article - Improving the computation of forced responses of periodic structures by the wave-based finite element method via a modified generalized Bloch mode synthesis Finite Elements in Analysis and Design (Volume 245, jan 2025, Pages :104314 (29)) Mauro de Souza Santos, Vinícius | De Paula Sales, Thiago | Ouisse, Morvan
incollection - Advances in Structural Vibration Investigation of a Novel Metastructure with Trapped, Fluid-Filled Unit Cells (Chapter 9, jan 2025, Pages 111 - 126) Mauro de Souza Santos, Vinícius | De Paula Sales, Thiago | Ouisse, Morvan
inproceedings - Fire the fibre up ! Let's untangle fibre's damping behaviour 14èmes Journées des Jeunes Chercheurs en Acoustique vibrations et Bruit (JJCAB 2024) / Saint-Ouen, France (2024) Pelisson, Fanny | Butaud, Pauline | Placet, Vincent | Ouisse, Morvan
inproceedings - Structural dynamics of individual plant fibres: a contribution to the understanding of damping properties of bio-based composites Internoise (2024) / Nantes, France (2024, Pages pages 6) Pelisson, Fanny | Butaud, Pauline | Placet, Vincent | Ouisse, Morvan
article - The advection boundary Law in absence of mean flow : passivity, nonreciprocity and enhanced noise transmission attenuation Journal of Sound and Vibration (Volume 590, jun 2024, Pages :118603 (26)) De Bono, Emanuele | Collet, Manuel | Ouisse, Morvan
article - Using the irrotational intensity field to study vibration energy paths in automotive structures SAE International (Volume , jun 2024, Pages :8) Gagliardini, Laurent | Takhchi, Jamal | Sadoulet, Emeline | Ouisse, Morvan | Bornet, Frédéric
inproceedings - Actuation study of self-reconfigurable bistable robots based on Kresling tower SPIE Smart Structures + Nondestructive Evaluation 2024 (2024) / Long Beach, California, United States (Volume 12946, 2024, Pages pages 8) Hu, Kejun | Roux, Pierre | Marionnet, François | Ouisse, Morvan | Rabenorosoa, Kanty
inproceedings - Breaking the limitations of local impedance noise control: passivity and scattering performances of the Advection Boundary Law SPIE Smart Structures + Nondestructive Evaluation 2024 (2024) / Long Beach, California, United States (Volume 12946, 2024, Pages pages 10) De Bono, Emanuele | Collet, Manuel | Ouisse, Morvan
inproceedings - The Advection Boundary Law in presence of mean-flow and spinning modes SPIE Smart Structures + Nondestructive Evaluation 2024 (2024) / Long Beach, California, United States (Volume 12946, 2024, Pages pages 8) De Bono, Emanuele | Collet, Manuel | Ouisse, Morvan | Salze, Edouard | Volery, Maxime | Lissek, Hervé | Mardjono, Jacky
article - Model-inversion control to enforce tunable Duffing-like acoustical response on an Electroacoustic resonator at low excitation levels Journal of Sound and Vibration (Volume 570, feb 2024, Pages :118070 (25)) De Bono, Emanuele | Morell, Maxime | Collet, Manuel | Gourdon, Emmanuel | Ture Savadkoohi, Alireza | Ouisse, Morvan | Lamarque, Claude-Henri
inproceedings - On the use of condensation models for describing highly damped multilayered structures Acoustics Week in Canada (2023) / Montreal, Canada (2023, Pages pages 2) da Silva Raqueti, Rafael | Atalla, Noureddine | Ouisse, Morvan | Sadoulet, Emeline
inproceedings - Lentilles à gradient d’indice de réfraction pour la focalisation d’ondes élastiques de flexion dans une plaque composite d’épaisseur constante Journées Nationales sur les Composites (JNC 2023) / Besançon, France (2023, Pages pages 8) Rapine, Valentin | Abuhemeida, Nour | Ouisse, Morvan | Cogan, Scott | Francescato, Pascal | Lachat, Rémy | Meyer, Yann
inproceedings - Smart acoustic lining for UHBR technologies engine: from the design of an electroacoustic metasurface to experimental characterization under flow SPIE Smart Structures + Nondestructive Evaluation (2023) / Long Beach, California, United States (Volume 12483, 2023, Pages pages 8) Billon, Kévin | Gillet, Martin | Salze, Edouard | Volery, Maxime | De Bono, Emanuele | Ouisse, Morvan | Lissek, Hervé | Collet, Manuel | Mardjono, Jacky
inproceedings - A nonlocal boundary control, from plane waves to spinning modes control SPIE Smart Structures + Nondestructive Evaluation (2023) / Long Beach, California, United States (Volume 12483, 2023, Pages pages 6) De Bono, Emanuele | Collet, Manuel | Ouisse, Morvan | Salze, Edouard | Mardjono, Jacky
article - Effect of time delay on the impedance control of a pressure-based, current-driven Electroacoustic Absorber Journal of Sound and Vibration (Volume 537, oct 2022, Pages :117201 (25)) De Bono, Emanuele | Collet, Manuel | Matten, Gaël | Karkar, Sami | Lissek, Hervé | Ouisse, Morvan | Billon, Kévin | Laurence, Thomas | Volery, Maxime
inproceedings - Caractérisations mécaniques dynamiques à l'échelle de la fibre 5ème Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en Eco-composites et Composites Bio-sourcés (JJC ECOCOMP 2022) / Ile de Groix, France (2022, Pages pages 6) Pelisson, Fanny | Butaud, Pauline | Placet, Vincent | Ouisse, Morvan
