Oral and poster presentations by PhD students and Postdocs:
Presenter in bold font
- Grabulosa A.; Porte X.; Moughames J.; Jung E.; Brunner D.; “Adaptative additive fabrication of parallel, high-performing 3D integrated optical interconnects”, 3D Printed Optics and Additive Photonic Manufacturing IV - SPIE Photonics Europe, Strasbourg - France (2024).
- Grabulosa A.; Porte X.; Moughames J.; Jung E.; Brunner D.; “Additive-CMOS compatible fabrication of 3D photonic circuits towards multi-chip integration of hybrid platforms”, Integrated Photonic Platforms III - SPIE Photonics Europe, Strasbourg - France (2024).
- Grabulosa A.; Skalli A.; Goldmann M.; Porte X.; Haghighi N.; Reitzenstein S.; Lott J. A.; Brunner D.; “A high performing fully tunable laser towards parallel photonic neural networks”, 32nd annual international laser physics workshop (LPHYS’24) - Seminar 4: physics and applications of nanolasers, Sao Carlos - Brazil (2024). Invited.
- Grabulosa A.; Porte X.; Moughames J.; Brunner D.; “Additive-CMOS compatible fabrication of 3D photonic circuits for integrating multi-chip and multi-material platforms”, 32nd annual international laser physics workshop (LPHYS’24) - Seminar 12: optical computing and neural networks, Sao Carlos - Brazil (2024). Invited.
- Grabulosa A.; Skalli, A.; Brunner D.; “3D printing as efficient tool for hybrid co-integration of multiple photonic platforms”, 3rd Symposium on Functional Nanomaterials Sciences (FNMS’24), Shanghai - China (2024). Invited.
- Grabulosa A.; Porte X.; Moughames J.; Brunner D.; “3D printed photonic circuits towards efficient and scalable integration of hybrid photonic platforms”, Journées Nationales sur les Technologies Emergentes en micro-nanofabrication (JNTE’24), Saint-Etienne - France (2024). Invited - Prix RENATECH.
- Genin, V.; Puhalo-Smith, J.; Sharma, K.; Grabulosa, A.; Brunner, D.; "Impression 3D par Polymérisation à deux photons : vers une intégration évolutive des réseaux 3D Photoniques.", French Photonics Days, Poster presentation, 15-16th October 2024, Besançon, France.
- Hary, M.; Skalli, A.; Dudley, J.M.; Brunner, D.; Genty, G; "Autoencoders for Compressive Sampling in a high-Dimensional Ultrafast Optical System", Photonic West, San Francisco, US, (2024).
- Hary, M.; Salmela, L.; J.M.; Brunner, D.; Genty, G; "Optimization of Non-Linear Optical Systems", Internal Workshop, Tampere, Finland (2024).
- Hary, M.; Leybov, L.; Dudley, J.M.; Genty, G.; Brunner, D. " Optical Computing with Highly Nonlinear Fibers", Como Summer School, Como, Italy, (2024).
- Lance, R.; Skalli, A.; Porte, X.; Brunner, D. “A fully optical C-band neural network for telecommunication applications”. SPIE Optics + Photonics 2024, San Diego, USA August 2024.
- Puhalo-Smith J.; Querlioz D.; Vianello E.; Portal J-M.; Brunner D.; "Towards An Algebraic Decomposition Of 3D Photonic Waveguide Circuits for Opto-Electronic Neuromorphic Chips" Journées Scientifiques Nationales 2024 du PEPR électronique et PEPR réseaux du futur - Grenoble, France (March 2024).
- Sharma, K.; Grabulosa, A.; Jung, E.; and Brunner, D.; "High-density hybrid 3D optical integration to enable scalable photonic neural networks", Machine Learning Photonics, Summer school Lake Como (2 -6 sept, 2024).
