Brunner, D.; "Physics, integration and training of scalable and autonomous Photonic Neural Networks," IS-PALD Saitama City, Japan, November 5th 2024.
Skalli, A.; Haghighi, N.; Gebski, M.; Czyszanowski, T.; Reitzenstein, S.; Lott, J. A.; Brunner, D.; "Scaling of size and learning in fully implemented and trained optical semiconductor laser neural networks," 10th Workshop on the Physics and Technology of Semiconductor Laser, Sopot, Poland, October 15th 2024.
Skalli, A.; Goldmann, M.; Grabulosa, A.; Brunner, D.; "Autonomous Optical (deep) Neural Networks in Multimode-lasers," Machine Learning Photonics III, Lake Como School of Advanced studies, Fondazione Alessandro Volta, Como, Italy, 04 September 2024.
Skalli, A.; Grabulosa, A.; Brunner, D.; "Physics, integration and training of scalable and autonomous Photonic Neural Networks," Berlin School of Optical Sciences & Quantum Technology, Schloss Fleesensee, Germany, July 16th 2024.
Skalli, A.; Grabulosa, A.; Brunner, D.; "Physics, integration and training of scalable and autonomous Photonic Neural Networks," Faculty of Physics, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, July 8th 2024.
Brunner, D.; "Model-free programming and optimization without measuring," SMYLE Quantum Symposium, EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland, June 19th 2024.
Grabulosa, A.; Skalli, A.; Brunner, D.; "Towards Autonomous Optical Neural Networks Leveraging 3D Integration," Photonics for Information Processing, 811. WE-Heraeus-Seminar, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany, 03 June 2024.
Grabulosa, A.; Skalli, A.; Brunner, D.; "Towards hardware neural networks with scalability in size, energy and training effort," Artificial Intelligence for iMaging 2024, La Rapita, Tarragona, Spain, May 30th 2024.
Brunner, D.; "Physics, integration and training of scalable and autonomous Photonic Neural Networks," Institute for Applied Optics and Biophysics, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany, May 22nd 2024.
Brunner, D.; "Optische Kuenstliche Intelligenz," Scientific outreach Etonnante physique, French Consolute Munich, May 2nd 2024.
Brunner, D.; "Optische Kuenstliche Intelligenz," Scientific outreach Etonnante physique, Lycée Jean Renoir, French High School Munich, May 2nd 2024.
Grabulosa, A.; Skalli, A.; Moughames, J.; Porte, X.; Haghighi, N.; Lott, J.A.; Reitzenstein, S.; Brunner, D.; "Scalable and autonomous photonic neural networks," 2P7a -New Trends in Nonlinear Optics and Emerging Platforms for The Generation of Complex Light, PIERS Conference, Chengdu, China, April 23rd 2024.
Brunner, D.; "Physics, integration and training of scalable and autonomous Photonic Neural Networks," Seminar Electrical Engineering Department, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, April 21st 2024.
Brunner, D.; "The major case and challenge for photonics AI remains: Scaling up," Photonic Computing: Highlight the ultimate nature of light, Tokyo University, Japan, March 12th 2024.
Brunner, D.; "Scalable integration and application of laser neural networks," Session: Neural Networks, SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, January 29th 2024.
Brunner, D.; "3D integration of scalable and autonomous Photonic Neural Networks," Enrico Fermi Colloquium Lens, Florence, Italy, January 18th 2024.
Grabulosa, A.; Skalli, A.; Brunner, D.; "Towards more neuromorphic photonic neural networks for scalability and efficiency," AI Photonics, San Sebastian, Spain, September 11th 2023.
Grabulosa, A.; Skalli, A.; Brunner, D.; "Physics, integration and training of scalable and autonomous Photonic Neural Networks," Frontiers of Neuromorphic Computing, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen, Germany, September 5th 2023.