inproceedings - Optimisation des propriétés viscoélastiques des résines d’enrobage pour la réduction du bruit rayonné par les moteurs électriques 15ème Colloque National en Calcul des Structures (CSMA 2022) / Presqu'île de Giens, France (2022, Pages pages 6) Jaboviste, Kévin | Sadoulet, Emeline | Ouisse, Morvan | Bouvet, Pascal | Parpinel, Adrien | Espanet, Christophe | Galmes, Batiste
inproceedings - Modélisation dynamique de stator par la méthode de Rayleigh-Ritz pour l’optimisation vibroacoustique des moteurs électriques 15ème Colloque National en Calcul des Structures (CSMA 2022) / Presqu'île de Giens, France (2022, Pages pages 8) Jeannerot, Martin | Ouisse, Morvan | Sadoulet, Emeline | Dupont, Jean-Baptiste | Lanfranchi, Vincent
inproceedings - Mesure et modèle du coefficient de réflexion d’un Trou Noir Acoustique bidimensionnel intégré à une plaque 16ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique (CFA 2022) / Marseille, France (2022) Raybaud, Guillaume | O'Donoughue, Patrick | Pelat, Adrien | Ouisse, Morvan | Gautier, François
inproceedings - On the use of thermomechanical couplings for the design of adaptive structures XVI SPIE Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems (2022) / Californie, United States (Volume 12043, 2022, Pages pages 1204302 (8)) Ouisse, Morvan | Butaud, Pauline | Foltête, Emmanuel | Chevallier, Gaël
inproceedings - Modeling of a shape memory material based folding structures: towards self-reconfigurable origami robots XVI SPIE Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems (2022) / Californie, United States (Volume 12043, 2022, Pages pages 120430K (12)) Malik, Umar Saeed | Hu, Kejun | Ouisse, Morvan | Rabenorosoa, Kanty
inproceedings - Design of a bidirectional rotational motion actuator by SMA with geometrico-static requirements XVI SPIE Behavior and Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials and Composites (2022) / Californie, United States (Volume 12044, 2022, Pages pages 1204405 (12)) Hu, Kejun | Ouisse, Morvan | Rabenorosoa, Kanty
article - In flow acoustic characterisation of a 2D active liner with local and non local strategies Applied Acoustics (Volume 191, mar 2022, Pages :108655 (13)) Billon, Kévin | De Bono, Emanuele | Perez, Matthias | Salze, Edouard | Matten, Gaël | Gillet, Martin | Ouisse, Morvan | Volery, Maxime | Lissek, Hervé | Mardjono, Jacky | Collet, Manuel
article - Two‐level global sensitivity analysis of the excitation contributions leading to acoustic noise in an electric motor for the purpose of robust optimisation IET Electric Power Applications (Volume 15, Issue (2), dec 2021, Pages :1666 - 1677) Jeannerot, Martin | Ouisse, Morvan | Lanfranchi, Vincent | Dupont, Jean-Baptiste | Sadoulet, Emeline
article - Zero reflections by a 1D Acoustic Black Hole termination using thermally controlled damping Journal of Sound and Vibration (Volume 510, oct 2021, Pages :116282 (9)) Raybaud, Guillaume | Pelat, Adrien | Ouisse, Morvan | Gautier, François
article - A Review of SMA-Based Actuators for Bidirectional Rotational Motion: Application to Origami Robots Frontiers in Robotics and AI (Volume 8, jul 2021, Pages :678486 (21)) Hu, Kejun | Rabenorosoa, Kanty | Ouisse, Morvan
inproceedings - Influence of water aging on the damping properties of plant fiber composites On line 3rd Flower Conference - Biobased Composites in Marine Environment (2021) / Lorient, France (2021, Pages pages 1) Liu, Taiqu | Butaud, Pauline | Placet, Vincent | Ouisse, Morvan
article - Formulation and validation of the shift cell technique for acoustic applications of poro-elastic materials described by the Biot theory Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (MSSP) (Volume 147, jan 2021, Pages :107089 (11)) Magliacano, Dario | Ashani, Sepide | Ouisse, Morvan | Deckers, Elke | Petrone, Giuseppe | Desmet, Wim | De Rosa, Sergio
article - Experimental validation of an info-gap uncertainty model for a robustness analysis of structural responses Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B: Mechanical Engineering (Volume 6, Issue (3), sep 2020, Pages :11) Kuczkowiak, Antoine | Cogan, Scott | Ouisse, Morvan | Foltête, Emmanuel | Corus, Mathieu
article - Special section on uncertainty management in complex multiphysics structural dynamics Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B: Mechanical Engineering (Volume 6, Issue (3), sep 2020, Pages : 030301(2)) Bi, Sifeng | Beer, Michael | Ouisse, Morvan | Cogan, Scott
inproceedings - Programmable metamaterial with digital circuits for isolation of low-frequency vibration transmission INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings (2020) / Séoul, Korea, Republic Of (2020, Pages pages 4) Yi, Kaijun | Matten, Gaël | Ouisse, Morvan | Sadoulet, Emeline | Collet, Manuel