- Sharma, K.; Grabulosa, A.; Jung, E.; and Brunner, D.; "Three-dimensional integrated optical neural network", Proc. SPIE 13017, Machine Learning in Photonics, 130170K (18 June 2024); DOI: 10.1117/12.3022124
- Sharma, K.; Grabulosa, A.; Jung, E.; and Brunner, D.; "High-density hybrid 3D optical integration to enable scalable photonic neural networks", Proc. SPIE PC13118, Emerging Topics in Artificial Intelligence (ETAI) 2024, PC1311803 (4 October 2024); DOI: 10.1117/12.3026202
- Talukder, R.; Skalli, A.; Brunner, D., “Computation with large scalable spiking photonic neural network”, IOCPC (2024), Germany. Invited.
- Grabulosa, A.; Porte, X.; Moughames, J.; Brunner, D.; “Combining (3+1)D printed photonic circuits and CMOS technology for future high-performance integration”, CLEO Europe, Munich (2023).
- Grabulosa, A.; Porte, X.; Moughames, J.; Brunner, D.; “3D printing towards the scalable and efficient integration of high- performance hybrid platforms”, EOSAM, Dijon (2023).
- Talukder, R.; Skalli, A.; Brunner, D.; “A Large Photonic Spiking Neural Network”, CLEO EUROPE Munich, Germany (2023).
- Lance, R.; Skalli, A.; Porte, X.; Brunner, D.; “Study of the C-band dynamical response of an injection locked LA-EEL for fully integrated telecommunication data processing”, CLEO Europe, Munich (2023).
- Lance, R.; Skalli, A.; Porte, X.; Brunner, D. “An injection locked large area C-band laser for telecommunication data processing”. EOS Annual Meeting Dijon, France September 2023.
- Lance, R.; Skalli, A.; Porte, X.; Brunner, D. “C-band all-optical Neural Network for telecom applications”. Annual First Year PhD Seminar, Belfort, France June 2023.
- Lance, R.; Skalli, A.; Porte, X.; Brunner, D. “C-band all-optical Neural Network for telecom applications”. International Conference on Neuromorphic, Natural and Physical Computing, Hannover, Germany October 2023.
- Talukder, R.; Skalli, A.; Porte, X.; Brunner, D.; “Computation and implementation of large scalable Spiking Neural Network”, EOSAM, Dijon, France (2023).
- Talukder, R.; Skalli, A.; Brunner, D.; “Large scalable electro-optical spiking neural Network”, NNPC, Hanover, Germany (2023), invited.
- Skalli, A.; Porte, X.; Haghighi, N.; Reitzenstein, S.; Lott, J. A.; & Brunner, D. (2023, June). “An autonomous semiconductor laser neural network”. CLEO EUROPE Munich, Germany June 2023.
- Skalli, A.; Goldmann, M.; Porte, X.; Haghighi, N.; Reitzenstein, S.; Lott, J. A.; & Brunner, D. “A high performance fully tunable laser-based neural network”. NNPC Hannover, Germany November 2023, invited.
- Skalli, A.; Goldmann, M.; Porte, X., Haghighi, N.; Reitzenstein, S.; Lott, J. A.; & Brunner, D. “A high performance fully tunable laser-based neural network”. NLO Honolulu, Hawaii July 2023.
- Skalli, A., Goldmann, M., Porte, X., Haghighi, N., Reitzenstein, S., Lott, J. A., & Brunner, D. (2023). “A scalable and fully tuneable VCSEL-based neural network”. EOS Annual Meeting Dijon, France October 2023.
- Sharma K.; Grabulosa A.; Jung E; Brunner D.; "Three Dimensional Integrated Optical Neural Network", Femto-ST Annual Seminar, Belfort (2023).
- Grabulosa, A.; Porte, X.; Moughames, J.; Brunner, D.; “3D integration towards scalability for photonic neural network integration”, 2nd workshop on Neuromorphic computing and applications, University of West Attica, Athens (2023), invited.
