Publication Details


Thadeu Knychala Tucci, Benoît Piranda, Julien Bourgeois,“Coding 3D scene for distributed self-reconfiguration algorithms”, 32nd ACM SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC17), Marrakesh, Morocco, Apr. 6-9, 2017, pp. 


André Naz, Benoît Piranda, Seth Copen Goldstein, Julien Bourgeois, “A Distributed Self-Reconfiguration Algorithm for Cylindrical Lattice-Based Modular Robots”, The 15th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA 2016), Cambridge, Massachusetts USA, Oct. 31-Nov. 2, 2016, pp.

Benoît Piranda, Julien Bourgeois, "Geometrical study of a quasi-spherical module for building programmable matter”, 13th International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems (DARS 2016), London, United Kingdom, november 7-9, 2016, pp. (Nominated for Best Paper Award 1/6)

André Naz, Benoît Piranda, Thadeu Knychala Tucci, Seth Copen Goldstein and Julien Bourgeois, “Network Characterization of Lattice-Based Modular Robots with Neighbor-to-Neighbor Communications”, 13th International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems (DARS-2016), London, United Kingdom, november 7-9, 2016, pp.

Julien Bourgeois, Benoit Piranda, André Naz, Hicham Lakhlef, Nicolas Boillot, Hakim Mabed, Dominique Dhoutaut, Thadeu Tucci, "Programmable matter as a cyber-physical conjugaison", IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2016), Budapest, Hungary, october 9-12, 2016, pp.

André Naz, Benoît Piranda, Seth Copen Goldstein, Julien Bourgeois, “Approximate-Centroid Election In Large-Scale Distributed Embedded Systems”, International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2016), Crans-Montana, Switzerland, March 23-15, 2016, pp. 548-556. (Rank B, AR 29%, Best Paper Award).

André Naz, Benoît Piranda, Seth Copen Goldstein, Julien Bourgeois, “A Time Synchronization Protocol for Modular Robots”, 24th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing (PDP 2016), Heraklion Crete, Greece, February 17-19, 2016, pp. 109-118. (Rank C, AR 32%)

Benoît Piranda, Julien Bourgeois, "A Distributed Algorithm for Reconfiguration of Lattice-based Modular Self-Reconfigurable Robots”, 24th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing (PDP 2016), Heraklion Crete, Greece, February 17-19, 2016, pp. 1-9. (Rank C, AR 32%).


André Naz, Benoît Piranda, Seth Copen Goldstein and Julien Bourgeois, "ABC-Center: Approximate-Center Election in Modular Robots”, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2015), Hamburg, Germany, September 28 - October 03, 2015, pp. 2951-2957.

André Naz, Benoît Piranda, Julien Bourgeois, and Seth Copen Goldstein, "Blinky Blocks Time Protocol (BBTP) : protocole de synchronisation des horloges internes de dispositifs embarqués", Research Report RR-FEMTO-ST-2671, FEMTO-ST, January 2015.


Didier El-Baz, Benoît Piranda, Julien Bourgeois, "A Distributed Algorithm for a Reconfigurable Modular Surface", IPDPS’2014 Workshop on Parallel Computing and Optimization, Phoenix USA, May 2014


Benoît Piranda, Guillaume J. Laurent, Julien Bourgeois, Cédric Clévy, Nadine Le Fort-Piat, "A New Concept of Planar Self-Reconfigurable Modular Robot for Conveying Microparts", Mechatronics Journal 2013, vol. 23(7), pp. 906-915, ISSN 0957-4158.7

D. Dhoutaut, B. Piranda, J. Bourgeois, “Efficient simulation of distributed sensing and control environments”, 2013 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings 2013), Beijing, China, Aug 20-23, 2013, p. 452-459.

Julien Bourgeois, Jiannong Cao, Michel Raynal, Dominique Dhoutaut, Benoît Piranda, Eugen Dedu, Ahmed Mostefaoui, Hakim Mabed, “Coordination and Computation in distributed intelligent MEMS”, the 27th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2013), Barcelona, Spain, March 25-28, 2013, p. 129-136.


Sebastian Möbes, Benoît Piranda, Guillaume J. Laurent, Julien Bourgeois, Cédric Clévy and Nadine Le Fort-Piat,”Toward a 2D Modular and Self-Reconfigurable Robot for Conveying Microparts,” dMems 2012, 2nd workshop on design, control and software implementation for distributed MEMS, 2012, 2-3 april 2012, Besançon, France, ISBN 978-0-7695-4695-4679-7, pp. 7-13.

conference Pierre-Antoine Gervais, Benoît Piranda, "Sound Semantic for mobile devices in real time application", 11e International Conference on Informatics, in Economy, Education, Research and Business Technology, 10-11 may 2012, Bucharest, Romania, p.123-127;


conference B. Piranda, F. Tajariol, ”Visualisation of Urban Environments using Augmented Reality,” SCCG'11, 2011, 27-30 april 2011, Slovakia, poster proceeding ISSN 1335-5694, pp. 17-20.