inproceedings - Design of silent electric motors: optimization under constraints and parameters uncertainties International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM 2020) / Gothenburg, Sweden (2020, Pages pages 7) Jeannerot, Martin | Dupont, Jean-Baptiste | Sadoulet, Emeline | Ouisse, Morvan | Lanfranchi, Vincent | Bouvet, Pascal
article - Computation of dispersion diagrams for periodic porous materials modeled as equivalent fluids Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (MSSP) (Volume 142, feb 2020, Pages :106749 (16)) Magliacano, Dario | Ouisse, Morvan | Khelif, Abdelkrim | De Rosa, Sergio | Franco, Francesco | Atalla, Noureddine | Collet, Manuel
article - Numerical investigations and experimental measurements on the structural dynamic behaviour of quasi-periodic meta-materials Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (MSSP) (Volume 136, feb 2020, Pages :106516 (17)) Timorian, Safiullah | Ouisse, Morvan | Bouhaddi, Noureddine | De Rosa, Sergio | Franco, Francesco
inproceedings - Model reduction of electric rotors subjected to PWM excitation for structural dynamics design 38th Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics (IMAC 2020) / Houston, United States (2020, Pages pages 6) Topenot, Margaux | Chevallier, Gaël | Ouisse, Morvan | Vaillant, Damien
article - Impact of non-linear resonators in periodic structures using a perturbation approach Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (MSSP) (Volume 135, jan 2020, Pages :106408 (15)) Campana, Marc-Antoine | Ouisse, Morvan | Sadoulet, Emeline | Ruzzene, Massimo | Smith, Neil | Scarpa, Fabrizio
article - Spectral analysis and structural response of periodic and quasi-periodic beams Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science (Volume 233, Issue (23-24), dec 2019, Pages :7498 - 7512) Timorian, Safiullah | Petrone, Giovanni | De Rosa, Sergio | Franco, Francesco | Ouisse, Morvan | Bouhaddi, Noureddine
inproceedings - Caractérisation dynamique des fibres synthétiques et végétales Manipulation et caractérisation pour les fibres synthétiques et végétales (GDR Robotique 2019) / Besançon, France (2019, Pages pages 18) Butaud, Pauline | Ouisse, Morvan | Placet, Vincent | Bourbon, Gilles
article - Numerical and experimental investigations on the acoustic performances of membraned Helmholtz resonators embedded in a porous matrix Journal of Sound and Vibration (Volume 459, oct 2019, Pages :114873 (17)) Abbad, Ahmed | Atalla, Noureddine | Ouisse, Morvan | Doutres, Olivier
inproceedings - Model updating of model parameters and model form error in a uniform framework 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2019 2019) / Hannover, Germany (2019, Pages pages 6) Bi, Sifeng | Wagner, Nils | Beer, Michael | Ouisse, Morvan
inproceedings - Investigations about the modelling of acoustic properties of periodic porous materials with the shift cell approach 9th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials ( 2019) / Paris, France (2019, Pages pages 1112 - 1123) Magliacano, Dario | Ouisse, Morvan | De Rosa, Sergio | Franco, Francesco | Khelif, Abdelkrim
inproceedings - Identification of system matrices based on experimental modal analysis and its application in structural health monitoring 13th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP13 2019) / Seoul, Korea, Republic Of (2019, Pages pages 305 (7)) Bi, Sifeng | Beer, Michael | Ouisse, Morvan | Foltête, Emmanuel
inproceedings - A new method for Poisson’s ratio measurement with time-of-flight technique: application to the preliminary design of smart composite structures Smart Structures + Nondestructive Evaluation 2019 (SPIE 2019) / Denver, United States (Volume 10971, 2019, Pages pages 13) Chen, Xianlong | Meyer, Yann | Lachat, Rémy | Ouisse, Morvan
inproceedings - Dimensionnement et tenue dynamique de pièces de rotors électriques dans un contexte de méconnaissances sous excitations Modulation de Largeur d'Impulsion (MLI) 8èmes Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en vibration, Acoustique et Bruit (JJCAB 2018) / Le Mans, France (2018) Topenot, Margaux | Chevallier, Gaël | Ouisse, Morvan | Vaillant, Damien
inproceedings - Conception de panneaux non résonants par structuration périodique de Trous Noirs Acoustiques Augmentés 8èmes Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en vibration, Acoustique et Bruit (JJCAB 2018) / Le Mans, France (2018, Pages pages 1) Raybaud, Guillaume | Pelat, Adrien | Ouisse, Morvan | Gautier, François
inproceedings - Electro-active polymer based self-folding approach devoted to origami-inspired structures Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive structures and intelligent systems (SMASIS 2018) / San Antonio, Texas, United States (2018, Pages pages 8) Benouhiba, Amine | Rabenorosoa, Kanty | Rougeot, Patrick | Ouisse, Morvan | Andreff, Nicolas
