
2024 (3)

  • article - Multiplex Evaluation of Biointerface-Targeting Abilities and Affinity of Synthetized Nanoparticles—A Step Towards Improved Nanoplatforms for Biomedical Applications
    Molecules (Volume 29, Issue (22), nov 2024, Pages :5270 (22))
    Romain, Mélanie | Elie-Caille, Céline | Ben Elkadhi, Dorra | Heintz, Olivier | Herbst, Michaele | Maurizi, Lionel | Boireau, Wilfrid | Millot, Nadine
  • article - Raman spectroscopy of large extracellular vesicles derived from human microvascular endothelial cells to detect benzo[a]pyrene exposure
    Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (Volume 416, oct 2024, Pages :6639 - 6649)
    Raizada, Geetika | Brunel, Benjamin | Guillouzouic, Joan | Aubertin, Kelly | Shigeto, Shinsuke | Nishigaki, Yuka | Lesniewska, Eric | Le Ferrec, Eric | Boireau, Wilfrid | Elie-Caille, Céline
  • inproceedings - Enhancing Dielectrophoresis Analysis via Artificial Intelligence Integration
    International Conference on Semiconductor Electronics (ICSE 2024) / Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2024, Pages pages 116 - 119)
    Ramdzan Buyong, Muhamad | Burhanuddin, Yeop Majlis | Elie-Caille, Céline | Suhaimi, Muhammad Akmal | Wan Yunus, Farahdiana Binti | Abdulhameed, Abdullah | Rozaini, Arash Zulkaranain Ahmad | Yaakob, Noratiqah | Kayani Kayani, Aminuddin Ahmad | Tee, Clarence Augustine TH
    doi | bibtex

2023 (1)

2022 (2)

2021 (10)

  • article - Development of extracellular vesicle-based medicinal products: A position paper of the group ‘‘Extracellular Vesicle translatiOn to clinicaL perspectiVEs – EVOLVE France
    Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews (Volume 179, dec 2021, Pages :114001 (27))
    Silva , Amanda K.A. | Morille, Marie | Piffoux, Max | Arumugam, Surendar | Mauduit, Philippe | Larghero, Jérôme | Bianchi, Arnaud | Aubertin, Kelly | Elie-Caille, Céline | Boireau, Wilfrid
  • article - Les vésicules extracellulaires : Définition, séparation, caractérisation
    Med Sci (Volume 12, Issue (37), dec 2021, Pages :1092–1100)
    Boireau, Wilfrid | Elie-Caille, Céline
  • inproceedings - Lamb waves sensor in liquid media utilising higher order quasi-longitudinal S5 and S6 modes
    IEEE Conference on Sensors (SENSORS 2021) / Rotterdam, Netherlands (2021, Pages pages 20258315 (4))
    Hamidullah, Muhammad | Rezzag, Nassim | Elie-Caille, Céline | Leblois, Thérèse
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • article - Assessment of shear-dependent kinetics of primary haemostasis with a microfluidic acoustic biosensor
    IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (Volume 68, Issue (8), aug 2021, Pages :2329 - 2338)
    Oseev, Aleksandr | Lecompte, Thomas Pierre | Remy-Martin, Fabien | Mourey, Guillaume | Chollet, Franck | Le Roy de Boiseaumarié, Benoit | Rouleau, Alain | Bourgeois, Ophélie | De Maistre, Emmanuel | Elie-Caille, Céline | Manceau, Jean-François | Boireau, Wilfrid | Leblois, Thérèse
  • inproceedings - Microacoustic biosensor for label-free assessment of von Willebrand factor function in primary haemostasis
    Biosensors (2021) / Online (Electronic Conference), France (2021)
    Oseev, Aleksandr | Lecompte, Thomas Pierre | Remy-Martin, Fabien | Elie-Caille, Céline | Mourey, Guillaume | De Maistre, Emmanuel | Rouleau, Alain | Chollet, Franck | Manceau, Jean-François | Boireau, Wilfrid | Leblois, Thérèse
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Immunocapture des vésicules extracellulaires
    European School for the Study of Extracellular Vesicles (ESSEV 2021) / Lyon, France (2021)
    Elie-Caille, Céline
  • inproceedings - Standardisation de la métrologie des EVs en milieu complexe
    Grand-Ouest Extracellular Vesicle Network: Innovation, Cancer & Therapy (2021) / Nantes, France (2021)
    Elie-Caille, Céline
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Regenerable ZnO/GaAs Bulk AcousticWave Biosensor for Detection of Escherichia coli in “Complex” Biological Medium
    Biosensors-Basel (Volume 2021, Issue (11), may 2021, Pages :145 (15))
    Chawich, Juliana | Hassen, Walid | Elie-Caille, Céline | Leblois, Thérèse | Dubowski, Jan J.
  • inproceedings - Microsystems and NanoBioanalytical tools for characterization of cellular secretome
    / Rennes, France (2021)
    Elie-Caille, Céline
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Assessment of primary hemostasis with an acoustic biosensor using shear dependent kinetics behavior: principle and limitations
    65th Online Meeting of the Society for Thrombosis and Haemostasis Research (GTH 2021) / Online (Electronic Conference), Online (Electronic Conference) (Volume 41, Issue 01, 2021, Pages pages 16 - 17)
    Oseev, Aleksandr | Mukhin, Nikolay | Remy-Martin, Fabien | Elie-Caille, Céline | Mourey, Guillaume | Rouleau, Alain | Bourgeois, Ophélie | Le Roy de Boiseaumarié, Benoit | De Maistre, Emmanuel | Lucklum, Ralf | Boireau, Wilfrid | Chollet, Franck | Manceau, Jean-François | Leblois, Thérèse
    pdf | doi | bibtex

