
Refereed journals

  1. B. Morel, R. Giust, K. Ardaneh, and F. Courvoisier. A solver based on pseudo-spectral analytical time-domain method for the two-fluid plasma model.  Scientific Reports. 2021,  Volume 11, 3151. 
  2. B. Morel, R. Giust, K. Ardaneh, and F. Courvoisier. A simple solver for the two-fluid plasma model based on PseudoSpectral Time-Domain algorithm.  Communications in Computational Physics. 2021, Volume 29, 955.
  3. K. Ardaneh, R. Giust, B. Morel, F. Courvoisier. Generation of a Bessel beam in FDTD using a cylindrical antenna. Optics Express . 2020, Volume 28, 2895.
  4. K. Ardaneh. Oblique instability and electron acceleration in relativistic unmagnetized cloud-plasma interaction. Physics of Plasmas. 2018, 25, 122106
  5. K. Ardaneh, Y. Luo, I. Shlosman, K. Nagamine, J. Wise, M. C. Begelman. Direct Collapse to Supermassive Black Hole Seeds with Radiation Transfer: Cosmological Simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2018, Volume 479, 2277.
  6. Y. Luo, K. Ardaneh, I. Shlosman, K, Nagamine, J. Wise, M. C. Begelman. Direct Collapse to Supermassive Black Hole Seeds with Radiation Transfer: Isolated Halos. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Volume 476, 3523, 2018
  7. K. Ardaneh, D. Cai, K.-I. Nishikawa. Collisionless electron-ion shocks in relativistic unmagnetized jet-ambient interactions: Non-thermal electron injection by double layer. The Astrophysical Journal, 2016, Volume 827, 124.
  8. K. Ardaneh, D. Cai, K.-I. Nishikawa, B. Lembege. Collisionless Weibel shocks and electron acceleration in gamma-ray bursts. The Astrophysical Journal, 2015, Volume 811, 57.
  9. K. Ardaneh, D. Cai, K.-I. Nishikawa. Amplification of Weibel instability in the relativistic beam-plasma interactions due to ion streaming. New Astronomy, 2014, Volume 33, 1.
  10. K. Ardaneh, S. Zaferanlouei. A lumped parameter core dynamics model for MTR type research reactors under natural convection regime. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2013, 56, 243.
  11. K. Ardaneh, S. Zaferanlouei. An analytical solution for thermal–hydraulic analysis and safety margins in MTR-type research reactors cooled by natural convection. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2013, 51, 282.


  1. K. Ardaneh, R. Meyer, B. Morel, R. Giust and Francois Courvoisier. Extreme absorption in the bulk of dielectrics with femtosecond Bessel pulses. CLEO:2021, 2021, California,  USA.
  2. B. Morel, R. Giust, K. Ardaneh, R. Meyer and F. Courvoisier. New simple composite algorithm for solving multidimensional two-fluid plasma equations. CLEO/Europe-EQEC, 2019, Munich, Germany.
  3. D. Cai, K. Ardaneh. Parallel 3D electromagnetic Particle-In-Cell simulation for relativistic jets. 6th East-Asia School on Laboratory, Space, Astrophysical Plasmas, 2016, Chiba, Japan.
  4. K. Ardaneh, D. Cai. Particle acceleration and magnetic field generation in the relativistic jet-plasma interactions. Japan Geosciences Union Meeting, 2014, Yokahama, Japan.
  5. K. Ardaneh et. Al. Study of flow instabilities in a natural circulation boiling system. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2010, Volume 1, 355.
  6. K. Ardaneh et. Al. Nonlinear analysis for a two-phase natural circulation loop under low-pressure. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2010, Volume 4, 635.
  7. K. Ardaneh et. Al. The theoretical research on the instability behavior of a two phase flow natural circulation loop. The 18th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, 2010, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
  8. K. Ardaneh et. Al. Nonlinear stability analysis of a two-phase natural circulation loop. Annual of Australian Institute of High Energetic Materials, 2010, Volume 1, 88.
  9. K. Ardaneh et. Al. A numerical investigation of a two-phase natural circulation loop. ICCMME, 2009, Melbourne, Australia.