Invited presentations and seminars:


  • Grabulosa, A.; Skalli, A.; Brunner, D.; Towards more neuromorphic photonic neural networks for scalability and efficiency," AI Photonics, San Sebastian, Spain, September 11th 2023.
  • Grabulosa, A.; Skalli, A.; Brunner, D.; "Physics, integration and training of scalable and autonomous Photonic Neural Networks," Frontiers of Neuromorphic Computing, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen, Germany, September 5th 2023.
  • Grabulosa, A.; Skalli, A.; Brunner, D.; "Some (crucial) differences between neural network concepts, physical hardware and resulting consequences," Optics & Photonics, ETAI 2023, San Diego USA, August 23rd 2023.
  • Grabulosa, A.; Skalli, A.; Moughames, J.; Porte, X; Brunner, D.; "Scalable and autonomous photonic neural networks." CLEO Europe/EQEC, Munich, France, June 30th 2023.
  • Grabulosa, A.; Skalli, A.; Moughames, J.; Porte, X; Brunner, D.; "3D additive fabrication for CMOS-compatible integration of scalable neural networks." EMRS spring meeting, Strasbourg, France, June 12t 2023.
  • Grabulosa, A.; Skalli, A.; Moughames, J.; Porte, X; Brunner, D.; "Towards scalable and autonomous Photonic Neural Networks." Swiss photonics workshop, EPFL, Lausanne, CH, April 27th 2023.
  • Grabulosa, A.; Skalli, A.; Moughames, J.; Porte, X; Kadic, M.; Brunner, D.; "Scalability: essence for (photonic) neural networks." SMYLE Symposium, EPFL, Lausanne, CH, February 15th 2023.
  • Grabulosa, A.; Skalli, A.; Moughames, J.; Porte, X; Brunner, D.; "Scalability and photonic neural networks." Rank Symposium, Grasmere, UK, February 8th 2023.
  • Skalli, A.; Porte, X; Haghighi, N.; Lott, J.A.; Reitzenstein, S.; Brunner, D.; "Versatile DMDs as input information platform and trainable weights in optical neural networks." SPIE Photonics West, Photonic Hardware Accelerators II, January 30th 2023.
  • Skalli, A.; Porte, X; Brunner, D.; "Versatile DMDs as input information platform and trainable weights in optical neural networks." SPIE Photonics West, Computational Imaging / ONN, January 30th 2023.
  • Grabulosa, A.; Moughames, J.; Porte, X; Brunner, D.; "3D additive fabrication for CMOS-compatible integration of scalable neural networks." SPIE Photonics West, 3D printing of Bio-inspired Structures and Materials, January 30th 2023.


  • Grabulosa, A.; Skalli, A.; Moughames, J.; Porte, X; Brunner, D.; "Towards scalable and autonomous Photonic Neural Networks." Martels Society invited Seminar, November 25th 2022. Virtual.
  • Grabulosa, A.; Moughames, J.; Porte, X; Kadic, M.; Brunner, D.; "Towards Scalable Photonic Neural Networks with (3+1) D Integrated Optics." APC / APOC, Shenzhen, China, November 5th 2022.
  • Grabulosa, A.; Moughames, J.; Porte, X; Kadic, M.; Brunner, D.; "Towards Scalable (Photonic) integration of Neural Networks." OECC, Toyama, Japan, July 2nd 2022.
  • Grabulosa, A.; Moughames, J.; Porte, X; Kadic, M.; Brunner, D.; "Towards Scalable Photonic Neural Networks with (3+1) D Integrated Optics." GdR-SOC2, Strasbourg, France, June 27th 2022.
  • Grabulosa, A.; Moughames, J.; Porte, X; Kadic, M.; Brunner, D.; "(3+1)D printing for graded index photonic integration." EPS Nanometa, Seefeld, Austria, March 28th 2022.
  • Porte, X.; Grabulosa, A.; Moughames, J.; Brunner, D.; "Towards Scalable Photonic Neural Networks with (3+1) D Integrated Optics." SPIE Photonics West – on deman, February 21st, virtual.