Grabulosa, A.; Skalli, A.; Brunner, D.; "Some (crucial) differences between neural network concepts, physical hardware and resulting consequences," Optics & Photonics, ETAI 2023, San Diego USA, August 23rd 2023.
Grabulosa, A.; Skalli, A.; Moughames, J.; Porte, X; Brunner, D.; "Scalable and autonomous photonic neural networks." CLEO Europe/EQEC, Munich, France, June 30th 2023.
Grabulosa, A.; Skalli, A.; Moughames, J.; Porte, X; Brunner, D.; "3D additive fabrication for CMOS-compatible integration of scalable neural networks." EMRS spring meeting, Strasbourg, France, June 12t 2023.
Skalli, A.; Porte, X; Haghighi, N.; Lott, J.A.; Reitzenstein, S.; Brunner, D.; "Versatile DMDs as input information platform and trainable weights in optical neural networks." SPIE Photonics West, Photonic Hardware Accelerators II, January 30th 2023.
Skalli, A.; Porte, X; Brunner, D.; "Versatile DMDs as input information platform and trainable weights in optical neural networks." SPIE Photonics West, Computational Imaging / ONN, January 30th 2023.
Grabulosa, A.; Moughames, J.; Porte, X; Brunner, D.; "3D additive fabrication for CMOS-compatible integration of scalable neural networks." SPIE Photonics West, 3D printing of Bio-inspired Structures and Materials, January 30th 2023.
Grabulosa, A.; Skalli, A.; Moughames, J.; Porte, X; Brunner, D.; "Towards scalable and autonomous Photonic Neural Networks." Martels Society invited Seminar, November 25th 2022. Virtual.
Grabulosa, A.; Moughames, J.; Porte, X; Kadic, M.; Brunner, D.; "Towards Scalable Photonic Neural Networks with (3+1) D Integrated Optics." APC / APOC, Shenzhen, China, November 5th 2022.
Grabulosa, A.; Moughames, J.; Porte, X; Kadic, M.; Brunner, D.; "Towards Scalable (Photonic) integration of Neural Networks." OECC, Toyama, Japan, July 2nd 2022.
Grabulosa, A.; Moughames, J.; Porte, X; Kadic, M.; Brunner, D.; "Towards Scalable Photonic Neural Networks with (3+1) D Integrated Optics." GdR-SOC2, Strasbourg, France, June 27th 2022.
Grabulosa, A.; Moughames, J.; Porte, X; Kadic, M.; Brunner, D.; "(3+1)D printing for graded index photonic integration." EPS Nanometa, Seefeld, Austria, March 28th 2022.
Porte, X.; Grabulosa, A.; Moughames, J.; Brunner, D.; "Towards Scalable Photonic Neural Networks with (3+1) D Integrated Optics." SPIE Photonics West – on deman, February 21st, virtual.
Porte, X.; Skalli, A.; Moughames, J.; Grabulosa, A.; Haghighi, N.; Reitzenstein, S.; Lott, J.; Brunner, D.; "Towards autonomous optical neural networks leveraging 3D integrations." Metamorphose V, New York, USA, September 22nd 2021.
Porte, X.; Skalli, A.; Moughames, J.; Grabulosa, A.; Haghighi, N.; Reitzenstein, S.; Lott, J.; Brunner, D.; "Towards autonomous optical neural networks leveraging 3D integrations." Heraeus-Seminar: Optical Information Processing, Bad Honnef, Germany, August 26th 2021.
Porte, X.; Skalli, A.; Moughames, J.; Grabulosa, A.; Haghighi, N.; Reitzenstein, S.; Lott, J.; Kadic, M.; Brunner, D.; "A complete, parallel and autonomous photonic neural network in a semiconductor VCSEL laser." OSA Advanced Photonics Congress 2021, July 27th 2021.
Porte, X.; Skalli, A.; Moughames, J.; Grabulosa, A.; Haghighi, N.; Reitzenstein, S.; Lott, J.; Kadic, M.; Brunner, D.; "A complete, parallel and autonomous photonic neural network in a semiconductor VCSEL laser." The 26th Optoelectronics and Communications Conference, July 6th, Dijon, France.