inproceedings - Investigation for the analysis of the vibrations of quasiperiodic structures 28th International Conference on Noise and Vibration engineering (ISMA 2018 2018) / Leuven, Belgium (2018, Pages pages 4451 - 4462) Timorian, Safiullah | Franco, Francesco | Ouisse, Morvan | De Rosa, Sergio | Bouhaddi, Noureddine
article - Identification of representative anisotropic material properties accounting for friction and preloading effects: a contribution for the modelling of structural dynamics of electric motor stators Journal of Vibration and Control (Volume 24, Issue (2), jan 2018, Pages :237 - 259) Millithaler, Pierre | Sadoulet, Emeline | Ouisse, Morvan | Dupont, Jean-Baptiste | Bouhaddi, Noureddine
inproceedings - The shifted cell operator technique applied to equivalent fluids models for the computation of dispersion diagrams of periodic porous materials 5th Symposium on the Acoustics of Poro-Elastic Materials (SAPEM) / Le Mans, France (2017) Magliacano, Dario | Ouisse, Morvan | Khelif, Abdelkrim | De Rosa, Sergio | Franco, Francesco
inproceedings - An origami-based tunable Helmholtz resonator for noise control: introductino of the concept and preliminary results Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive structures and intelligent systems (SMASIS 2017) / Snowbird, United States (Volume 1, 2017, Pages pages V001T08A002 (8)) Benouhiba, Amine | Rabenorosoa, Kanty | Ouisse, Morvan | Andreff, Nicolas
inproceedings - Assessment of a metamaterial-inspired active acoustic liner concept for application to aircraft engine noise reduction Industrial Applications of Acoustic Metamaterials (2017) / Marseille, France (2017) Lissek, Hervé | Boulandet, Romain | Collet, Manuel | Karkar, Sami | Ouisse, Morvan | Matten, Gaël | Versaevel, Marc
article - Effect of Model-Form Definition on Uncertainty Quantification in Coupled Models of Mid-frequency Range Simulations Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (MSSP) (Volume 93, sep 2017, Pages :351 - 367) Van Buren, Kendra | Ouisse, Morvan | Cogan, Scott | Sadoulet, Emeline | Maxit, Laurent
inproceedings - Compact Ultra-Stable Laser IEEE European Frequency and Time Forum joint with International Frequency Control Symposium (EFTF-IFCS 2017) / Orlando, United States (2017, Pages pages 775 - 776) Didier, Alexandre | Millo, Jacques | Marechal, Baptiste | Rocher, Cyrus | Lacroute, Clément | Ouisse, Morvan | Rubiola, Enrico | Kersalé, Yann
inproceedings - Design and assessment of a distributed active acoustic liner concept for application to aircraft engine noise reduction Acoustics / Boston, United States (2017) Lissek, Hervé | Boulandet, Romain | Karkar, Sami | Collet, Manuel | Matten, Gaël | Ouisse, Morvan
article - Global sensitivity analysis and uncertainties in SEA models of vibroacoustic systems Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (MSSP) (Volume 90, jun 2017, Pages :365 - 377) Christen, Jean-Loup | Ichchou, Mohamed Najib | Troclet, Bernard | Bareille, Olivier | Ouisse, Morvan
inproceedings - Uncertainty quantification in mid-frequency range simulations using the statistical modal energy distribution analysis 2nd Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Structural Dynamics and Vibroacoustics (MEDYNA 2017) / Sevilla, Spain (2017) Sadoulet, Emeline | Van Buren, Kendra | Ouisse, Morvan | Cogan, Scott | Maxit, Laurent
inproceedings - A literature review for the analysis of vibroacoustic properties of periodic inclusions in porous materials 2nd Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Structural Dynamics and Vibroacoustics (MEDYNA 2017) / Sevilla, Spain (2017, Pages pages 4) Magliacano, Dario | Ouisse, Morvan | Khelif, Abdelkrim | De Rosa, Sergio | Franco, Francesco
inproceedings - First literature review for the analysis of quasi-periodicity variability effects and modeling strategies 2nd Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Structural Dynamics and Vibroacoustics (MEDYNA 2017) / Sevilla, Spain (2017) Timorian, Safiullah | De Rosa, Sergio | Franco, Francesco | Ouisse, Morvan | Bouhaddi, Noureddine
inproceedings - Investigations on an electroactive polymer based tunable Helmholtz resonator Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems ( 2017) / Portland, United States (2017, Pages pages 1 - 9) Abbad, Ahmed | Rabenorosoa, Kanty | Ouisse, Morvan | Atalla, Noureddine
inproceedings - Design of thermally adaptive composite structures for damping and stiffness control SPIE Behavior and Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials and Composites (2017) / Portland, United States (Volume 10165, 2017, Pages pages 101650T (8)) Butaud, Pauline | Ouisse, Morvan | Chevallier, Gaël | Foltête, Emmanuel
inproceedings - Design and experimental validation of an adaptive phononic crystal using highly dissipative polymeric material interface Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems ( 2017) / Portland, United States (Volume Proc. SPIE 10164, 2017, Pages pages 101640O (9)) Billon, Kévin | Ouisse, Morvan | Sadoulet, Emeline | Collet, Manuel | Chevallier, Gaël | Khelif, Abdelkrim