  • Porte, X.; Skalli, A.; Moughames, J.; Grabulosa, A.; Haghighi, N.; Reitzenstein, S.; Lott, J.; Brunner, D.; "Towards autonomous optical neural networks leveraging 3D integrations." Metamorphose V, New York, USA, September 22nd 2021.
  • Porte, X.; Skalli, A.; Moughames, J.; Grabulosa, A.; Haghighi, N.; Reitzenstein, S.; Lott, J.; Brunner, D.; "Towards autonomous optical neural networks leveraging 3D integrations." Heraeus-Seminar: Optical Information Processing, Bad Honnef, Germany, August 26th 2021.
  • Porte, X.; Skalli, A.; Moughames, J.; Grabulosa, A.; Haghighi, N.; Reitzenstein, S.; Lott, J.; Kadic, M.; Brunner, D.; "A complete, parallel and autonomous photonic neural network in a semiconductor VCSEL laser." OSA Advanced Photonics Congress 2021, July 27th 2021.
  • Porte, X.; Skalli, A.; Moughames, J.; Grabulosa, A.; Haghighi, N.; Reitzenstein, S.; Lott, J.; Kadic, M.; Brunner, D.; "A complete, parallel and autonomous photonic neural network in a semiconductor VCSEL laser." The 26th Optoelectronics and Communications Conference, July 6th, Dijon, France.
  • Porte, X.; Skalli, A.; Haghighi, N.; Reitzenstein, S.; Lott, J.; Brunner, D.; "Realtime and scalable integrated photonic neural network." French optical society annual meeting, July 3rd, Hong Kong, China.
  • Porte, X.; Skalli, A.; Moughames, J.; Grabulosa, A.; Haghighi, N.; Reitzenstein, S.; Lott, J.; Kadic, M.; Brunner, D.; "Towards autonomous optical neural networks leveraging 3D integrations." Nano and integrated photonics workshop, April 22nd, MULTPLY, Birmingham, United Kingdom. Plenary.
  • Porte, X.; Skalli, A.; Haghighi, N.; Reitzenstein, S.; Lott, J.; Brunner, D.; "Towards 20 GHz realtime neural network processors via semiconductor lasers." Swiss photonics, Switzerland.
  • Moughames, J.;Porte, X.; Grabulosa, A.; Kadic, M.; Brunner, D.; "3D photonic integration for scalable photonic neural networks." MLPH Summerschool 19th of March, Lago di Como, Italy.
  • Brunner, D.; "How to do reservoir computing with photonic systems." MLPH Summerschool 18th of March, Lago di Como, Italy.
  • Brunner, D.; Semenova, N.; Porte, X.; Moughames, J.; Larger, L.; "Scalability and noise in (photonic) hardware neural networks." SPIE Photonics West March 2021, San Francisco, USA.
  • Brunner, D.; Porte, X.; Moughames, J.; Kadic, M.;Jacquot, M.; Larger, L.; "3D: a link from brains to photonic neural networks." AI for Photonics 5th of February 2021, Ghent, Belgium.


  • Brunner, D.; Porte, X.; Moughames, J.; Jacquot, M.; Kadic, M.; Larger, L.; "Achieving scalable photonic interconnects with 3D fabrication." ECOC 6th of December 2020, Brussels, Belgium.
  • Brunner, D.; Andreoli, L.; Porte, X.; Semenova, N.; Jacquot, M.; Kadic, M.; Larger, L.; "Towards autonomous optical neural networks." Lavender Workshop 16th of October 2020, Paris, France.
  • Brunner, D.; Andreoli, L.; Porte, X.; Semenova, N.; Jacquot, M.; Chretien, S.; Reitzenstein, S.; Kadic, M.; Larger, L.; "General considerations for (photonic) neural networks implemented in hardware." Leipzig University, 7th of July 2020, Leipzig, Germany.
  • Brunner, D.; Moughames, J.;  Porte, X.; Thiel, M.; Larger, L.; Jacquot, M.; Kadic, M.; "3D integrated photonic interconnects for scalable Neural Networks," CLEO , 15th of May 2020, San Jose, USA.
  • Brunner, D.; Jacquot, M.; Chretien, S.; Reitzenstein, S.; Larger, L.; "Photonic reservoir computing and general considerations for photonic neural networks," ORC/ZI “in absentia” colloquium, 27th of April 2020, University of Southampton, UK.
  • Brunner, D.; Andreoli, L.; Porte, X.; Semenova, N.; Jacquot, M.; Chretien, S.; Reitzenstein, S.; Kadic, M.; Larger, L.; "General considerations for (photonic) neural networks implemented in hardware." Yale University, 11th of February 2020, New Haven, USA.
  • Moughames, J.;  Porte, X.; Thiel, M.; Larger, L.; Jacquot, M.; Kadic, M.; Brunner, D.; "Size scalable integration of photonic neural networks," SPIE Photonics West, 3rd of February 2020, San Francisco, USA.
  • Moughames, J.; Porte, X.; Thiel, M.; Larger, L.; Jacquot, M.; Kadic, M.; Brunner, D.; "Towards scalable Photonic Neural Networks," Physics of Quantum Electronics, 5-10th January 2020, Snowbird, USA.

