article - Nonlinear integrated optical resonators for optical fibre data recovery Optics Express (Volume 32, Issue (20), sep 2024, Pages :3422-34233) Boikov, Ivan | Brunner, Daniel | De Rossi, A
inproceedings - 3D printing as efficient tool for hybrid co-integration of multiple photonic platforms 3rd Sino-German Symposium FNMS (FNMS 2024) / Zhoushan Island, China (2024) Grabulosa, Adrià | Skalli, Anas | Brunner, Daniel
article - Impact of white noise in artificial neural networks trained for classification: Performance and noise mitigation strategies Chaos (Volume 34, Issue (5), may 2024, Pages :1) Semenova, Nadezhda | Brunner, Daniel
inproceedings - Towards An Algebraic Decomposition Of 3D Photonic Waveguide Circuits for Opto-Electronic Neuromorphic Chips (2024, Pages pages 1) Puhalo-Smith, Jacob | Querlioz, Damien | Vianello, Elisa | Portal, Jean-Michel | Brunner, Daniel
article - Direct coupling of nonlinear integrated cavities for all-optical reservoir computing New Journal of Physics (Volume 25, Issue (), oct 2023, Pages :093056 (19)) Boikov , I.K. | Brunner, Daniel | De Rossi, A
inproceedings - Some (crucial) differences between neural network concepts, physical hardware and resulting consequences SPIE Emerging Topics in Artificial Intelligence (2023) / San Diego, United States (2023, Pages pages PC126550I) Brunner, Daniel
inproceedings - Scalable and autonomous photonic neural networks 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe and the European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023) / Munich, Germany (2023, Pages pages paper jsiii_6_1) Grabulosa, Adrià | Skalli, Anas | Moughames, Johnny | Porte, Xavier | Brunner, Daniel
article - Injection locking and coupling the emitters of large VCSEL arrays via diffraction in an external cavity Optics Express (Volume 31, Issue (5), feb 2023, Pages :8704-8713) Pflüger, Moritz | Brunner, Daniel | Heuser, Tobias | A. Loot, James | Reitzenstein, Stephan | Fischer, Ingo
inproceedings - Versatile DMDs as input information platform and trainable weights in optical neural networks SPIE Photonics West (2023) / San Francisco, California, United States (2023) Skalli, Anas | Porte, Xavier | Haghighi, Nasibeh | Lott, James A. | Reitzenstein, Stephan | Brunner, Daniel
inproceedings - Versatile DMDs as input information platform and trainable weights in optical neural networks SPIE Photonics West (2023) / San Francisco, California, United States (2023) Skalli, Anas | Porte, Xavier | Brunner, Daniel
inproceedings - 3D additive fabrication for CMOS-compatible integration of scalable neural networks SPIE Photonics West (2023) / San Francisco, California, United States (2023) Grabulosa, Adrià | Moughames, Johnny | Porte, Xavier | Brunner, Daniel
inproceedings - Fully (implemented, scalable, and parallel) recurrent photonic neural networks in multimode semiconductor lasers SPIE Photonics West (2023) / San Francisco, California, United States (2023) Skalli, Anas | Porte, Xavier | Haghighi, Nasibeh | Lott, James A. | Reitzenstein, Stephan | Brunner, Daniel
inproceedings - Ultra-fast microfabrication of single-mode waveguides by one and two-photon polymerization Congrès général Optique de la Société Française d'Optique (2022) / Nice, France (2022) Moughames, Johnny | Grabulosa, Adrià | Porte, Xavier | Brunner, Daniel
inproceedings - One-step Fabrication of (3+1)D Integrated Waveguides for Photonic Applications The 3rd international congress on advanced materials sciences and engineering (AMSE 2022) / Opatija, Croatia (2022) Moughames, Johnny | Porte, Xavier | Grabulosa, Adrià | Brunner, Daniel
