article - Online Testing of Dynamic Reconfigurations w.r.t. Adaptation Policies Automatic Control and Computer Sciences (Volume 56, Issue (7), dec 2022, Pages :606 - 622) Dadeau, Frédéric | Gros, Jean Philippe | Kouchnarenko, Olga
inproceedings - Automated Generation of Initial Configurations for Testing Component Systems 17th International Conference on Formal Aspects of Component Software (FACS 2021) / Grenoble (Online), France (Volume 13077, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2021, Pages pages 134 -152) Dadeau, Frédéric | Gros, Jean Philippe | Kouchnarenko, Olga
article - Online Testing of Dynamic Reconfigurations w.r.t. Adaptation Policies Modeling and Analysis of Information Systems (Volume 28, Issue (1), 2021, Pages :52 -73) Dadeau, Frédéric | Gros, Jean Philippe | Kouchnarenko, Olga
inproceedings - A Case-based Approach for introducing Testing Tools and Principles IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW 2020) / Porto, Portugal (2020, Pages pages 429 - 436) Dadeau, Frédéric | Gros, Jean Philippe | Peureux, Fabien
article - Complementary test selection criteria for model-based testing of security components International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT) (Volume 21, Issue (4), aug 2019, Pages :425 - 448) Botella, Julien | Capuron, Jean-François | Dadeau, Frédéric | Fourneret, Elizabeta | Legeard, Bruno | Schadle, Florence
article - Contract-based testing for PHP with Praspel Journal of Systems and Software (Volume 136, feb 2018, Pages :209 - 222) Dadeau, Frédéric | Giorgetti, Alain | Bouquet, Fabrice | Enderlin, Ivan
inproceedings - Apprentissage de la programmation en cycle 2 avec un jeu vidéo collaboratif 8ème Conférence sur les Environnements Informatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain (EIAH 2017) / Strasbourg, France (2017) Reffay, Christophe | Dadeau, Frédéric | Follet-Locatelli, Bruno | Michaud, Paul-Armand | Greffier, Françoise
article - Introduction du code informatique à l'école primaire - retour d'expériences 1024 : Bulletin de la Société Informatique de France (Volume 9, nov 2016, Pages :9 - 19) Alavoine, Aude | Dadeau, Frédéric
inproceedings - MBeeTle - un outil pour la génération de tests à-la-volée à l'aide de modèles Actes des Huitièmes journées nationales du Groupement De Recherche CNRS du Génie de la Programmation et du Logiciel / Besançon, France (2016, Pages pages 253 - 256) Lorrain, Julien | Fourneret, Elizabeta | Dadeau, Frédéric | Legeard, Bruno
proceedings - Actes des Huitièmes journées nationales du Groupement De Recherche CNRS du Génie de la Programmation et du Logiciel CNRS - Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Université de Franche-Comté (jun 2016) Dadeau, Frédéric | Moreau, Pierre-Etienne
inproceedings - Model-Based Vulnerability Testing of Payment Protocol Implementations HotSpot'2014, 2nd Workshop on Hot Issues in Security Principles and Trust, affiliated with ETAPS 2014 / Grenoble, France (2014) Maatoug, Ghazi | Dadeau, Frédéric | Rusinowitch, Michael
inproceedings - Grammar-Based Testing using Realistic Domains in PHP A-MOST 2012, 8th Workshop on Advances in Model Based Testing, joint to the ICST'12 IEEE Int. Conf. on Software Testing, Verification and Validation / Los Alamitos, CA, United States (Publisher : IEEE, 2012, Pages pages 509--518) Enderlin, Ivan | Dadeau, Frédéric | Giorgetti, Alain | Bouquet, Fabrice
inproceedings - Praspel: A Specification Language for Contract-Based Testing in PHP ICTSS'11, 23-th IFIP Int. Conf. on Testing Software and Systems / Paris, France (Publisher : Springer, Volume 7019, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2011, Pages pages 64--79) Enderlin, Ivan | Dadeau, Frédéric | Giorgetti, Alain | Ben Othman, Abdallah
techreport - Realistic Domains for Unit Tests Generation (sep 2010, Research Report) Enderlin, Ivan | Ben Othman, Abdallah | Dadeau, Frédéric | Giorgetti, Alain
inproceedings - Building a Test-ready Abstraction of a Behavioral Model using CLP TAP'10, 4-th Int. Conf. on Tests and Proofs / Malaga, Spain (Volume 6143, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2010, Pages pages 167--182) Bue, Pierre-Christophe | Dadeau, Frédéric | De Kermadec, Adrien | Bouquet, Fabrice
inproceedings - jSynoPSys -- A Scenario-Based Testing Tool based on the Symbolic Animation of B Machines MBT'09 proceedings / York, United Kingdom (Volume 253-2, Series Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS), 2009, Pages pages 117--132) Dadeau, Frédéric | Tissot, Régis
inproceedings - On the Use of Uniform Random Generation of Automata for Testing MBT'09 proceedings / York, United Kingdom (Volume 253-2, Series Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS), 2009, Pages pages 37--51) Dadeau, Frédéric | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Levrey, J.
inproceedings - Constraint-Based Software Testing Journées du GDR Génie de la Programmation du Logiciel 2009 / Toulouse, France (2009, Pages pages 204--208) Dadeau, Frédéric | Bardin, S. | Botella, Bernard | Charreteur, F. | Gotlieb, A. | Marre, B. | Michel, Claude | Rueher, M. | Williams, N.