inproceedings - Résonateur de Helmholtz à volume variable à base d’EAP pour le contrôle vibro-acoustique 6ème Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en vibration, Acoustique et Bruit (JJCAB 2016) / Marseille, France (2016) Abbad, Ahmed | Rabenorosoa, Kanty | Ouisse, Morvan | Atalla, Noureddine
article - Design variables for optimizing adaptive metacomposite made of shunted piezoelectric patches distribution Journal of Vibration and Control (Volume 22, Issue (7), sep 2016, Pages :1838 - 1854) Tateo, Flaviano | Collet, Manuel | Ouisse, Morvan | Cunefare, Kenneth
inproceedings - Parametric study of wave propagation in hierarchical auxetic perforated metamaterials SPIE Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems (2016) / Las Vegas, United States (Volume 9799, 2016, Pages pages 979906 (7)) Billon, Kévin | Ouisse, Morvan | Sadoulet, Emeline | Scarpa, Fabrizio | Collet, Manuel
inproceedings - Uncertainty analysis of a smart periodic truss Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive structures and intelligent systems (SMASIS 2015) / Colorado Springs, United States (2015) Rodrigues Cunha, Leandro | Rade, Domingos | Ouisse, Morvan
inproceedings - Comparison of two active impedance strategies for a distributed active acoustic skin Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive structures and intelligent systems (SMASIS 2015) / Colorado Springs, United States (2015) Collet, Manuel | Karkar, Sami | Lissek, Hervé | Ouisse, Morvan | Versaevel, Marc
inproceedings - Damping control in a sandwich structure with SMP core Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive structures and intelligent systems (SMASIS 2015) / Colorado Springs, United States (2015) Butaud, Pauline | Ouisse, Morvan | Foltête, Emmanuel
inproceedings - Outils numériques pour la simulation de propagation d’ondes dans les structures périodiques amorties 22ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2015) / Lyon, France (2015) Billon, Kévin | Ouisse, Morvan | Sadoulet, Emeline | Collet, Manuel
inproceedings - Control strategies for a distributed active acoustic skin 44th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (Inter.noise 2015) / San Fransisco, United States (2015, Pages pages 8 p) Karkar, Sami | Lissek, Hervé | Collet, Manuel | Ouisse, Morvan | Versaevel, Marc
inproceedings - Smart metacomposites for the synthesis of vibroacoustical properties 22nd International Congress of Sound and Vibration (ICSV 22) / Florence, Italy (2015, Pages pages 8 p) Collet, Manuel | Ouisse, Morvan
inproceedings - A port-Hamiltonian formulation of a 2D boundary controlled acoustic system. 5th IFAC Workshop on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Non Linear Control (LHMNLC 2015) / Lyon, France (2015, Pages pages 1-8) Trenchant, Vincent | Fares, Yassine | Ramirez Estay, Héctor | Le Gorrec, Yann | Ouisse, Morvan
inproceedings - Sensitivity analysis of transmission loss through composites with acoustic treatment International conference on Dynamics of Composites (DYNCOMP 2015) / Arles, France (2015, Pages pages 10 p) Christen, Jean-Loup | Ichchou, Mohamed Najib | Bareille, Olivier | Troclet, Bernard | Ouisse, Morvan
inproceedings - Investigations of an impedance tube technique to determine the transmission loss of materials under angular incidence 10th European Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (EuroNoise 2015) / Maastricht, Netherlands (2015, Pages pages 1821 - 1826) Le Bourlès, Marie | Sadoulet, Emeline | Ouisse, Morvan | Doutres, Olivier | Verdière, Kévin | Panneton, Raymond
inproceedings - Silicone foams for sound absorption: on the link between elaboration parameters and acoustic performances 10th European Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (EuroNoise 2015) / Maastricht, Netherlands (2015, Pages pages 1809 - 1814) Abbad, Ahmed | Mith, Setha | Ouisse, Morvan | Dauchez, Nicolas
article - Experimental characterization of a bi-dimensional array of negative capacitance piezo-patches for vibroacoustic control Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures (Volume 26, Issue (8), may 2015, Pages :952 - 964) Tateo, Flaviano | Collet, Manuel | Ouisse, Morvan | Ichchou, Mohamed Najib | Cunefare, Kenneth | Abbé, Philippe
inproceedings - Bottom-up calibration of an industrial pump model : toward a robust calibration paradigm 32nd International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC) / Orlando, FL, United States (2015, Pages pages 179 - 187) Kuczkowiak, Antoine | Huang, Sheng Jun | Cogan, Scott | Ouisse, Morvan
inproceedings - Smart periodic structures for vibroacoustic control XVII International Symposium on Dynamic Problems of Mechanics (DINAME 2015) / Natal, Brazil (2015) Ouisse, Morvan | Collet, Manuel
