laser physics and ultrafast photonics. From...

Light, Lasers, and the Nobel Prize

The Year 2020 represents 60 years since the first successful operation of the laser. This anniversary provides an ideal occasion to reflect on the myriad ways that lasers have revolutionized society...

20 year Activity Report on Twitter!

After working in France for 20 years, I thought it could be fun to try to summarize a selection of highlights on Twitter. Clicking on this link should allow you to read this even without a Twitter...

Instabilities in Dissipative Soliton Lasers characterized...

Real time measurements of instabilities and intermittence in a mode-locked fibre laser exhibiting soliton-similariton dynamics just published! C. Lapre, C. Billet, F. Meng, P. Ryczkowski, T...

New paper on Machine Learning in Nonlinear Fibre Optics...

Some very exciting results applying the techniques of machine learning to predict extreme events have just been published in Scientific Reports