2020 (6)

  • article - Topology Challenge for the Assessment of Living Cell Deposits with Shear Bulk Acoustic Biosensor
    Nanomaterials (Volume 10, Issue (10), oct 2020, Pages :2079 (15))
    Oseev, Aleksandr | Mukhin, Nikolay | Elie-Caille, Céline | Boireau, Wilfrid | Lucklum, Ralf | Lecompte, Thomas Pierre | Remy-Martin, Fabien | Manceau, Jean-François | Chollet, Franck | Leblois, Thérèse
  • inproceedings - Theoretical study and finite element simulation of ZnO/GaAs higher-order Lamb waves for microsensor application in liquid media
    IEEE Conference on Sensors (SENSORS 2020) / Rotterdam, Netherlands (2020, Pages pages 20258315 (3))
    Hamidullah, Muhammad | Elie-Caille, Céline | Leblois, Thérèse
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • article - Implementation of capacitance as simultaneous sensing and actuating tool in tapered microelectrode arrays for dielectrophoresis-on-a-chip application
    Microelectronics International (Volume 37, Issue (4), sep 2020, Pages :215 - 224)
    Ramdzan Buyong, Muhamad | Larki, Farhad | Hakimi Zainal, Muhamad Ikhmal | Ahmed Almahi, Abdelaziz Yousif | Ahamad , Ghadafi Ismail | Hamzah, Azrul Azlan | Kayani Kayani, Aminuddin Ahmad | Elie-Caille, Céline | Majlis, Burhanuddin Yeop
  • article - Dynamic dielectric properties characterization of tapered dielectrophoresis microelectrodes for selective detection and rapid manipulation of cells
    Microelectronics International (Volume 37, Issue (4), jul 2020, Pages :189-198)
    Ramdzan Buyong, Muhamad | Larki, Farhad | Elie-Caille, Céline | Aziz, Norazreen Abd | Ahamad , Ghadafi Ismail | Hamzah, Azrul Azlan | Majlis, Burhanuddin Yeop
  • article - Deposition and characterization of ZnO thin films on GaAs and Pt/GaAs substrates
    Materials Chemistry and Physics (Volume 247, jun 2020, Pages :122854 (11))
    Chawich, Juliana | Kuprenaite, Sabina | Margueron, Samuel | Boulet, Pascal | Dubowski, Jan J. | Elie-Caille, Céline | Leblois, Thérèse
  • article - Molecular and nanoscale evaluation of N‑cadherin expression in invasive bladder cancer cells under control conditions or GW501516 exposure
    Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry (Volume 471, may 2020, Pages :113 - 127)
    Elie-Caille, Céline | Lascombe, Isabelle | Péchery, Adeline | Bittard, Hugues | Fauconnet, Sylvie

2019 (11)