- Moughames, J.; Grabulosa, A.; Porte, X.; Brunner, D.; “(3+1)D printing towards the scalable and efficient integration of high-performance hybrid platforms”, JNOG, Lyon (2023).
- Porte, X.; Skalli, A.; Haghighi, N.; Reitzenstein, S.; Lott, J. A.; Brunner, D.; “Neural network computing with large-area lasers”, AOP, Porto (2022).
- Porte, X.; Skalli, A.; Haghighi, N.; Reitzenstein, S.; Lott, J. A.; Brunner, D.; “Neural network computing with large-area lasers”, IEEE COMPENG, Florence (2022).
- Grabulosa, A.; Porte, X.; Moughames, J.; Brunner, D.; "(3+1)D-printed adiabatic 1-to-N couplers", ETAI, San Diego (2022).
- Skalli, A.; Porte, X.; Haghighi, N.; Reitzenstein, S.; Lott, J.A.; Brunner, D.; "A semiconductor laser stand-alone neural network" OECC-PSC, Toyama (2022).
- Talukder, R. ; Porter,X ; Brunner, D.; “Realisation of large-scale Photonic Spiking hardware system ”, SPIE Optics+Photonics, San Diego USA(2022).
- Skalli, A.; Porte, X.; Haghighi, N.; Reitzenstein, S.; Lott, J.A.; Brunner, D.; " Computational metrics of an injection-locked large area semiconductor laser for neural network computing (Conference Presentation)" ETAI, San-Diego (2022).
- Talukder, R. ; Porter,X ; Brunner, D.;"Scalable electro-optical spiking neural network", Women in photonics, Jena, Germany (2022).
- Grabulosa, A.; Moughames, J.; Porte, X.; Brunner, D.; “Three-dimensional two-photon polymerization: breakthrough towards scalable integration of photonic neural networks.”, Femto-ST Annual Seminar, Sevenans (2021).
- Grabulosa, A.; Moughames, J.; Porte, X.; Brunner, D.; “Three-dimensional two-photon polymerization: breakthrough towards scalable integration of photonic neural networks.”, PhD students seminar, Besançon (2021).
- Grabulosa, A.; Moughames, J.; Porte, X.; Brunner, D.; “Three-dimensional two-photon polymerization: breakthrough towards scalable integration of photonic neural networks.”, EPFL-Photonic Day, Lausanne (2021).
- Grabulosa, A.; Moughames, J.; Porte, X.; Brunner, D.; “Three-dimensional two-photon polymerization: breakthrough towards scalable integration of photonic neural networks.”, SPIE Optics + Photonics, San Diego (2021).
- A. Skalli, X. Porte, N. Haghighi, S. Reitzenstein, J.A. Lott, D. Brunner “Analog computing on spiking photonic neural networks”, IS-PALD (2021).
- A .Skalli, X. Porte, N. Haghighi, S. Reitzenstein, J.A. Lott, D. Brunner "Emerging topics in artificial intelligence" ETAI (2021).
- A .Skalli, X. Porte, N. Haghighi, S. Reitzenstein, J.A. Lott, D. Brunner "Deep learning in unconventional neuromorphics hardware" DLUNH (2021).
- Talukder, R. ; Skalli, A. ; Andreoli, L. ; Brunner, D.; “Analog computing on spiking photonic neural networks”, IS-PALD (2021).
- Talukder, R. ; Skalli, A. ; Andreoli, L. ; Brunner, D.; “Analog computing on spiking photonic neural networks”, EPFL- Photonic days (2021).
- Porte, X.; Skalli, A.; Haghighi, N.; Reitzenstein, S.; Lott, J. A.; Brunner, D.; "Neural network computing with large-area VCSELs," European Semiconductor Lasers Workshop - Paris (virtual) (2021).
- Porte, X.; Skalli, A.; Haghighi, N.; Reitzenstein, S.; Lott, J. A.; Brunner, D.; "Neural network computing with multimode lasers," International conference on "Control of Self-Organizing Nonlinear Systems" - Postdam (virtual) (2021).