article - Combining one and two photon polymerization for accelerated high performance (3 + 1)D photonic integration Nanophotonics (Volume 11, Issue (8), mar 2022, Pages :1591-1601 ) Grabulosa, Adrià | Moughames, Johnny | Porte, Xavier | Brunner, Daniel
inproceedings - Analog computing on spiking photonic neural networks EPFL- Photonic days (2021) / EPFL - Lausanne, Switzerland (2021) Talukder, Ria | Skalli, Anas | Andreoli, Louis | Brunner, Daniel
inproceedings - Analog computing on spiking photonic neural networks 2021 International Symposium on Physics and Applications of Laser Dynamics (IS-PALD 2021) / Saitama City, Japan (2021) Talukder, Ria | Skalli, Anas | Andreoli, Louis | Brunner, Daniel
inproceedings - Neural network computing with a large-area VCSEL European Semiconductor Laser Workshop (ELSW 2021) / Virtual Event, Paris, France (2021) Porte, Xavier | Skalli, Anas | Haghighi, Nasibeh | Reitzenstein, Stephan | Lott, J.A. | Brunner, Daniel
inproceedings - Neural network computing using a semiconductor multimode laser OSA Nonlinear Optics Topical Meeting (NLO 2021) / Virtual Event, United States (2021) Porte, Xavier | Skalli, Anas | Haghighi, Nasibeh | Reitzenstein, Stephan | Lott, J.A. | Brunner, Daniel
inproceedings - Neural network computing with multimode lasers International Conference on "Control of Self-Organizing Nonlinear Systems" (2021) / Virtual Event, Potsdam, Germany (2021) Porte, Xavier | Skalli, Anas | Haghighi, Nasibeh | Reitzenstein, Stephan | Lott, J.A. | Brunner, Daniel
inproceedings - A complete, autonomous and parallel photonic neural network in a semiconductor laser Satellite workshop of "International Joint Conference on Neural Networks" (IJCNN2021 2022) / Virtual Event, France (2021) Skalli, Anas | Porte, Xavier | Haghighi, Nasibeh | Reitzenstein, Stephan | Lott, J.A. | Brunner, Daniel
inproceedings - Realtime and scalable integrated photonic neural network Congrès général Optique de la Société Française d'Optique (2021) / Dijon, France (2021) Porte, Xavier | Skalli, Anas | Moughames, Johnny | Brunner, Daniel
inproceedings - 3D-printed core-cladding waveguides and adiabatic splitters for integrated photonic circuits 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe and the European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2021) / Munich, Germany (2021) Porte, Xavier | Moughames, Johnny | Larger, Laurent | Jacquot, Maxime | Kadic, Muamer | Brunner, Daniel
inproceedings - Neural network computing using a large-area vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe and the European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2021) / Munich, Germany (2021) Porte, Xavier | Skalli, Anas | Haghighi, Nasibeh | Reitzenstein, Stephan | Lott, J.A. | Brunner, Daniel
article - A complete, parallel and autonomous photonic neural network in a semiconductor multimode laser Journal of Physics : Photonics (Volume 3, Issue (2), apr 2021, Pages :024017(8)) Porte, Xavier | Skalli, Anas | Haghighi, Nasibeh | Reitzenstein, Stephan | Lott, J.A. | Brunner, Daniel
article - Optical pumping of quantum dot micropillar lasers Optics Express (Volume 29, Issue (6), mar 2021, Pages :9084-9097) Andreoli, Louis | Porte, Xavier | Große, Jan | Moeglen-Paget, Baptiste | Furfaro, Luca | Reitzenstein, Stephan | Brunner, Daniel
article - Machine learning and applications in ultrafast photonics Nature Photonics (Volume 15, nov 2020, Pages :91 - 101 ) Genty, Goëry | Salmela, L. | Dudley, John Michael | Brunner, Daniel | Kokhanovskiy, Alexey | Kobtsev, Sergei | Turitsyn, Sergei K.