inproceedings - Détermination de diagrammes de dispersion pour des milieux composites périodiques avec prise en compte de la dissipation Journées des Jeunes Chercheurs en vibrations, Acoustique et Bruit (JJCAB 2014) (2014) Billon, Kévin | Ouisse, Morvan | Sadoulet, Emeline | Collet, Manuel
article - Impact of the irregular microgeometry of polyurethane foam on the macroscopic acoustic behavior predicted by a unit-cell model The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (JASA) (Volume 136, Issue (4), oct 2014, Pages :1666 - 1681) Doutres, Olivier | Ouisse, Morvan | Atalla, Noureddine | Ichchou, Mohamed Najib
inproceedings - Kirigami pyramidal auxetic active core for wave propagation control 25nd International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies (ICAST 2014) / The Hague, Netherlands (2014) Collet, Manuel | Ouisse, Morvan | Scarpa, Fabrizio | Ichchou, Mohamed Najib
inproceedings - 3D homogenization: identification of equivalent anisotropic material properties of heterogeneous structures and dynamic application on preloaded finite element models and superelements International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering (ISMA 2014) (2014, Pages pages 14 p) Millithaler, Pierre | Sadoulet, Emeline | Ouisse, Morvan | Dupont, Jean-Baptiste | Bouhaddi, Noureddine
inproceedings - Equivalent orthotropic material properties of 3D heterogeneous structures The 12th International Conference on Computational Structures Technology (2014) Millithaler, Pierre | Sadoulet, Emeline | Ouisse, Morvan | Dupont, Jean-Baptiste | Bouhaddi, Noureddine
inproceedings - Shape memory properties of the CHS-E520 and CHSE531 epoxy resins with the hardener P11 31th Danubia-Adria Symposium / Kempten, Germany (2014) Klesa, Jan | Placet, Vincent | Krystek, Jan | Ouisse, Morvan | Foltête, Emmanuel | Butaud, Pauline
inproceedings - Experimental investigations on viscoelastic properties of a shape memory polymer Proceedings of the ASME 2014 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems (SMASIS 2014-7686) (2014, Pages pages 1 - 8) Butaud, Pauline | Ouisse, Morvan | Placet, Vincent | Foltête, Emmanuel
inproceedings - A new approach for modal synthesis of a vibroacoustic problem 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI) / Barcelona, Spain (2014) Sadoulet, Emeline | Gerges, Youssef | Ouisse, Morvan | Bouhaddi, Noureddine
inproceedings - Structural acoustics with interface damping : various considerations about static terms for efficient dynamic behavior description 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI) / Barcelona, Spain (2014) Ouisse, Morvan | Sadoulet, Emeline
inproceedings - Numerical simulation and experimental study of gap supported tube subjected to fluid-elastic coupling forces for hybrid characterization tests IMAC XXXII A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics (2014) Benmalek, Wissam | Collet, Manuel | Foltête, Emmanuel | Ouisse, Morvan | Corus, Mathieu
inproceedings - Wavenumber decomposition applied to a negative impedance shunts for vibration suppression on a plate IMAC XXXIII A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics (2014) Tateo, Flaviano | Cunefare, Kenneth | Collet, Manuel | Ouisse, Morvan
inproceedings - Energy flow control of fully coupled 2D vibroacoustic wave’s by mean of adaptive metacomposites Acoustics 2013 New Delhi (2013, Pages pages 1 - 6) Collet, Manuel | Ouisse, Morvan | Ichchou, Mohamed Najib | Ohayon, Roger
inproceedings - Design and experimental validation of a metacomposite made of an array of piezopatches shunted on negative capacitance circuits for vibroacoustic control ASME 2013 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems (Volume 1, 2013, Pages pages 1 - 8) Tateo, Flaviano | Collet, Manuel | Ouisse, Morvan | Ichchou, Mohamed Najib | Cunefare, Kenneth
inproceedings - Numerical simulation and experimental validation of gap supported tube subjected to fluid-elastic coupling forces for hybrid characterization tests Proceedings of the ASME 2013 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems (SMASIS 2013) / Snowbird, USA (2013, Pages pages 1 - 7) Benmalek, Wissam | Collet, Manuel | Foltête, Emmanuel | Ouisse, Morvan | Corus, Mathieu
inproceedings - Integrated and Distributed Adaptive Metacomposites for vibroacoustic control of Aerospace Structures 5th European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences (EUCASS) / Munich, Germany (2013, Pages pages 1 - 2) Collet, Manuel | Ouisse, Morvan | Tateo, Flaviano | Ichchou, Mohamed Najib
inproceedings - Investigations on the sensitivity of the relationships between sound absorption characteristics and microstructure related parameters for polyurethane foams 21st International Congress on Acoustics (ICA 2013) / Montréal, Canada (Volume 19, Issue 065012 , 2013) Ouisse, Morvan | Doutres, Olivier | Atalla, Noureddine | Ichchou, Mohamed Najib | Begg, D.