inproceedings - Génération automatique de tests à partir de patrons de propriétés AFADL'09, Approches Formelles dans l'Assistance au Développement de Logiciels / Toulouse, France (2009, Pages pages 177--191) Dadeau, Frédéric
techreport - A Combination of Model-Based Testing and Random Testing Approaches using Automata (oct 2008, Research Report) Dadeau, Frédéric | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Levrey, J.
inproceedings - Combining Scenario and Model-Based Testing to ensure POSIX Compliance ABZ'2008, Int. Conf. on ASM, B and Z / London, United Kingdom (Volume 5238, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2008, Pages pages 153--166) Dadeau, Frédéric | Tissot, Régis | De Kermadec, Adrien
inproceedings - A Verifiable Conformance Relationship between Smart Card Applets and B Models ABZ'2008, International Conference on ASM, B and Z / London, United Kingdom (Volume 5238, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2008, Pages pages 237--250) Dadeau, Frédéric | Moutet, T. | Potet, Marie-Laure | Lamboley, J.
inproceedings - Leirios Test Generator: from Research to Teaching, through Industry Int. Workshop on the B Method: from Research to Teaching / Nantes, France (2008, Pages pages 1--16) Dadeau, Frédéric | Tissot, Régis | Julliand, Jacques
inproceedings - Directed Random Reduction of Combinatorial Test Suites RT'07, 2nd Int. Workshop on Random Testing, co-located with ASE'07, the 22nd IEEE/ACM Int. Conf. on Automated Software Engineering / Atlanta, USA (2007, Pages pages 18--25) Dadeau, Frédéric | Ledru, Yves | du Bousquet, Lydie
inproceedings - Test fonctionnel de conformité vis-à-vis d'une politique de contrôle d'accès AFADL'07, Approches Formelles dans l'Assistance au Développement de Logiciels / Namur, Belgique (2007) Dadeau, Frédéric | Haddad, Amal | Moutet, T.
inproceedings - Tobias-2, un outil pour la ma\^itrise de tests combinatoires AFADL'07, Approches Formelles dans l'Assistance au Développement de Logiciels, Session outils / Namur, Belgium (2007) Dadeau, Frédéric | Ledru, Yves | Ville, S. | Rose, E. | du Bousquet, Lydie
inproceedings - Measuring the Coverage of a Java Test Suite using JML Specifications MBT'07, 3rd Int. Workshop on Model-Based Testing, co-located with ETAPS'2007) / Braga, Portugal (Volume 190, Series Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS), 2007, Pages pages 21--32) Dadeau, Frédéric | Ledru, Yves | du Bousquet, Lydie
inproceedings - A Case Study in Matching Test and Proof Coverage MBT'07, 3rd Int. Workshop on Model-Based Testing, co-located with ETAPS'2007) / Braga, Portugal (Volume 190, Series Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS), 2007, Pages pages 73--84) Dadeau, Frédéric | Ledru, Yves | Allouti, F. | du Bousquet, Lydie
inproceedings - Animation de modèles JML et génération de tests fonctionnels MAJECSTIC'06, MAnifestation de JEunes Chercheurs STIC / Lorient, France (2006) Dadeau, Frédéric
inproceedings - Safety Property Driven Test Generation from JML Specifications 1st International Workshops Formal Approaches to Software Testing and International Conference on Runtime Verification (FATES/RV 2006) / Seatte, United States (Volume 4262, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2006, Pages pages 225 - 239) Bouquet, Fabrice | Dadeau, Frédéric | Groslambert, Julien | Julliand, Jacques
inproceedings - JML-Testing-Tools, un Animateur Symbolique de Spécifications JML AFADL'06, Approches Formelles dans l'Assistance au Développement de Logiciels / Paris, France (2006) Dadeau, Frédéric | Legeard, Bruno | Bouquet, Fabrice
techreport - Automated Boundary Test Generation from JML Specifications LIFC - Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'Université de Franche-Comté (mar 2006, Research Report) Dadeau, Frédéric | Legeard, Bruno | Bouquet, Fabrice
inproceedings - How Symbolic Animation can help designing an Efficient Formal Model Procs of the 7th Int. Conf. on Formal Engineering Methods (ICFEM'05) / Manchester, United Kingdom (Publisher : Springer, Volume 3785, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2005, Pages pages 96--110) Bouquet, Fabrice | Dadeau, Frédéric | Legeard, Bruno
inproceedings - Symbolic Animation of JML Specifications Procs of the Int. Conf. on Formal Methods (FM'2005) / Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom (Publisher : Springer, Volume 3582, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2005, Pages pages 75--90) Bouquet, Fabrice | Dadeau, Frédéric | Legeard, Bruno | Utting, Mark
inproceedings - Using Constraint Logic Programming for the Symbolic Animation of Formal Models Procs of the Int. Workshop on Constraints in Formal Verification (CFV'05) -- Co-located with the Int. Conf. on Automated Deduction (CADE'05) / Tallinn, Estonia (2005, Pages pages 32--46) Bouquet, Fabrice | Dadeau, Frédéric | Legeard, Bruno
inproceedings - JML-Testing-Tools: a Symbolic Animator for JML Specifications using CLP Procs of the 11th Int. Conf. on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, Tool session (TACAS'05) / Edinburgh, United Kingdom (Publisher : Springer, Volume 3440, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2005, Pages pages 551--556) Bouquet, Fabrice | Dadeau, Frédéric | Legeard, Bruno | Utting, Mark
inproceedings - Checking JML Specifications with B Machines Procs of the Int. Conf. on Formal Specification and Development in Z and B, (ZB'05) / Guildford, United Kingdom (Publisher : Springer, Volume 3455, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2005, Pages pages 435--454) Bouquet, Fabrice | Dadeau, Frédéric | Groslambert, Julien