inproceedings - Optically addressed spatial light modulators for photonic neural network implementations SPIE NanoScience + Engineering (2020) / San Diego CA, United States (Volume 11469, 2020, Pages pages 1146905) Semenov, Vladimir | Porte, Xavier | Jacquot, Maxime | Larger, Laurent | Abdulhalim, Ibrahim | Brunner, Daniel
article - Developing of a photonic hardware platform for brain-inspired computing based on 5X5 VCSEL arrays Journal of Physics : Photonics (Volume 2, Issue (4), aug 2020, Pages : ) Heuser, Tobias | Pflüger, Moritz | Fischer, Ingo | Lott, J.A. | Brunner, Daniel | Reitzenstein, Stephan
inproceedings - Noise propagation in feedforward and reservoir neural networks SPIE NanoScience + Engineering (2020) / San Diego CA, United States (Volume 11469, Issue , 2020, Pages pages 114690J) Semenova, Nadezhda | Porte, Xavier | Jacquot, Maxime | Larger, Laurent | Brunner, Daniel
inproceedings - Photonic reservoir computing and general considerations for photonic neural networks ORC/ZI “in absentia” colloquium (2020) / University Of Southampton, United Kingdom (2020) Brunner, Daniel | Jacquot, Maxime | Chretien, Stéphane | Reitzenstein, Stephan | Larger, Laurent
inproceedings - Automatic classification of video using a scalable photonic neuro-inspired architecture SPIE Photonics Europe (2020) / Strasbourg, France (Volume 11274, Issue 112740F, 2020) Rontani, Damien | Antonik, Piotr | Marsal, Nicolas | Brunner, Daniel
article - Introduction to JSTQE Issue on Photonics for Deep Learning and Neural Computing IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics (Volume 26, Issue (1), feb 2020, Pages : 0200103 ) Prucnal, Paul R. | Shastri, Bhavin J. | Fischer, Ingo | Brunner, Daniel
article - Human action recognition with a large-scale brain-inspired photonic computer Nature Machine Intelligence (Volume 1, nov 2019, Pages :530 - 537) Antonik, Piotr | Marsal, Nicolas | Brunner, Daniel | Rontani, Damien
inproceedings - Greedy Boolean learning in large photonic neural networks: empirical findings of convergence and scaling Active Matter and Artificial Intelligence ( 2019) / Lausanne, Switzerland (2019) Brunner, Daniel | Andreoli, Louis | Porte, Xavier | Jacquot, Maxime | Reitzenstein, Stephan | Larger, Laurent
inproceedings - Classification of Human Actions in Videos with a Large-Scale Photonic Reservoir Computer 28th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN 2019) / Munich, Germany (2019, Pages pages 156-160) Antonik, Piotr | Marsal, Nicolas | Brunner, Daniel | Rontani, Damien
inproceedings - Comparison of Feature Extraction Techniques for Handwritten Digit Recognition with a Photonic Reservoir Computer 28th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN 2019) / Munich, Germany (2019, Pages pages 175-179) Antonik, Piotr | Marsal, Nicolas | Brunner, Daniel | Rontani, Damien
inproceedings - Photonic neural networks scalable in size and learning effort 42nd European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC 2016) / Dusseldorf, Germany (2019) Brunner, Daniel | Andreoli, Louis | Porte, Xavier | Jacquot, Maxime | Larger, Laurent
inproceedings - Greedy Boolean Learning in Photonic Recurrent Neural Networks European Material Research Society annual meeting (E-MRS 2019) / Warsaw, Poland (2019) Andreoli, Louis | Porte, Xavier | Jacquot, Maxime | Larger, Laurent | Brunner, Daniel | Große, Jan | Heuser, Tobias | Reitzenstein, Stephan | Chretien, Stéphane
book - Photonic Reservoir Computing : Optical Recurrent Neural Networks (Volume volume of series De Gruyter Studies in Mathematical Physics, jul 2019, Pages ) Brunner, Daniel | Soriano, M.C. | Van Der Sand, G.