  • inproceedings - The NanoBioAnalytical Platform : a tunable tool for deep characterization of extracellular vesicles
    Open Reproducible and Standardized EV research (ISEV Workshop 2019) / Ghent, Belgium (2019)
    Rouleau, Alain | Maes, Pauline | Rageot, David | Frelet Barrand, Annie | Elie-Caille, Céline | Boireau, Wilfrid
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Tunable Separation of Nanoparticles in a Continuous Flow Using Standing Surface Acoustic Wave
    Sensors and Transducers (Volume 238, Issue (11), nov 2019, Pages :72 - 79)
    Chaalane, Amar | Addouche, Mahmoud | Zeggari, Rabah | Guneysu, Daniel | Lardet-Vieudrin, Franck | Bermak, Amine | Elie-Caille, Céline | Boireau, Wilfrid | Khelif, Abdelkrim
  • inproceedings - Nanobioanalytical studies of extracellular vesicles: how far can we push analytics and development of preanalytical modules?
    2019 CBME-UFC biomedical engineering mini-symposium (CBME-UFC 2019) / Taipei, Taiwan, Province Of China (2019)
    Elie-Caille, Céline
  • inproceedings - Primary haemostasis assessment by real-time direct sensing of platelet-collagen interactions under a broad shear rate spectrum with microacoustic biosensor approach
    23rd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (µTAS) (International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (µTAS) 2019) / Basel, , Switzerland (2019, Pages pages 1245-1246)
    Oseev, Aleksandr | Remy-Martin, Fabien | Lecompte, Thomas Pierre | Rouleau, Alain | Mourey, Guillaume | Manceau, Jean-François | Elie-Caille, Céline | Boireau, Wilfrid | Leblois, Thérèse
  • inproceedings - Biochemical and biophysical characterizations of Outer Membrane Vesicles through NanoBioAnalytical Platform
    / NANTES, France (2019)
    Maximova, Ksenia | Pénary, Marie | Legrand, Déborah | Laurent, Heidi | Rouleau, Alain | Maes, Pauline | Rageot, David | Taieb, Frédéric | Martin, Patricia | Boireau, Wilfrid | Elie-Caille, Céline | Oswald, Eric | Frelet Barrand, Annie
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Continuous sorting of submicron particles in a pre-analytical device based on acousto-fluidic microsystem
    2019 5th International Conference on Sensors Engineering and Electronics Instrumentation Advances (SEIA 2019) / Canary Islands (Tenerife), Spain (2019)
    Chaalane, Amar | Guneysu, Daniel | Addouche, Mahmoud | Zeggari, Rabah | Lardet-Vieudrin, Franck | Elie-Caille, Céline | Boireau, Wilfrid | Khelif, Abdelkrim
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Electrografting of diazonium salt for SPR application
    3rd International Workshop on Functionalised Surfaces for Sensor Applications (SURFOCAP 2017) / Besançon, France (Volume 6, Issue 3, 2019, Pages pages 310 - 344)
    Fioresi, Flavia | Rouleau, Alain | Maximova, Ksenia | Vieillard, Julien | Boireau, Wilfrid | Elie-Caille, Céline | Soulignac, Cécile | Zeggari, Rabah | Clamens, Thomas | Lesouhaitier, Olivier | Mofaddel, Nadine | Le Derf, Franck
    doi | bibtex
  • article - Formation Kinetics of Mixed Self-Assembled Monolayers of Alkanethiols on GaAs(100)
    Langmuir (Volume 35, Issue (13), apr 2019, Pages :4415 - 4427)
    Lacour, Vivien | Moumanis, Khalid | Hassen, Walid | Elie-Caille, Céline | Leblois, Thérèse | Dubowski, Jan J.
  • inproceedings - The nanobioanalytical platform, a tuneable tool for a sensitive detection & characterization of extracellular vesicles subsets from biological samples
    International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV 2019) / Kyoto, Japan (Volume 8, Issue -, 2019, Pages pages 82)
    Namasivayam, Balasubramaniam | Wu, Yu-Wen | Delila, Liling | Frelet Barrand, Annie | Burnouf, Thierry | Elie-Caille, Céline | Boireau, Wilfrid
    doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Towards onchip EVs separation: a lab‐on‐chip approach. J Extracell Vesicles
    International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV 2019) / Kyoto, Japan (Volume 8, 2019, Pages pages 310 (1))
    Pillemont, Lyne | Guneysu, Daniel | Elie-Caille, Céline | Boireau, Wilfrid | Gue, Anne-Marie
    doi | bibtex
  • article - NanoBioAnalytical characterization of extracellular vesicles in 75-nm nanofiltered human plasma for transfusion: a tool to improve transfusion safety.
    Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine (Volume 20, 2019, Pages :101977 (14))
    Obeid, Sameh | Sung, Pei-Shan | Le Roy de Boiseaumarié, Benoit | Chou, Ming-Li | Hsieh, Shie-Liang | Elie-Caille, Céline | Burnouf, Thierry | Boireau, Wilfrid

2018 (9)