Porte, X.; Skalli, A.; Haghighi, N.; Reitzenstein, S.; Lott, J.; Brunner, D.; "Realtime and scalable integrated photonic neural network." French optical society annual meeting, July 3rd, Hong Kong, China.
Porte, X.; Skalli, A.; Moughames, J.; Grabulosa, A.; Haghighi, N.; Reitzenstein, S.; Lott, J.; Kadic, M.; Brunner, D.; "Towards autonomous optical neural networks leveraging 3D integrations." Nano and integrated photonics workshop, April 22nd, MULTPLY, Birmingham, United Kingdom. Plenary.
Moughames, J.;Porte, X.; Grabulosa, A.; Kadic, M.; Brunner, D.; "3D photonic integration for scalable photonic neural networks." MLPH Summerschool 19th of March, Lago di Como, Italy.
Brunner, D.; "How to do reservoir computing with photonic systems." MLPH Summerschool 18th of March, Lago di Como, Italy.
Brunner, D.; Semenova, N.; Porte, X.; Moughames, J.; Larger, L.; "Scalability and noise in (photonic) hardware neural networks." SPIE Photonics West March 2021, San Francisco, USA.
Brunner, D.; Porte, X.; Moughames, J.; Kadic, M.;Jacquot, M.; Larger, L.; "3D: a link from brains to photonic neural networks." AI for Photonics 5th of February 2021, Ghent, Belgium.
Brunner, D.; Porte, X.; Moughames, J.; Jacquot, M.; Kadic, M.; Larger, L.; "Achieving scalable photonic interconnects with 3D fabrication." ECOC 6th of December 2020, Brussels, Belgium.
Brunner, D.; Andreoli, L.; Porte, X.; Semenova, N.; Jacquot, M.; Kadic, M.; Larger, L.; "Towards autonomous optical neural networks." Lavender Workshop 16th of October 2020, Paris, France.
Brunner, D.; Andreoli, L.; Porte, X.; Semenova, N.; Jacquot, M.; Chretien, S.; Reitzenstein, S.; Kadic, M.; Larger, L.; "General considerations for (photonic) neural networks implemented in hardware." Leipzig University, 7th of July 2020, Leipzig, Germany.
Brunner, D.; Moughames, J.; Porte, X.; Thiel, M.; Larger, L.; Jacquot, M.; Kadic, M.; "3D integrated photonic interconnects for scalable Neural Networks," CLEO , 15th of May 2020, San Jose, USA.
Brunner, D.; Jacquot, M.; Chretien, S.; Reitzenstein, S.; Larger, L.; "Photonic reservoir computing and general considerations for photonic neural networks," ORC/ZI “in absentia” colloquium, 27th of April 2020, University of Southampton, UK.
Brunner, D.; Andreoli, L.; Porte, X.; Semenova, N.; Jacquot, M.; Chretien, S.; Reitzenstein, S.; Kadic, M.; Larger, L.; "General considerations for (photonic) neural networks implemented in hardware." Yale University, 11th of February 2020, New Haven, USA.
Moughames, J.; Porte, X.; Thiel, M.; Larger, L.; Jacquot, M.; Kadic, M.; Brunner, D.; "Size scalable integration of photonic neural networks," SPIE Photonics West, 3rd of February 2020, San Francisco, USA.
Moughames, J.; Porte, X.; Thiel, M.; Larger, L.; Jacquot, M.; Kadic, M.; Brunner, D.; "Towards scalable Photonic Neural Networks," Physics of Quantum Electronics, 5-10th January 2020, Snowbird, USA.