- Porte, X.; Skalli, A.; Haghighi, N.; Reitzenstein, S.; Lott, J. A.; Brunner, D.; "Neural network computing using a semiconductor multimode laser," OSA NLO Topical Meetings - Hawaï (virtual) (2021).
- Semenova, N.; Larger, L.; Brunner, D.; “Impact of noise on analog neural networks” Saratov Fall Meeting 9th International Symposium “Optics and Biophotonics” (2021), Saratov, Russia.
- Semenova, N.; Larger, L.; Brunner, D.; “The general aspects of noise in analog hardware deep neural networks” International Symposium TOPICAL PROBLEMS OF NONLINEAR WAVE PHYSICS NWP (2021), Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.
- Semenova, N.; Porte, X.; Jacquot, M.; Larger, L.; Brunner, D.; “Impact of internal noise on deep neural networks” SPIE Optics & Photonics - digital forum (2021).
- Porte, X.; "Optical coupling of quantum-dot micropillar lasers with perspective towards neuromorphic computing," Seminar at IFISC - Palma de Mallorca (virtual) (2021)
- Semenov, V.; Porte, X.; Conti, C.; Abdulhalim, I.; Larger, L.; Brunner, D.; "Optically-addressed spatial light modulators for the Ising machine implementation", CLEO/Europe-EQEC Virtual Conferences (2021).
- Porte, X.; Skalli, A.; Haghighi, N.; Reitzenstein, S.; Lott, J. A.; Brunner, D.; "Neural network computing using a large-area vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser," CLEO Europe - Munich (virtual) (2021).
- Porte, X.; Moughames, J.; Larger, L.; Jacquot, M.; Kadic, M.; Brunner, D.; "3D-printed core-cladding waveguides and adiabatic splitters for integrated photonic circuits," CLEO Europe - Munich (virtual) (2021).
- Moughames, J.; Porte, X.; Jacquot, M.; Larger, L.; Kadic, M.; Brunner, D.; "Scalable photonic splitters based on 3D laser lithography", CLEO/Europe-EQEC Virtual Conferences ( June 2021).
- Moughames, J.; Porte, X.; Jacquot, M.; Larger, L.; Kadic, M.; Brunner, D.; "3D printed interconnects of photonic waveguides", CLEO US (May, 2021).
- Semenova, N.; Porte, X.; Jacquot, M.; Larger, L.; Brunner, D.; "Noise propagation in feedforward and reservoir neural networks," SPIE Optics & Photonics - digital forum (2020).
- Porte, X.; Moughames, J.; Andreoli, L.; Heuser, T.; Semenova, N.; Jacquot, M.; Larger, L.; Kadic, M.; Reitzenstein, S.; Brunner, D.; "PHOTONIC NEURAL NETWORKS FOR MACHINE LEARNING," Seminar at ETSI, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - Madrid (2020)
- Semenov, V.; Porte, X.; Jacquot, M.; Larger, L.; Abdulhalim, I.; Brunner, D.; "Optically addressed spatial light modulators for photonic neural network implementations," SPIE Optics & Photonics - digital forum (2020).
- Porte, X.; Andreoli, L.; Chretien, S.; Jacquot, M.; Larger, L.; Brunner, D.; “Greedy Reinforcement Learning in Large Photonic Neural Networks”, Invited Presentation, The International Conference on Hybrid Photonics and Materials, Naxos/Greece (2019).
- Porte, X.; Holzinger, S.; Kreinberg, S.; Schlottmann, E.; Heuser, T.; Große, J.; Andreoli, L.; Jacquot, M.; Larger, L.; Reitzenstein, S.; Brunner, D.; “Optical coupling of quantum-dot micropillar lasers with application to neuromorphic computing”, Invited Presentation, European Semiconductor Lasers Workshop, Cork/Ireland (2019).