2019 (only presentation, excluding invited seminars)

  • Brunner, D.; Andreoli, L.; Porte, X.; Jacquot, M.; Reitzenstein, S.; Larger, L.; "Greedy Boolean learning in large photonic neural networks: empirical findings of convergence and scaling," Active Matter and Artificial Intelligence, 2nd of October 2019, CECAM-EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
  • Brunner, D.; Andreoli, L.; Porte, X.; Jacquot, M.; Larger, L.; "Photonic neural networks scalable in size and learning effort," ECOC, 22nd of September 2019, Dublin, Ireland.
  • Brunner, D.; Andreoli, L.; Porte, X.; Semenova, N.; Jacquot, M.; Chretien, S.; Reitzenstein, S.; Larger, L.; "General considerations for neural networks implemented in hardware," ML Photonica, 26th of August 2019, Belgrade, Serbia.
  • Brunner, D.; Andreoli, L.; Chretien, S.; Jacquot, M.; Larger, L.; "General considerations for neural networks implemented in hardware," V Workshop on Dynamical Systems and Brain-Inspired Information Processing, 30th of July 2019, Konstanz, Germany.
  • Brunner, D.; Andreoli, L.; Chretien, S.; Jacquot, M.; Larger, L.; "Scaling and cost-function topology of evolutionary Boolean learning in hardware," OSA Nonlinear optics topical meeting (NLO), 16th of July 2019, Waikoloa Village, Hawaii, USA.
  • Brunner, D.; Andreoli, L.; Porte, X.; Maktoobi, S.; Jacquot, M.; Chretien, S.; Reitzenstein, S.; Larger, L.; "Photonics for neural networks and evolutionary boolean learning", CLEO-Europe / EQEC, June 23rd 2019, Munich, Germany.
  • Brunner, D.; Maktoobi, S.; Andreoli, L.; Porte, X.; Jacquot, M.; Reitzenstein, S.; Larger, L.; "Limits and Applications of Diffractive Coupling", OSA Mathematics in Imaging 2019, 26th of June 2019, Munich, Germany.
  • Brunner, D.; Andreoli, L.; Chretien, S.; Jacquot, M.; Larger, L.; "Scaling and cost-function topology of evolutionary Boolean learning in hardware," International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (IWANN), 12th of June 2019, Gran Canaria, Spain.
  • Brunner, D.; Andreoli, L.; Chretien, S.; Jacquot, M.; Larger, L.; "Scaling and cost-function topology of evolutionary Boolean learning in hardware," Bits and Brains Workshop (KNAW), 18th of April 2019, Dutch National Academy of Science, Amsterdam, Holland.
  • Brunner, D.; Andreoli, L.; Maktoobi, S.; Jacquot, M.; Larger, L.; "Greedy Learning in a Large Scale Photonic Network," Neuro-inspired Computation Course, 23rd of March 2019, University of Tokyo, Japan.
  • Brunner, D.; Andreoli, L.; Maktoobi, S.; Jacquot, M.; Larger, L.; "Reinforcement Learning in a Large Scale Photonic Network" CNC 2019, 20th of March 2019, Atsugi, Japan.
  • Brunner, D.; Andreoli, L.; Maktoobi, S.; Bueno, J.; Jacquot, M.; Fischer, I.; Larger, L.; "Reinforcement Learning in a Large Scale Photonic Network" SPIE Photonics West, 6th of February 2019, San Francisco, USA. Keynote.