  • inproceedings - Acoustofluidic based device for extracellular vesicles isolation
    Sample treatment conference (2018) / Caparica (Lisbonne), Portugal (2018)
    Guneysu, Daniel | Chaalane, Amar | Zeggari, Rabah | Addouche, Mahmoud | Elie-Caille, Céline | Khelif, Abdelkrim | Boireau, Wilfrid
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Minimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles 2018 (MISEV2018): a position statement of the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles and update of the MISEV2014 guidelines.
    Journal of Extracellular Vesicles (Volume 7, Issue (1), nov 2018, Pages :1535750 (43))
    Théry, Clotilde | Boireau, Wilfrid | Elie-Caille, Céline | Frelet Barrand, Annie
  • inproceedings - NanoBioAnalytical tools for blood derived extracellular vesicles characterization
    2018 International CBME-UFC (France) Biomedical Engineering Mini-Symposium (2018) / Taipei, Taiwan, Province Of China (2018)
    Elie-Caille, Céline
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Specificity and Sensitivity Characterization of a Gallium Arsenide Resonant Bio-Sensor
    IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS 2018) / Kobe, Japan (Volume 1, 2018, Pages pages 1 - 4)
    Chawich, Juliana | Leblois, Thérèse | Elie-Caille, Céline | Boiteux, Pierre
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - In situ comparison of immunosensor performances based on dually functionalized Au-SiOx chips
    Biosensors, Miami, June 2018 (2018) / Miami, United States (2018)
    Rouleau, Alain | Zeggari, Rabah | Elie-Caille, Céline | Genin, Emilie | Vellutini, L. | Boireau, Wilfrid
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Extracellular vesicles deformation on surface: Some tracks to limit it
    International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV 2018 2018) / Barcelone, Spain (2018)
    Maximova, Ksenia | Obeid, Sameh | Burnouf, Thierry | Boireau, Wilfrid | Elie-Caille, Céline
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - On-chip detection, sizing and proteomics of extracellular vesicles
    International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (2018) / Barcelone, Spain (2018, Pages pages 24)
    Obeid, Sameh | Lucchi, Géraldine | Burnouf, Thierry | Boireau, Wilfrid | Elie-Caille, Céline
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Determination of lateral and vertical dielectrophoresis forces using tapered microelectrode array
    Micro & Nano Letters (Volume 13, Issue (2), feb 2018, Pages :143 - 148)
    Ramdzan Buyong, Muhamad | Larki, Farhad | Elie-Caille, Céline | Takamura, Yuzuru | Hamzah, Azrul Azlan | Burhanuddin, Yeop Majlis
  • inproceedings - Nanofiltration of extracellular vesicles from human plasma & their on-chip qualification and quantification with a NanoBioAnalytical platform.
    International Conférence on Biomarker Research in Clinical Medicine (BRCM 2018) / Paris, France (Volume 17, Issue supp 1, 2018, Pages pages S7 (1))
    Obeid, Sameh | Le Roy de Boiseaumarié, Benoit | Elie-Caille, Céline | Boireau, Wilfrid | Chou, Ming-Li | Burnouf, Thierry | Sung, Pei-Shan | Hsieh, Shie-Liang
    doi | bibtex

2017 (9)