- Porte, X.; Andreoli, L.; Jacquot, M.; Larger, L.; Brunner, D.; “Reservoir-size dependent learning in analogue neural networks”, Oral Presentation, ICANN 2019: Workshop and Special Sessions, Munich/Germany (2019).
- Andreoli, L.; Porte, X.; Heuser, T.; Große, J.; Jacquot, M.; Chretien, S.; Reitzenstein, S.; Larger, L.; Brunner, D.; "Greedy Boolean Learning in Photonic Recurrent Neural Networks," Invited Presentation, European Materials Research Society September 28th 2019, Warsaw, Poland.
- Porte, X.; Andreoli, L.; Chretien, S.; Jacquot, M.; Larger, L.; Brunner, D.; “Greedy Boolean Learning in Photonic Recurrent Neural Networks”, Invited Presentation, ML-Photonica 2019: Machine Learning with Photonics, Belgrade/Serbia (2019).
- Porte, X.; Andreoli, L.; Heuser, T.; Große, J.; Jacquot, M.; Chretien, S.; Reitzenstein, S.; Larger, L.; Brunner, D.; “Greedy Boolean Learning in Photonic Recurrent Neural Networks”, Oral Presentation, Workshop on Dynamical Systems and Brain-
Inspired Information Processing, Konstanz/Germany (2019). - Andreoli, L.; Porte, X.; Semenova, N.; Jacquot, M.; Larger, L.; Brunner, D.; "Noise and Consistency of Analogue Spatio-Temporal Photonic Neural Networks," Poster Presentation, Workshop on Dynamical Systems and Brain-
Inspired Information Processing, Konstanz/Germany (2019). - Andreoli, L.; Porte, X.; Jacquot, M.; Larger, L.; Brunner, D.; "Scaling laws and topology-properties of Boolean greedy learning in photonic neural networks," Oral presentation, CLEO Europe - EQEC June 23rd 2019, Munich, Germany.
- Andreoli, L.; Samenova, N.; Samenov, V.; Maktoobi, S.; Jacquot, M.; Fischer, I.; Larger, L.; Brunner, D.; "Impact and mitigation of noise in analogue spatio - temporal neural network", Cognitive Computing - merging concepts with hardware, 19th of December 2018, Hannover, Germany.
- Maktoobi, S.; Andreoli, L.; Froehly, L.; Jacquot, M.; Brunner, D.; "Scalable Optical Neural Network via Diffractive Coupling," Cognitive Computing - merging concepts with hardware, 19th of December 2018, Hannover, Germany.
- Andreoli, L.; Samenova, N.; Samenov, V.; Maktoobi, S.; Jacquot, M.; Fischer, I.; Larger, L.; Brunner, D.; "Impact and mitigation of noise in analogue spatio - temporal neural network", NOLTA, 4th of September 2018, Terragona, Spain.
- Maktoobi, S.; Froehly, L.; Jacquot, M.; Larger, L.; Brunner, D.; "Diffractive coupling for large scale photonic Reservoir
Computers," OSA Advanced Photonics Congress, 2-5 July, 2018, Zürich, Switzerland. - Penkovsky, B.; Larger, L.; Maistrenko, Y.; Brunner, D.; “Nonlinear Delayed-feedback Systems: Complex Patterns And Neuromorphic Computing”, Paris Sud University, seminar, June 8, 2018, Paris, France.
- Penkovsky, B.; Larger, L.; Brunner, D.; “Efficient Neuromorphic Hardware Design”, BioComp, poster, June 4-6, 2018, Bordeaux, France.
- Penkovsky, B.; Larger, L.; Maistrenko, Y.; Brunner, D.; “Nonlinear Delayed-feedback Systems: Complex Patterns And Neuromorphic Computing”, ZEA-2, invited seminar, May 15, 2018, Juelich, Germany.
- Maktoobi,S.; Froehly, L.; Jacquot, M.; Brunner, D.; "Diffractive Coupling for Optical Neural Network ", 6th International symposium in Optics and its Applications, Poster presentation, 17-20th February 2018, Trento, Italy. Best poster presentation award.
