Please find here my most recent publications:
E. Lantz,Comment on "Quantum-enhanced interferometry with weak thermal light", Optica 4, 1314-1316 (2017)
S. Denis, P.A. Moreau, F. Devaux, and E. Lantz, "Temporal ghost imaging with twin photons", Journ. of Optics 19 034002 (2017)
F. Devaux, K. Phan Huy, S. Denis, E. Lantzand P.A. Moreau, "Temporal ghost imaging with pseudo-thermal speckle light", Journ. of Optics 19 024001 (2017)
F. Devaux, P.A. Moreau, S. Denis and E. Lantz, "Computational temporal ghost imaging", Optica 3, 698-701 (2016)