inproceedings - Computation of 2D vibroacoustic waves dispersion for optimizing acoustic power flow in interaction with adaptive metacomposites Proc. SPIE 8688, Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems / San Diego, {USA} (2013, Pages pages 1 - 9) Collet, Manuel | Ouisse, Morvan | Ichchou, Mohamed Najib | Ohayon, Roger
inproceedings - Experimental characterization of a bi-dimensional array on negative capacitance piezo-patches for vibroacoustic control Proc. SPIE 8688, Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems (2013, Pages pages 1 - 6) Tateo, Flaviano | Collet, Manuel | Ouisse, Morvan | Ichchou, Mohamed Najib | Cunefare, Kenneth
article - On the sensitivity analysis of porous material models Journal of Sound and Vibration (Volume 331, Issue (24), nov 2012, Pages :5292 - 5308) Ouisse, Morvan | Ichchou, Mohamed Najib | Chedly, S. | Collet, Manuel
article - Structural energy flow optimization through adaptive shunted piezoelectric metacomposites Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures (Volume 23, Issue (15), oct 2012, Pages :1661 - 1677) Collet, Manuel | Ouisse, Morvan | Ichchou, Mohamed Najib
article - Investigations for a model reduction technique of fluid-structure coupled systems Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science (Volume 226, Issue (1), sep 2012, Pages :42 - 54) Ben Smida, Brahim | Majed, Riadh | Bouhaddi, Noureddine | Ouisse, Morvan
inproceedings - On the Validity of Time-Temperature Equivalence for wide frequency band analysis of Shape Memory Polymers 4th International Conference on Smart Materials, Structures and Systems (CIMTEC) / Montecatini Terme, Italy (2012) Gabrion, Xavier | Foltête, Emmanuel | Placet, Vincent | Collet, Manuel | Ouisse, Morvan
inproceedings - Vibroacoustic Optimization and Implementation of Adaptive Metacomposite Based on Periodically Distributed Shunted Piezoelectric Patches 4th International Conference on Smart Materials, Structures and Systems (CIMTEC) / Montecatini Terme, Italy (2012) Tateo, Flaviano | Collet, Manuel | Ouisse, Morvan | Ichchou, Mohamed Najib
inproceedings - A reduced order model for nonlinear vibroacoustic problems International Conference on Structural Nonlinear Dynamics and Diagnosis (CSNDD 2012) (2012) Gerges, Youssef | Guedri, Mohamed | Sadoulet, Emeline | Ouisse, Morvan | Bouhaddi, Noureddine
inproceedings - Adaptive Shunted Piezoelectric Metacomposite : a New Integrated Technology for Vibroacoustic Control 1st International Conference on Composites Dynamics (DYNACOMP 2012) / Arcachon, France (2012) Collet, Manuel | Ouisse, Morvan | Tateo, Flaviano | Ichchou, Mohamed Najib | Huang, Tianli | Cunefare, Kenneth | Beck, Benjamin S.