Brunner, D.; Andreoli, L.; Porte, X.; Jacquot, M.; Reitzenstein, S.; Larger, L.; "Greedy Boolean learning in large photonic neural networks: empirical findings of convergence and scaling," Active Matter and Artificial Intelligence, 2nd of October 2019, CECAM-EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Brunner, D.; Andreoli, L.; Porte, X.; Jacquot, M.; Larger, L.; "Photonic neural networks scalable in size and learning effort," ECOC, 22nd of September 2019, Dublin, Ireland.
Brunner, D.; Andreoli, L.; Porte, X.; Semenova, N.; Jacquot, M.; Chretien, S.; Reitzenstein, S.; Larger, L.; "General considerations for neural networks implemented in hardware," ML Photonica, 26th of August 2019, Belgrade, Serbia.
Brunner, D.; Andreoli, L.; Chretien, S.; Jacquot, M.; Larger, L.; "General considerations for neural networks implemented in hardware," V Workshop on Dynamical Systems and Brain-Inspired Information Processing, 30th of July 2019, Konstanz, Germany.
Brunner, D.; Andreoli, L.; Chretien, S.; Jacquot, M.; Larger, L.; "Scaling and cost-function topology of evolutionary Boolean learning in hardware," OSA Nonlinear optics topical meeting (NLO), 16th of July 2019, Waikoloa Village, Hawaii, USA.
Brunner, D.; Andreoli, L.; Porte, X.; Maktoobi, S.; Jacquot, M.; Chretien, S.; Reitzenstein, S.; Larger, L.; "Photonics for neural networks and evolutionary boolean learning", CLEO-Europe / EQEC, June 23rd 2019, Munich, Germany.
Brunner, D.; Maktoobi, S.; Andreoli, L.; Porte, X.; Jacquot, M.; Reitzenstein, S.; Larger, L.; "Limits and Applications of Diffractive Coupling", OSA Mathematics in Imaging 2019, 26th of June 2019, Munich, Germany.
Brunner, D.; Andreoli, L.; Chretien, S.; Jacquot, M.; Larger, L.; "Scaling and cost-function topology of evolutionary Boolean learning in hardware," International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (IWANN), 12th of June 2019, Gran Canaria, Spain.
Brunner, D.; Andreoli, L.; Chretien, S.; Jacquot, M.; Larger, L.; "Scaling and cost-function topology of evolutionary Boolean learning in hardware," Bits and Brains Workshop (KNAW), 18th of April 2019, Dutch National Academy of Science, Amsterdam, Holland.
Brunner, D.; Andreoli, L.; Maktoobi, S.; Jacquot, M.; Larger, L.; "Greedy Learning in a Large Scale Photonic Network," Neuro-inspired Computation Course, 23rd of March 2019, University of Tokyo, Japan.
Brunner, D.; Andreoli, L.; Maktoobi, S.; Jacquot, M.; Larger, L.; "Reinforcement Learning in a Large Scale Photonic Network" CNC 2019, 20th of March 2019, Atsugi, Japan.
Brunner, D.; Andreoli, L.; Maktoobi, S.; Bueno, J.; Jacquot, M.; Fischer, I.; Larger, L.; "Reinforcement Learning in a Large Scale Photonic Network" SPIE Photonics West, 6th of February 2019, San Francisco, USA. Keynote.
Brunner, D.; Jacquot, M.; Fischer, I.; Reitzenstein, S.; Larger, L.; "Reinforcement Learning in a Large Scale Photonic Network," LAOP, 15th of November 2018, Lima, Peru.
Brunner, D.; Jacquot, M.;Larger, L.; "Tutorial: Reservoir Computing," Spintronics meets Neuromorphics (Spice), 11th of October 2018, Mainz, Germany.
Brunner, D.; Jacquot, M.; Fischer, I.; Larger, L.; "Reinforcement Learning in large scale parallel photonic Reservoirs," CLEO Pacific Rim, 1st of August 2018, Hong Kong, China.
Brunner,D.; Jacquote, M.; Fischer, I.; Larger, L.; "Learning in large scale parallel photonic Reservoirs," Novel frontiers of optics for computing Workshop, Japanese Science and Technology Agency, 18th June 2018, Tokyo, Japan.