inproceedings - Scaling laws and topology-properties of Boolean greedy learning in photonic neural networks 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe and the European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2019) / Munich, Germany (2019) Andreoli, Louis | Porte, Xavier | Jacquot, Maxime | Larger, Laurent | Brunner, Daniel
inproceedings - Photonics for neural networks and evolutionary boolean learning 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe and the European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2019) / Munich, Germany (2019) Brunner, Daniel | Andreoli, Louis | Porte, Xavier | Maktoobi, Sheler | Jacquot, Maxime | Chretien, Jacques | Reitzenstein, Stephan | Larger, Laurent
misc - Initiator and co-organizer "Cognitive computing: merging concepts and hardware" (dec 2018) Brunner, Daniel | Jaeger, Herbert | Pipa, Gordon | Parkin, Stuart
inproceedings - Reinforcement Learning in a Large Scale Photonic Network Latin America Optics and Photonics (2018) / Lima, Peru (Issue W2A.2, 2018, Pages pages W2A.2) Brunner, Daniel | Jacquot, Maxime | Fischer, Ingo | Larger, Laurent
inproceedings - Performance analysis of a large-scale photonic reservoir computer on image classification International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA 2018) / Tarragona, Spain (2018) Antonik, Piotr | Marsal, Nicolas | Brunner, Daniel | Rontani, Damien
inproceedings - Large scale spatio-temporal networks of nonlinear oscillators for neuromorphic computing International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Application (NOLTA 2018) / Tarragona, Spain (2018, Pages pages ) Bueno, J. | Maktoobi, Sheler | Froehly, Luc | Fischer, Ingo | Jacquot, Maxime | Larger, Laurent | Brunner, Daniel
inproceedings - Reinforcement Learning in large scale parallel photonic Reservoirs Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR 2018) / Sapporo, Japan (2018, Pages pages ) Brunner, Daniel | Fischer, Ingo | Larger, Laurent
inproceedings - Learning in large scale parallel photonic Reservoirs Novel frontiers of optics for computing Workshop ( 2018) / Tokyo, Japan (2018, Pages pages ) Brunner, Daniel | Jacquot, Maxime | Fischer, Ingo | Larger, Laurent
inproceedings - Séminaire "PhysicsReinforcement Learning in a Large Scale Photonic Network" - Max Planck Institute For Microstructure / Halle, Germany (2018) Brunner, Daniel
inproceedings - Towards Photonic Networks of Micropillar Lasers for Neuromorphic Computing 48th Physics of Quantum Electronics (PQE 2018) / Snowbird, United States (2018) Brunner, Daniel
inproceedings - Embedding in Neural Networks: A-Priori Design of Hybrid Computers for Prediction 2017 IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing (ICRC 2017) / Washington, United States (2017, Pages pages 1-4) Marquez, Bicky | Suarez-Vargas, Jose | Larger, Laurent | Jacquot, Maxime | Chembo, Kouomou Yanne | Brunner, Daniel
inproceedings - Large scale spatio-temporal networks of nonlinear oscillators for neuromorphic computing Workshop on Dynamical Systems and Brain-inspired Information Processing / Konstanz, Germany (2017) Brunner, Daniel
article - Role of dynamical injection locking and characteristic pulse events for low frequency fluctuations in semiconductor lasers Chaos (Volume 27, Issue (114307), oct 2017, Pages :1-10) Hicke, K. | Brunner, Daniel | Soriano, M.C. | Fischer, Ingo
article - Effects of dynamic-demand-control appliances on the power grid frequency Physical Review E (Volume 96, Issue ( ), aug 2017, Pages :022302) Tchawou Tchuisseu, E.B. | Brunner, Daniel | Colet, Pere
inproceedings - A complex network of 1600 holographically coupled opto-electronic oscillators: network dynamics and utilisation for reservoir computing Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2017) / Munich, Germany (Issue paper CD_10_4, 2017) Brunner, Daniel | Jacquot, Maxime | Larger, Laurent | Fischer, Ingo
inproceedings - Photonic Information Processing at 20GS/s rates based on Semiconductor Lasers with Delayed Optical Feedback Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (2017) / Munich, Germany (2017, Pages pages paper CD_P_38) Bueno, J. | Brunner, Daniel | Soriano, M.C. | Fischer, Ingo
article - Advances in photonic reservoir computing Nanophotonics (Volume 6, Issue (3), may 2017, Pages :561-576) Van Der Sand, G. | Brunner, Daniel | Soriano, M.C.
