Research themes
My research focuses on software testing, and more specifically on:
- black-box model based testing
- white-box/grey-box testing from code and annotations
- test generation with differents techniques/techologies : scenarios, mutations, constraint solving.
PhD supervision
- Kalou Cabrera Castillos - Génération automatique de scénarios de test à partir de propriétés temporelles et de modèles comportementaux. Supervised with Jacques Julliand. Defended on 28 november 2013.
- Ivan Enderlin - Génération automatique de tests unitaires avec Praspel, un langage de spécification pour PHP. Supervised with Fabrice Bouquet and Alain Giorgetti. Defended on 16 july 2014.
Scientific responsabilities/organisation
I organized the "Journées nationales du GDR GPL 2016" in Besançon, along with 3 affiliated conferences (AFADL, CAL, CIEL)
I am the co-organizer of the French workshop "Approches Formelles dans l'Aide au Développement Logiciel" (AFADL'2015) co-located with the "Journées du GDR GPL" in Bordeaux.
I was co-leader of the working group "Méthodes de Test pour la Vérification et la Validation" (MTV2) of the GDR Génie de la Programmation et du Logiciel, with Lydie du Bousquet (Jan 2012- Dec 2015).
I organized the Training And Research On Testing (TAROT'2012) summer school on July 2-6, 2012
I co-organized editions 2012 (in Montréal) and 2013 (in Luxembourg) of the Constraints in Software Testing Verification and Analysis (CSTVA) workshop, with Cristian Cadar.
Funded research project
I participate(d) to the following research projects:
- ANR ASTRID Maturation MBT_Sec (Jan. 2014 - Dec. 2015) for which I ensure the role of scientific coordinator.
- ANR ASTRID OSeP (Oct. 2011 - Oct. 2013)
- ANR ARPEGE TASCCC --Test Automatique à partir de SCénarios et évaluations Critères Communs-- (2009-2012) for which I ensured the role of scientific coordinator.
- FP7 SecureChange (Feb. 2009 - Feb. 2012)
- RNTL POSE --Validation de POlitiques de SEcurité-- (2005-2007)
- RNTL DANOCOPS --Détection Automatique de NOn-COnformité entre une Programme et sa Spécification-- (2004-2006)
- INTERREG Test-UML (2002-2004)
- ACI GECCOO --GEnération de Code Certifié pour les applications Orientées Objet-- (2003-2006) which funded my PhD work on the Java Modelling Language.
In the past ...
My PhD thesis tool place at the Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'Université de Franche-Comté (LIFC - former name of the DISC departement of FEMTO-ST), and was defended on July 19th, 2006. I then went to a postdoctoral fellowship at the Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble (LIG) before being recruited in september 2007 at the UFR ST of the Université de Franche-Comté.