  • inproceedings - A NanoBioAnalytical approach for « on a chip » EVs characterization in physiological conditions : impact of the biointerface and AFM imaging mode
    2017 FSEV - French Society of Extracellular Vesicles (FSEV 2017) / Paris, France (2017)
    Obeid, Sameh | Maximova, Ksenia | Rouleau, Alain | Burnouf, Thierry | Boireau, Wilfrid | Elie-Caille, Céline
  • inproceedings - On chip detection and proteomics of platelet-derived microparticles
    2017 Spectrométrie de Masse, Métabolomique et Analyse Proteomique (SMMAP 2017) / Paris/Marne-la-Vallée, France (2017)
    Lucchi, Géraldine | Obeid, Sameh | Rageot, David | Burnouf, Thierry | Elie-Caille, Céline | Boireau, Wilfrid
  • inproceedings - ZnO-GaAs acoustic biosensors: Focus on ZnO thin film characterization
    18th Canadian Semiconductor Science and Technology Conference (CSSTC 2017) / Waterloo, Canada (2017)
    Chawich, Juliana | Bartasyte, Ausrine | Orlianges, J.C. | Elie-Caille, Céline | Leblois, Thérèse | Dubowski, Jan J.
  • article - ERa dimerization: a key factor for the weak estrogenic activity of an ERa modulator unable to compete with estradiol in binding assays
    Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction (Volume 37, Issue (2), jul 2017, Pages :149 - 166)
    Leclercq, Guy | Laios, Ioanna | Leiber, Denis | Laurent, Guy | Lesniewska, Eric | Tanfin, Zahra | Jacquot, Yves | Elie-Caille, Céline
  • article - Development of a NanoBioAnalytical platform for "on-chip" qualification and quantification of platelet-derived microparticles
    Biosensors & Bioelectronics (Volume 93, jul 2017, Pages :250 - 259)
    Obeid, Sameh | Ceroi, Adam | Mourey, Guillaume | Saas, Philippe | Elie-Caille, Céline | Boireau, Wilfrid
  • inproceedings - Plateforme NanoBioAnalytique pour la caractérisation des vésicules extracellulaires
    À la conquête des nanovésicules biologiques Workshop / Paris, France (2017)
    Elie-Caille, Céline
  • inproceedings - Laser patterning of GaAs (001) functionalized with alkanethiolself-assembled monolayers
    18th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication (LPM 2017) / Toyama, Japan (2017)
    Dubowski, Jan J. | Elie-Caille, Céline | Leblois, Thérèse
  • inproceedings - Resonant biosensor characterization: Temperature, pH and salt concentration dependence
    3rd International Workshop on Functionalised Surfaces for Sensor Applications (SURFOCAP 2017) / Besançon, France (2017)
    Lacour, Vivien | Chawich, Juliana | Dubowski, Jan J. | Elie-Caille, Céline | Leblois, Thérèse
  • proceedings - biom'@x, a Very novative Biomedical Multi-physic Axis
    (Editor : c3dcee70-c788-4b4e-bd6e-ed4194d3c35c-editor.pdf, apr 2017)
    Wacogne, Bruno | Lapayre, Jean-Christophe | Jacquet, Emmanuelle | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Pieralli, Christian | Piat, Emmanuel | Elie-Caille, Céline

2016 (12)

  • inproceedings - Nanofiltration of extracellular vesicles from human plasma «on-chip» qualification and quantification with a NanoBioAnalytical platform
    2016 Sample treatment conference (2016) / Caparica, Lisbonne, Portugal (2016)
    Boireau, Wilfrid | Elie-Caille, Céline | Obeid, Sameh
  • inproceedings - On chip detection, nanometrology and proteomics of platelet-derived microparticles
    Couplage de techniques d'analyse. Apports et limitations GDR B2I (GDR B2I 2016) / Paris, France (2016)
    Elie-Caille, Céline
  • inproceedings - GaAs-ZnO acoustic microsensors: Focus on ZnO thin film characterization
    2016 Forum Franco-Quebecois d’Innovation en Santé (MEDTEQ 2016) / Montréal, Canada (2016)
    Chawich, Juliana | Bartasyte, Ausrine | Elie-Caille, Céline | Dubowski, Jan J. | Leblois, Thérèse
  • inproceedings - On chip detection, nanometrology and proteomics of platelet-derived microparticles
    2016 Société Francaise de Spectrométrie de Masse (SFSM 2016) / Bordeaux, France (2016)
    Obeid, Sameh | Le Roy de Boiseaumarié, Benoit | Ceroi, Adam | El Osta, Marven | Lucchi, Géraldine | Pecqueur, Delphine | Saas, Philippe | Boireau, Wilfrid | Elie-Caille, Céline
  • inproceedings - GaAs-ZnO coupling for biosensing applications
    2016 Colloque UMI- LN2 ( 2016) / Estrimont , Canada (2016)
    Chawich, Juliana | Bartasyte, Ausrine | Dubowski, Jan J. | Elie-Caille, Céline | Leblois, Thérèse
  • inproceedings - Nano−bio−détection de particules biologiques
    Kick−Off meeting GDR B2I (GDR B2I 2016) / Lyon, France (2016)
    Boireau, Wilfrid | Elie-Caille, Céline | Frelet Barrand, Annie | Maximova, Ksenia | Obeid, Sameh
  • inproceedings - On-chip partitioning, detection and nanometrology of cell derived extracellular vesicles : differential analysis between resting and activated platelet microparticles
    2016 Workshop on Liquid Biopsy (2016) / Strasbourg, France (2016)
    Elie-Caille, Céline | Boireau, Wilfrid
  • inproceedings - On chip analysis and nanometrology of blood microparticles with label free detection techniques
    2016 Biosensors (2016) / Goteborg, Sweden (2016)
    Obeid, Sameh | Decourbey, Clélia | Ceroi, Adam | Mourey, Guillaume | Belliot, Gaël | Saas, Philippe | Boireau, Wilfrid | Elie-Caille, Céline
  • article - Enhanced chemiluminescence-based detection on gold substrate after electrografting of diazonium precursor-coated gold nanoparticles
    Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (Volume 467, apr 2016, Pages :271 – 279)
    Houmed Adabo, A. | Zeggari, Rabah | Mohamed Saïd, Nasser | Bazzi, Rana | Elie-Caille, Céline | Marquette, Christophe | Martini, Matteo | Tillement, Olivier | Perriat, Pascal | Chaix, Carole | Boireau, Wilfrid | Roux, Stéphane
  • inproceedings - On chip biodetection, analysis and nanometrology of blood microparticles
    2016 AFM Biomed Conference (2016) / Porto, Portugal (2016)
    Elie-Caille, Céline | Obeid, Sameh | Le Roy de Boiseaumarié, Benoit | Ceroi, Adam | Ducoroy, Patrick | Saas, Philippe | Boireau, Wilfrid
  • article - Regeneration of a thiolated and antibody functionalized GaAs (001) surface using wet chemical processes
    Biointerphases (Volume 11, Issue (1), mar 2016, Pages :019302 (6))
    Lacour, Vivien | Elie-Caille, Céline | Leblois, Thérèse | Dubowski, Jan J.
  • inproceedings - biom'@x, a Very novative Biomedical Multi-physic Axis
    / Phuket, Thailand (2016)
    Wacogne, Bruno | Lapayre, Jean-Christophe | Jacquet, Emmanuelle | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Piat, Emmanuel | Elie-Caille, Céline