inproceedings - Large scale spatio-temporal networks of nonlinear oscillators for neuromorphic computing Workshop on Computational Neuroscience and Optical Dynamics (CNOD 2017) / Sophia Antipolis, France (2017) Brunner, Daniel
inproceedings - Séminaire "Photonic networks for the implementation of Neural Networks" - ETH Zürich, Suisse / Zürich, Switzerland (2017) Brunner, Daniel
article - Semiconductor laser linewidth reduction by six orders of magnitude via delayed optical feedback, Optics Letters (Volume 42, Issue (1), jan 2017, Pages :163-166) Brunner, Daniel | Luna, R. | Delhom i Latorre, A. | Porte, Xavier | Fischer, Ingo
article - Interaction between Liénard and Ikeda dynamics in a nonlinear electro-optical oscillator with delayed bandpass feedback Physical Review E (Volume 94, Issue (6), dec 2016, Pages :062208) Marquez, Bicky | Larger, Laurent | Brunner, Daniel | Chembo, Kouomou Yanne | Jacquot, Maxime
inproceedings - Space-Time analogy in Delay Systems for Chimera States and Reservoir Computing International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA 2016) / Yugawara, Japan (2016) Brunner, Daniel | Penkovskyi, Bogdan | Maistrenko, Yuri | Larger, Laurent
inproceedings - Interaction between Liénard and Ikeda dynamics in a nonlinear electro-optical oscillator with delayed feedback Workshop on Dynamics of Delay Equations, Theory and Applications (2016) / Berlin, Germany (2016) Marquez, Bicky | Larger, Laurent | Brunner, Daniel | Chembo, Kouomou Yanne | Jacquot, Maxime
inproceedings - All-Optical Neuromorphic Computing in Optical Networks of Semiconductor Lasers International Conference on Rebooting Computing (ICRC 2016) / Washington, United States (2016, Pages pages 2) Brunner, Daniel | Reitzenstein, Stephan | Fischer, Ingo
inproceedings - Towards the Creation of Cognitive Devices and the Role of Photonics Séminaire Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics (2016) / Halle, Germany (2016) Brunner, Daniel
inproceedings - Bifurcation of spiral-shaped patterns in the phase space of a nonlinear delayed electro-optic system XXXVI Dynamics Days Europe (2016) / Corfu, Greece (2016) Marquez, Bicky | Larger, Laurent | Brunner, Daniel | Chembo, Kouomou Yanne | Jacquot, Maxime
inproceedings - Neuromorphic Computing using QD-Networks,NeuroQNet 2016 Symposium on Functional Macroscopic Systems (2016) / Hanovre, Germany (2016) Brunner, Daniel | Reitzenstein, Stephan
inproceedings - A Novel Photonics Approach to Unconventional Information Processing ECOC 2012, 38 th European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication / Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2012) Soriano, M.C. | Brunner, Daniel | Ortin, S. | Mirasso, C.R. | Larger, Laurent | Fischer, Ingo | Pesquera, L.
inproceedings - A Novel Experimental Approach for Information Processing in Photonics International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA 2011) / Kobe, Japan (2011, Pages pages 597) Soriano, M.C. | Brunner, Daniel | Appeltant, Lennert | Mirasso, C.R. | Fischer, Ingo | Larger, Laurent
inproceedings - Electro-optic delay dynamics used as a reservoir for Liquid State Computing Journées du GdR DYCOEC. / Besançon, France (2010) Larger, Laurent | Cornelies, M. | Appeltant, Lennert | Brunner, Daniel | Danckaert, Jan | Mirasso, C.R. | Fischer, Ingo | Rybalko, Sergei | Martinenghi, Romain | Udaltsov, Vladimir