inproceedings - Design and optimization of a semiactive metacomposite for the control of acoustic interaction Acoustic 2012 (2012, Pages pages 3041 - 3046) Collet, Manuel | Ouisse, Morvan | Ohayon, Roger | Ichchou, Mohamed Najib
inproceedings - Adaptive shunted piezoelectric metacomposite: a new integrated technology for vibroacoustic control 2nd Workshop on Design, Control and Software Implementation for Distributed MEMS (dMEMS 2012) / Besançon, France (2012, Pages pages 38 - 45) Collet, Manuel | Ouisse, Morvan | Tateo, Flaviano | Ichchou, Mohamed Najib | Huang, Tianli
inproceedings - A maintenance alarm for alternators based on eigensolutions 2nd International Conference Condition Monitoring of Machinery in Non-Stationnary Operations (CMMNO 2012) / Hammamet, Tunisia (2012, Pages pages 183- 192) Kuczkowiak, Antoine | Cogan, Scott | Ouisse, Morvan | Foltête, Emmanuel | Corus, Mathieu
inproceedings - Improving the efficiency of identification of mechanical and coupling parameters of porous materials by sensitivity analysis Symposium on the Acoustics Poro-Elastics Materials (SAPEM 2011) (2011) Gravade, Matthieu | Ouisse, Morvan | Ichchou, Mohamed Najib | Collet, Manuel
inproceedings - Analyse de robustesse des réponses en fonctionnement d’un stator alternateur à partir de solutions propres expérimentales incertaines Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en vibro-Acoustique et Contrôle du Bruit (JJCAB) (2011) Kuczkowiak, Antoine | Ouisse, Morvan | Cogan, Scott | Foltête, Emmanuel | Corus, Mathieu
article - Floquet–Bloch decomposition for the computation of dispersion of two-dimensional periodic, damped mechanical systems International Journal of Solids and Structures (Volume 48, Issue (20), oct 2011, Pages :2837 - 2848) Collet, Manuel | Ouisse, Morvan | Ruzzene, Massimo | Ichchou, Mohamed Najib
inproceedings - Amélioration de l'identification des paramètres de couplage et mécaniques des matériaux poreux par analyse de sensibilité 20ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2011) / Besançon, France (2011) Gravade, Matthieu | Ouisse, Morvan | Ichchou, Mohamed Najib | Collet, Manuel
inproceedings - New methodology for vibroacoustic energy diffusion optimization by mean of distributed electromechanical devices 10ème Colloque National en Calcul des Structures (CSMA) / Presqu'ile de Giens, France (2011) Collet, Manuel | Ouisse, Morvan
inproceedings - Semi-active optimization of 2D wave's dispersion into mechanical systems by the mean of periodically distributed shunted piezoelectric patches: a new class of adaptive metamaterials Proceedings of SPIE "Behavior and Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials and Composites" (2011) Collet, Manuel | Ouisse, Morvan | Ichchou, Mohamed Najib | Ruzzene, Massimo
article - On the properness condition for modal analysis of non-symmetric second-order systems Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (MSSP) (Volume 25, Issue (2), feb 2011, Pages :601 - 620) Ouisse, Morvan | Foltête, Emmanuel
incollection - Identification of Reduced Models from Optimal Complex Eigenvectors in Structural Dynamics and Vibroacoustics Vibration and Structural Acoustics Analysis: Current Research and Related Technologies (Publisher : Springer, Editor : Vasques, C.M.A. and Rodrigues, J.D., Edition : 1st, Chapter 11, 2011, Pages 303 - 327) Ouisse, Morvan | Foltête, Emmanuel
inproceedings - Reduced models identification from experimental modal analysis of non-self adjoint systems - rotordynamics, active control and vibroacoustics applications International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering (ISMA 2010) (2010, Pages pages 1605 - 1619) Ouisse, Morvan | Foltête, Emmanuel
inproceedings - On the use of reciprocity measurements to improve identification of vibroacoustical reduced models 1st EAA - EuroRegio - Congress on Sound and Vibration / Ljubljana, Slovenia (2010) Cisse, Ousseynou | Ouisse, Morvan | Collet, Manuel | Foltête, Emmanuel
inproceedings - A Floquet-Bloch decomposition of the elastodynamical equations for the computation of wave’s dispersion in damped mechanical system International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering (ISMA 2010) (2010, Pages pages 2241 - 2255) Collet, Manuel | Ouisse, Morvan | Ruzzene, Massimo | Ichchou, Mohamed Najib
inproceedings - On the comparison of formulations for model reduction of harmonic frequency-dependent damped fluid-structure problems IV European Congress on Computational Mechanics: Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems in Engineering (ECCM 2010) (2010) Ouisse, Morvan | Sadoulet, Emeline
inproceedings - Dynamic behaviour of SMA and response to impact S3T School and Symposium on Smart Structural Systems Technologies (2010) Collet, Manuel | Ouisse, Morvan | Foltête, Emmanuel | Lexcellent, Christian
inproceedings - Analyse modale expérimentale vibroacoustique : de la préparation des essais à l'identification de modèles réduits 10ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique (CFA 2010) / Lyon, France (2010, Pages pages 6 p) Ouisse, Morvan | Pézerat, Charles | Sandier, C. | Foltête, Emmanuel
inproceedings - Modèles réduits dédiés aux problèmes vibroacoustiques avec couplage faible ou fort 1er Colloque International Innovations en Mécaniques Passives et Actives Pour l'Analyse et la Conception des Systèmes Mécaniques (IMPACT) / Djerba, Tunisia (2010) Ben Smida, Brahim | Majed, Riadh | Ouisse, Morvan | Bouhaddi, Noureddine
inproceedings - Extension d'une méthode de réduction de modèle au couplage fluide-structure non-linéaire 1er Colloque International Innovations en Mécaniques Passives et Actives Pour l'Analyse et la Conception des Systèmes Mécaniques (IMPACT) / Djerba, Tunisia (2010) Gerges, Youssef | Sadoulet, Emeline | Ouisse, Morvan | Bouhaddi, Noureddine
article - Robust design of spot welds in automotive structures: A decision-making methodology Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (MSSP) (Volume 24, Issue (4), 2010, Pages :1172 - 1190) Ouisse, Morvan | Cogan, Scott