2015 (4)

  • inproceedings - Biom'@x - Science and technology for a translational medicine
    mini-conference on Basic to Translational Medicine ( 2015) / Bangkok, Thailand (2015)
    Wacogne, Bruno | Jacquet, Emmanuelle | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Lapayre, Jean-Christophe | Pieralli, Christian | Piat, Emmanuel | Elie-Caille, Céline
  • article - Homogeneous large-scale crystalline nanoparticle-covered substrate with high SERS performance
    Nanotechnology (Volume 26, Issue (24), jun 2015, Pages :245302)
    Aybeke, Ece-Neslihan | Lacroute, Y. | Elie-Caille, Céline | Bouhelier, A. | Bourillot, Eric | Lesniewska, Eric
  • inproceedings - Biom'@x - Sciences et technologies : vers une médecine translationnelle
    MEDTEC France ( 2015) / Besançon, France (2015)
    Wacogne, Bruno | Jacquet, Emmanuelle | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Lapayre, Jean-Christophe | Pieralli, Christian | Piat, Emmanuel | Elie-Caille, Céline
  • inproceedings - La microscopie à force atomique : de la molécule à la cellule, via les microparticules
    Journée scientifique de la SFR IBCT / Besançon, France (2015)
    Elie-Caille, Céline

2014 (2)

  • article - From surface to intracellular non-invasive nanoscale study of living cells impairments
    Nanotechnology (Volume 25, Issue (29), jul 2014, Pages :2595101 (9))
    Ewald, M. | Tetard, L. | Elie-Caille, Céline | Nicod, Laurence | Passian, Ali | Bourillot, Eric | Lesniewska, Eric
  • inproceedings - Advances in high sensitive GaAs resonant biosensor
    CMOS Emerging Technology Research symposium / Grenoble, France (2014)
    Leblois, Thérèse | Lacour, Vivien | Bienaime, Alex | Elie-Caille, Céline | Dubowski, Jan J.

2013 (5)

  • inproceedings - Gallium Arsenide acoustic wave sensor for bio-sensing applications: Acoustic transducer design and microfabrication
    Lacour, Vivien | Bienaime, Alex | Elie-Caille, Céline | Dubowski, Jan J. | Leblois, Thérèse
  • article - Influence of a Thiolate Chemical Layer on GaAs (100) Biofunctionalization: An Original Approach Coupling Atomic Force Microscopy and Mass Spectrometry Methods
    Materials (Volume 6, Issue (11), oct 2013, Pages :4946 - 4966)
    Bienaime, Alex | Leblois, Thérèse | Gremaud, Nicolas | Chaudon, Maxime-Jean | El Osta, Marven | Pecqueur, Delphine | Ducoroy, Patrick | Elie-Caille, Céline
  • inproceedings - Homemade ultra-flat gold chip dedicated for analysis of grafting antibodies by both SPRi and AFM
    Zeggari, Rabah | Remy-Martin, Fabien | Elie-Caille, Céline | Arezki, Karim | Boireau, Wilfrid
  • inproceedings - Monolithic probes in Langasite for FM-AFM techniques
    Leblois, Thérèse | Elie-Caille, Céline | Sthal, Fabrice
  • inproceedings - Combining multiplexed SPRi and AFM approaches for the detection and qualification of circulating blood microparticle sub-populations
    NanoSpain2013 / Bilbao, Spain (2013)
    Elie-Caille, Céline | Mourey, Guillaume | Boireau, Wilfrid | Saas, Philippe