Brunner, D.; "Towards next generation learning in photonic systems", École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, 8th May 2018, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Brunner, D.; "Reinforcement Learning in a Large Scale Photonic Network", Max Planck Institute For Microstructure Physics, 24th January 2018, Halle, Germany.
Brunner, D.; "Towards Photonic Networks of Micropillar Lasers for Neuromorphic Computing ", Physics of Quantum Electronics, 7-12th January 2018, Snowbird, USA.
Brunner, D.; "Large scale spatio-temporal networks of nonlinear oscillators for neuromorphic computing," Dynamical Systems and Brain-inspired Information Processing, 6th October 2017, Konstanz, Germany.
Brunner, D; "Photonic networks for Neuromorphic Computing," Frontiers in Optics, 21st September 2017 Washington DC, USA.
Brunner, D.; "High performance neuromorphic computing in random photonic networks," Bernstein Conference, 12th September 2017, Göttingen, Germany.
Brunner, D.; Reitzenstein, S.; Fischer, I.; "Neuromorphic Computing using networks of quantum dot emitters," Dynamical Systems and Brain Inspired Computing Workshop, 31st May 2nd June 2017, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium.
Brunner,D.;"Large scale spatio-temporal networks of nonlinear oscillators for neuromorphic computing," CNOD Workshop, 18-19th May 2017, Université Côte d’Azur, Sophia Antipolis, France.
Brunner, D.; "Photonic networks for the implementation of Neural Networks," Seminar presentation ETH Zürich, 21 March 2017, Zürich, Switzerland.
Brunner, D.; Penkovskyi, B.; Maistrenko, Y.; Larger, L.; "Space-Time analogy in Delay Systems for Chimera States and Reservoir Computing," NOLTA 2016, 27-30 November 2016, Yugawara, Japan.
Brunner, D.; Reitzenstein, S.; Fischer, I.; "All-Optical Neuromorphic Computing in Optical Networks of Semiconductor Lasers," IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing, 17-19 October 2016, San Diego, USA.
Brunner, D.; “Towards the Creation of Cognitive Devices and the Role of Photonics,” Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics, 21.09.2016, Halle, Germany.
Fischer, I.; Reitzenstein, S; Brunner, D.; “Neuromorphic Computing using networks of quantum dot emitters,” Beyond von Neumann Workshop,18-21 May 2016, Harnack-Haus Berlin, Germany.
Brunner, D.; Fischer, I.; “All-optical RC using an array of lasers,” 2014 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA2014) 14-18.08.2014, Luzern, Switzerland.
2013 and previous
Brunner, D.; Fischer, I.; “All-optical RC using an array of lasers,” Scientific workshop "Experimental reservoir computing" 14-15.02.2013, Besançon, France.
Brunner, D.; Soriano, M. C.; Mirasso, C. R.; Fischer, I.; “High speed, high performance all-optical information processing utilizing nonlinear optical transients,” CLEO Europe 12-16.05.2013, Munich, Germany.
Brunner, D.; “Photonic information processing based on Reservoir computing,” Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings 01-06.07.2012, Lindau, Germany. Participation suggested by Marie Curie Society.
Brunner, B.; Gerardot, B. D.; Dalgarno, P. A.; et al.; “Optically Manipulating and Probing Hole-Spin in a Single Quantum Dot,” Solid State Based Quantum Information Processing06-03.07.2009, Herrsching, Germany.
Brunner, D.; Gerardot, B. D.; Dalgarno, P. A.; et al.; “Coherent hole spin in a semiconductor,” International Conference on Quantum Engineering 14-19.06.2009, Monte Verità, Switzerland.
Brunner, D.; Gerardot, B. D.; Dalgarno, P. A.; et al.; “Hole-spin initialization in single quantum dots with high fidelity,” QD2008 11-16.05.2008, Gyeongju, Republic of Korea.