  • Brunner, D.; Jacquot, M.; Fischer, I.; Reitzenstein, S.; Larger, L.; "Reinforcement Learning in a Large Scale Photonic Network," LAOP, 15th of November 2018, Lima, Peru.
  • Brunner, D.; Jacquot, M.;Larger, L.; "Tutorial: Reservoir Computing," Spintronics meets Neuromorphics (Spice), 11th of October 2018, Mainz, Germany.
  • Brunner, D.; Jacquot, M.; Fischer, I.; Larger, L.; "Reinforcement Learning in large scale parallel photonic Reservoirs," CLEO Pacific Rim, 1st of August 2018, Hong Kong, China.
  • Brunner, D.; Jacquote, M.; Fischer, I.; Larger, L.; "Learning in large scale parallel photonic Reservoirs," Novel frontiers of optics for computing Workshop, Japanese Science and Technology Agency, 18th June 2018, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Brunner, D.; "Towards next generation learning in photonic systems", École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, 8th May 2018, Lausanne, Switzerland.
  • Brunner, D.; "Reinforcement Learning in a Large Scale Photonic Network", Max Planck Institute For Microstructure Physics, 24th January 2018, Halle, Germany.
  • Brunner, D.; "Towards Photonic Networks of Micropillar Lasers for Neuromorphic Computing ", Physics of Quantum Electronics, 7-12th January 2018, Snowbird, USA.


  • Brunner, D.; "Large scale spatio-temporal networks of nonlinear oscillators for neuromorphic computing," Dynamical Systems and Brain-inspired Information Processing, 6th October 2017, Konstanz, Germany.
  • Brunner, D; "Photonic networks for Neuromorphic Computing," Frontiers in Optics, 21st September 2017 Washington DC, USA.
  • Brunner, D.; "High performance neuromorphic computing in random photonic networks," Bernstein Conference, 12th September 2017, Göttingen, Germany.
  • Brunner, D.; Reitzenstein, S.; Fischer, I.; "Neuromorphic Computing using networks of quantum dot emitters," Dynamical Systems and Brain Inspired Computing Workshop, 31st May 2nd June 2017, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium.
  • Brunner, D.;"Large scale spatio-temporal networks of nonlinear oscillators for neuromorphic computing," CNOD Workshop, 18-19th May 2017, Université Côte d’Azur, Sophia Antipolis, France.
  • Brunner, D.; "Photonic networks for the implementation of Neural Networks," Seminar presentation ETH Zürich, 21 March 2017, Zürich, Switzerland.


  • Brunner, D.; Penkovskyi, B.; Maistrenko, Y.; Larger, L.; "Space-Time analogy in Delay Systems for Chimera States and Reservoir Computing," NOLTA 2016, 27-30 November 2016, Yugawara, Japan.
  • Brunner, D.; Reitzenstein, S.; Fischer, I.; "All-Optical Neuromorphic Computing in Optical Networks of Semiconductor Lasers," IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing, 17-19 October 2016, San Diego, USA.
  • Brunner, D.; “Towards the Creation of Cognitive Devices and the Role of Photonics,” Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics, 21.09.2016, Halle, Germany.
  • Fischer, I.; Reitzenstein, S; Brunner, D.; “Neuromorphic Computing using networks of quantum dot emitters,” Beyond von Neumann Workshop,18-21 May 2016, Harnack-Haus Berlin, Germany.


  • Brunner, D.; Fischer, I.; “Photonic Reservoir Computing,” Advanced Laser Technologies 2014 (ALT2014) 06-10.10.2014, Cassis, France.
  • Brunner, D.; Fischer, I.; “All-optical RC using an array of lasers,” 2014 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA2014) 14-18.08.2014, Luzern, Switzerland.

2013 and previous

  • Brunner, D.; Fischer, I.; “All-optical RC using an array of lasers,” Scientific workshop "Experimental reservoir computing" 14-15.02.2013, Besançon, France.
  • Brunner, D.; Soriano, M. C.; Mirasso, C. R.; Fischer, I.; “High speed, high performance all-optical information processing utilizing nonlinear optical transients,” CLEO Europe 12-16.05.2013, Munich, Germany.
  • Brunner, D.; “Photonic information processing based on Reservoir computing,” Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings 01-06.07.2012, Lindau, Germany. Participation suggested by Marie Curie Society.
  • Brunner, B.; Gerardot, B. D.; Dalgarno, P. A.; et al.; “Optically Manipulating and Probing Hole-Spin in a Single Quantum Dot,” Solid State Based Quantum Information Processing06-03.07.2009, Herrsching, Germany.
  • Brunner, D.; Gerardot, B. D.; Dalgarno, P. A.; et al.; “Coherent hole spin in a semiconductor,” International Conference on Quantum Engineering 14-19.06.2009, Monte Verità, Switzerland.
  • Brunner, D.; Gerardot, B. D.; Dalgarno, P. A.; et al.; “Hole-spin initialization in single quantum dots with high fidelity,” QD2008 11-16.05.2008, Gyeongju, Republic of Korea.