2012 (15)

  • inproceedings - Design of a specific fluidic and electrical interface for a piezoelectric biosensor
    / Krakow, Poland (Volume 47, 2012, Pages pages 558 – 561)
    Bienaime, Alex | Elie-Caille, Céline | Fluhr, Christophe | Manceau, Jean-François | Leblois, Thérèse
    doi | bibtex
  • article - Selected examples in nano-sciences & nano-technologies at FEMTO-ST
    International Journal of Nanotechnology (Volume 9, Issue (10-12), nov 2012, Pages :887 - 899)
    Khan Malek, Chantal | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Vairac, Pascal | Boireau, Wilfrid | Elie-Caille, Céline | Khelif, Abdelkrim
  • inproceedings - High sensitive mass detection using piezoelectric coupled microcantilevers
    26th European Conference on Solid-State Transducers, EUROSENSOR 2012 / Krakow, Poland (Volume 47, 2012, Pages pages 350 – 353)
    Chopard, Tony | Bienaime, Alex | Elie-Caille, Céline | Leblois, Thérèse
    doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Multiplexed SPRi detection and AFM characterization of sub-populations of blood microparticles
    / Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2012)
    Elie-Caille, Céline | Zeggari, Rabah | Mourey, Guillaume | Saas, Philippe | Boireau, Wilfrid
  • article - A step further towards glyphosate-induced epidermal cell death: Involvement of mitochondrial and oxidative mechanisms
    Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology (Volume 34, Issue (2), sep 2012, Pages :144 – 153)
    Heu, Céline | Elie-Caille, Céline | Mougey, Virginie | Launay, Sophie | Nicod, Laurence
  • inproceedings - High sensitive mass detection using piezoelectric coupled microcantilevers
    Eurosensors XXVI / Krakow, Poland (2012)
    Chopard, Tony | Bienaime, Alex | Elie-Caille, Céline | Leblois, Thérèse
  • article - Reconstitution of a protein monolayer on thiolates functionalized gaas surface
    International Journal of Nanoscience (Volume 11, Issue (4), aug 2012, Pages :1240018)
    Bienaime, Alex | Leblois, Thérèse | Lucchi, Géraldine | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Ducoroy, Patrick | Boireau, Wilfrid | Elie-Caille, Céline
  • article - Micro structuration of GaAs surface by wet etching : towards a specific surface behavior
    Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Volume 12, Issue (8), aug 2012, Pages :6855 - 6863)
    Bienaime, Alex | Elie-Caille, Céline | Leblois, Thérèse
  • inproceedings - Piezoelectric biosensor: electric and fluidic interfaces
    5ème Colloque du Laboratoire International Associé en Nanotechnologies et Nanosystèmes / Oxford, Canada (2012)
    Bienaime, Alex | Elie-Caille, Céline | Leblois, Thérèse
  • inproceedings - Mise au point d’une technique combinée de SPRi et AFM sur puce d’or nanostructurée pour la détection de microparticules sanguines circulantes
    Journée Scientifique SFR IBCT. / Besançon, France. (2012)
    Mourey, Guillaume | Elie-Caille, Céline | Bienaime, Alex | Rouleau, Alain | Zeggari, Rabah | Remy-Martin, Fabien | Arezki, Karim | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Boireau, Wilfrid | Saas, Philippe
  • inproceedings - Nanostructured Chips Based on the Electro-Addressing of Functionalized Nanoparticles for the Multiplexed and Sensitive Detection of Biomarkers
    BIOSENSORS 2012 – 22nd Anniversary World Congress on Biosensors / Cancun, Mexico (2012)
    Boireau, Wilfrid | Zeggari, Rabah | Houmed Adabo, A. | Mohammed Saïd, N. | Elie-Caille, Céline | Bazzi, Rana | Roux, Stéphane
  • inproceedings - Ultraflat Gold Chips for Blood Particles Characterizations by Novel, SPRi & AFM, Hyphenated Techniques
    BIOSENSORS 2012 / Cancun, Mexico (2012)
    Elie-Caille, Céline | Bienaime, Alex | Rouleau, Alain | Mourey, Guillaume | Zeggari, Rabah | Remy-Martin, Fabien | Arezki, Karim | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Saas, Philippe | Boireau, Wilfrid
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Glyphosate-induced stiffening of HaCaT keratinocytes, a PeakForce tapping study on living cells
    Journal of structural biology (Volume 178, Issue (1), apr 2012, Pages :1 - 7)
    Heu, Céline | Berquand, Alexandre | Elie-Caille, Céline | Nicod, Laurence
  • article - Design and microfabrication of a lateral excited GaAs biosensor
    European Physical Journal Applied Physics (EPJ AP) (Volume 57, Issue (2), feb 2012, Pages :21003 (11))
    Bienaime, Alex | Liu, L. | Elie-Caille, Céline | Leblois, Thérèse
  • inproceedings - SmarTTransfuser – A Biochip System for the Final ABO Compatibility Test
    International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices BIODEVICE 2012. / Algarve, Portugal. (2012, Pages pages 257 - 262)
    Charriere, Karine | Guerrini-Chappuis, Jean-Sebastien | Wacogne, Bruno | Rouleau, Alain | Elie-Caille, Céline | Pieralli, Christian | Pazart, Lionel | Morel, Pascal
    pdf | doi | bibtex

