MlBibTeX --- for Multilingual BibTeX --- is a reimplementation of BibTeX with particular focus on multilingual features. It is written using the Scheme programming language. When it is installed, it provides the following executable files:
- mlbibtex, interpreting a '.bst' bibliography style, exactly like BibTeX;
- mlbiblatex, generating a file suitable for the 'biblatex' package;
- mlbibcontext, building references suitable for the ConTeXt 'bib' module.
The next version, in preparation, will include the following features:
- it can read bibliography (.bib) files w.r.t. special encodings: make it precise by a directive s.t.
%encoding = utf-8
at the file's beginning;
- you can choose .bbl files' encoding;
- better interface with Scheme, for operations that are easier to be programmed using a `real' programming language, i.e., sorting.
More information before next summer when the program's new version is ready.