conference Ahmed Mostefaoui, Benoît Piranda, “A 3D Real-Time Reconstruction Approach For Multimedia Sensor Networks,” International Journal of Organizational and Collective Intelligence, vol. 1, n°4, October-December 2010, ISSN 1947-9344, pp. 61-77.


conference A. Mostefaoui, B. Piranda, “Multimedia sensor networks: an approach based on 3D real-time reconstruction,” ACM MEDES '09, Proceedings of the International ACM Conference on Management of Emergent Digital EcoSystems, oct. 2009, Lyon.


conference P. Boulenguez, S. Carré, B. Piranda, M. Perraudeau,”On luminaire's near field photometry measurement,” CIE '07, Proceedings of the 26th session of the Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage, juil. 2007.

conference P. Boulenguez, S. Carré, B. Piranda, M. Perraudeau, “A new method of near-field photometry,” Light & Engineering (svetotekhnika), vol. 16, n°1, janv. 2007.


conference P. Bouvier, P. Chaudeyrac, R. Loyet, B. Piranda, F. de Sorbier, "Immersive visual and audio world in 3D", proceedings of CGames 2006 conference, nov. 2006, Dublin, Ireland, pp. 159-164.

conference B. Piranda, S. Magdelaine, D. Arquès, "Real-time rendering of complex surfaces defined by atlas of discoids". WSCG'2006, 30 jan-2 feb. 2006, Plzen, Czech Republic.

conference F. De Sorbier, P. Bouvier, V. Biri, P. Chaudeyrac, V. Nozick, B. Piranda, "JIM 3D : Jeu Interactif par Mosaïques 3D.", 1ère journée de l’Association Française de Réalité Virtuelle, INRIA-Rocquencourt, 13-14 novembre 2006.


conference B. Piranda, F. de Sorbier, D. Arquès, "Simulation of blur in stereoscopic image synthesis for virtual reality". WSCG'2005, 1-4 feb. 2005, Plzen, Czech Republic, vol. posters, pp. 51-52.

conference B. Piranda, F. de Sorbier, D. Arquès, "Simulation of blur in stereoscopic image synthesis for virtual reality". WSCG'2005, 1-4 feb. 2005, Plzen, Czech Republic, vol. posters, pp. 51-52.

conference Y. Schuliar, Ph. Esperança, P. Chaudeyrac, B. Piranda, D. Arquès, "ESCRIME : A New software for Bloodstain Pattern Analysis in 3-Dimensions", American Academy of Forensic Sciences, février 2005, New Orleans, vol. 11, pp. 61.


conference M. Almiron, B. Piranda, "Ubicuidad Amorfa". Cibertart Bilbao 2004, 26-29 Avril 2004, Bilbao, Spain.

conference Y. Schuliar, P. Chaudeyrac, J-N. Vignal, B. Piranda, D. Arquès, "Computer Assisted Facial Reconstruction Technique", American Academy of Forensic Sciences, février 2004, Dallas, vol. 10.

conference P. Chaudeyrac, Y. Schuliar, J-N. Vignal, R. Aziza, B. Piranda, D. Arquès, "Reconstruction faciale assistée par ordinateur", XLVIème Congrès de Médecine légale de langue française, Juin 2004, Angers.


conference D. Arquès, S. Michelin, B. Piranda, "Surfaces implicites décrites par des atlas de discoïdes", Groupe de travail en Modélisation Géométrique de l’AFIG, 2001, 21-22 mars, Dijon.


conference D. Arquès, S. Michelin, Benoît Piranda, "Modelisation of Implicit Surfaces Driven by an Atlas of Discoids", GraphiCon'2000, Aug 2000, Moscow, pp. 256-261.

conference D. Arquès, S. Michelin, Benoît Piranda, "A new geometrical support for the radiosity solution", The International Journal of High Performance Computer Graphics, Multimedia and Visualisation, HPGC00, 2000, vol. 4(1)

conference D. Arquès, S. Michelin, B. Piranda, "Overlapping Radiosity: Using a New Function Base with Local Disk Support" WSCG’2000, 2000, 7-10 Feb., Plzen, Czech Republic, vol. 2, pp. 236-243.


conference D. Arquès, S. Michelin, B. Piranda, "Une nouvelle base de fonctions pour le modèle de radiosité", AFIG'99, 1999, 24-26 nov., Reims, pp. 258-267.


conference D. Arquès et S. Michelin, B. Piranda, "Extending the zonal method to specular surfaces" WSCG’98, 1998, 9-13 Feb., Plzen, Czech Republic, vol. 1, pp. 27-34.

conference D. Arquès, S. Michelin, B. Piranda, "Un modèle pour les surfaces complexes", AFIG'98, 1998, 2-4 déc., Dunkerque, pp. 281-290.


conference D. Arquès, S. Michelin, B. Piranda, "Extension de la méthode zonale aux réflexions spéculaires", AFIG’97, 1997, 3-5 déc., Rennes, pp. 309-318.


conferenceD. Arquès, B. Piranda, Ph. Ris, "Protocoles de tests pour analyser les performances en lancer de rayons et modèle statistique de lancer de rayons", AFIG’95, 22-24 nov. 1995, Marseille, pp. 69-79.