- Maktoobi, S.; Froehly, L.; Jacquot, M.; Brunner, D.; "Diffractive Coupling in Optical Network", Photonics Day, 1th December 2017 , Dijon, France.
- Marquez, B. A.; Suarez-Vargas, J.; Larger, L.; Jacquot, M; Chembo, Y. K.; Brunner, D.; "Embedding in Neural Networks: A-Priori Design of Hybrid Computers for Prediction", 2017 IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing (ICRC), Oral presentation, 7-10 November 2017, Washington DC, USA.
- Maktoobi, S.; Froehly, L.; Jacquot, M.; Brunner, D.; "Diffractive Coupling for Optical Neural Network", workshop FEMTO-ST, 23rd November 2017, Besancon, France.
- Penkovsky, B.; Larger, L.; Brunner, D.; “Network dynamic emulated by large delay systems: From brain-inspired computing to chimera states”, PhysCon 2017, Invited presentation, July 18, 2017, Florence, Italy.
- Maktoobi, S.; Andréoli, L.; Reitzenstein, S.; Froehly, L.; Jacquot, M.; Brunner, D.; "Neuromorphic Computing using QD-Networks NeuroQNet", BioComp Summer School, Poster presentation, 25th June –1st July 2017, Roscoff, France.
- Penkovsky, B.; Brunner, D.; Larger, L.; Maistrenko, Y.; “Chimera States in Nonlinear Systems with Delayed Feedback” at “Complex patterns on networks”, Dynamics Days Europe, June 6, 2017, Szeged, Hungary.
- Penkovsky, B.; “Ma thèse en 180 secondes” (“Three minute thesis”), the regional final of the University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté, April 4, 2017, Dijon, France.
- Marquez, B. A.; Larger, L.; Jacquot, M; Chembo, Y. K.; Brunner, D.; "Synchronization and memory in neural networks beyond their fixed point", Rencontre du Non-Lineaire, 27-19 March 2017, Paris, France.
- Marquez, B. A.; Larger, L.; Brunner, D.; Chembo, Y. K.; Jacquot, M; Interaction between Liénard and Ikeda dynamics in a nonlinear electro-optical oscillator with delayed feedback, Dynamics of Delay Equations, Theory and Applications WIAS, 12-14 October 2016, Berlin, Germany.
- Penkovsky B.; Larger, L.; Brunner, D.; “Towards a Brain-Inspired Computer With a Delay Dynamics”, GDR BioComp, October 11, 2016, INSA Lyon, France.
- Marquez, B. A.; Larger, L.; Jacquot, M; Chembo, Y. K.; Brunner, D.; "State-space prediction in Reservoir Computing", GDR BioComp, October 11, 2016, INSA Lyon, France.
- Penkovsky B.; Brunner, D.; Maistrenko Y.; Larger, L.; “Laser Delay Dynamics For Information Processing” TU Berlin, Invited presentation, July 13, 2016, Berlin, Germany.
- Penkovsky B.; Brunner, D.; Larger, L.; “FPGA-Based Reservoir Computing”, FEMTO-ST, Oral presentation, July 1, 2016, Besançon, France.
- Penkovsky B.; Brunner D.; Larger, L.; “Toward New General-Purpose Processor With Nonlinear Transient Computing”, Dynamics Days Europe, Oral presentation, June 9, 2016, Corfu, Greece.
- Marquez, B. A.; Larger, L.; Brunner, D.; Chembo, Y. K.; Jacquot, M; "Bifurcation of spiral-shaped patterns in the phase space of a nonlinear delayed electro-optic system", Dynamics Days Europe, Oral presentation, June 9, 2016, Corfu, Greece.
- Penkovsky B.; Larger, L.; “A New Architecture For a General-Purpose Microprocessor”, RNL, Poster presentation, March 15, 2016, Paris, France.