Theses and dissertations

Personnal :

  • Phd Thesis, defended in January 1999 in University of Provence (Aix-Marseille), Title: "Gestion de la dynanicité et énumaration d'implicants premiers : une approche fondée sur les diagrammes de décision binaire".
  • Head research authorization (HDR) in University of Franche-Comté (Besançon), Title: "Interpretative semantic of formal specification for symbolic animation and model-based testing" in French "Sémantique interprétative de spécifications formelles en animation symbolique et génération de tests à partir de modèles"

Current PhD-Student (4) :

  • Frédéric Tamagnan (since October 2019 ...) with B. Legeard and Orange company, subject:Testing information system with machin learning technics based on traces.
  • Jessy Colonval (since October 2019...), subject: Outliers detection and Metamorphics test for IA.  
  • Eléa Jacquin (since October 2024...), subject: Neuro-symbolic approach to generating a test repository 

Formed PhD-Student (13) :

  • Mathieu Briland (defended in May 2020) in partnership with the flowbird company, subject: Model-Based Security Testing with Patterns for IoT plateforms.
  • Nicolas Diot (defended in December 2018) co-directed with C. Lang and S. Grosdemouge of the company Shine research, subject: "Modeling with Multi-Agent System's Paradigm for the validation of Scenario".
  • Abbas Ahmed (defended in June 2018) co-directed with B. Legeard and F. Le Gall of the company Easy GLobal Market, subject: "Model based-testing approach for non intrusive method for validation and verification of composent: Application of the test compliance for the IoT plateforms".
  • Jean-Marie Gauthier (defended in November 2015) co-directed with F. Peureux and A. Hammad, subject: "Methodology for validation an simulation from SysML Model: Apply to micro-system".
  • Ivan Enderlin (defended in July 2014) co-directed with F. Dadeau and A. Giorgetti, subject: "Generation of complex data structure for object programming language".
  • Sébastion Chipeaux (defended in December 2013) co-directed with C. Lang and N. Marilleau, subject: "Automtic Multi-Agent System generation from model for multy-level of complex system".
  • Jérome Cantenot (defended in November 2013) co-directed with F. Ambert, subject:"Gestion de la consistance des conditions de vérification dans un environnement pour la génération de tests"
  • Elizabeta Fourneret (defended in December 2012) subject: "Management of security and evolution with MBT approach"
  • Jonathan Lasalle (defended in June 2012) co-directed with F. Peureux, subject: "Génération de tests pour les modèles temps réel".
  • Vincent Pretre (defended in March 2009) co-directed with C. Lang, subject "Génération automatique de tests à partir de modèle formel pour les applications de type web services".
  • Christophe Grandpierre (defended in July 2008) co-directed with B. Leageard and F. Peureux, subject: "Vérification de modèles UML dynamiques utilisés en génération automatique de tests".
  • Frédéric Dadeau (defended in July 2006) co-directed with B. Legeard, subject: "Validation et Vérification de modèles pour les langages objets à partir d'évaluation symbolique à contraintes".
  • Nicolas Vacelet (defended in December 2004) co-directed with B. Legeard, subject: "Evaluation par système de contraintes de notations de spécifications formelles".