2011 (11)

  • inproceedings - SmartTransfuser: a lab-on-chip system for enhancing transfusion security
    2nd International Conference on Bio-Sensing Technology 2011 / Amsterdam, Netherlands (2011)
    Charriere, Karine | Guerrini-Chappuis, Jean-Sebastien | Wacogne, Bruno | Elie-Caille, Céline | Pieralli, Christian | Pazart, Lionel | Morel, Pascal | Boireau, Wilfrid
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - SmartTransfuser: a lab-on-chip system for enhancing transfusion security
    2nd International Conference on Bio-Sensing Technology (2011) / Amsterdam, Netherlands (2011, Pages pages 159)
    Charriere, Karine | Guerrini-Chappuis, Jean-Sebastien | Wacogne, Bruno | Elie-Caille, Céline | Pieralli, Christian | Pazart, Lionel | Morel, Pascal | Boireau, Wilfrid
  • inproceedings - Proteomic mapping of glyphosate-treated human keratinocytes cell line using two-dimensional electrophoresis
    SMAP 2011 / Avignon, France (2011)
    Heu, Céline | Lucchi, Géraldine | Berquand, Alexandre | Ducoroy, Patrick | Elie-Caille, Céline | Nicod, Laurence
  • inproceedings - GaAs resonant biosensor: Theoretical results, micro-fabrication and tests
    Atelier LEA / Arc et Senans, France (2011)
    Bienaime, Alex | Elie-Caille, Céline | Leblois, Thérèse
  • inproceedings - Characterizing the glyphosate-induced epidermal cell mechanical properties using the QFM-based peak force QNM technology
    Heu, Céline | Berquand, Alexandre | Nicod, Laurence | Elie-Caille, Céline
  • inproceedings - CLIPP: Clinical-innovation proteomic platform, AXE NAMIBIO
    4ème colloque du Laboratoire International Associé : Nanotechnologies & Nanosystèmes / Allevard-les-Bains, France (2011)
    Boireau, Wilfrid | Elie-Caille, Céline | Leblois, Thérèse | Lesniewska, Eric | Bourillot, Eric | Delage-Mouroux, Régis | Ducoroy, Patrick
  • inproceedings - Efficient gallium arsenide surface for a resonant biosensor
    4ème colloque du Laboratoire International Associé : Nanotechnologies & Nanosystèmes / Allevard-les-Bains, France (2011)
    Bienaime, Alex | Elie-Caille, Céline | Leblois, Thérèse
  • inproceedings - GaAs resonant biosensor: Theoretical results, micro-fabrication and tests
    22nd Micromechanics and microsystems technology Europe workshop (MME 2011) / Tønsberg, Norway (2011, Pages pages 206 - 209)
    Bienaime, Alex | Elie-Caille, Céline | Leblois, Thérèse
  • article - Label-free sensing and atomic force spectroscopy for the characterization of protein–DNA and protein–protein interactions: application to estrogen receptors
    Journal of Molecular Recognition (J. Mol. Recognit.) (Volume 24 , Issue (3), may 2011, Pages :429 – 435)
    Berthier, A. | Elie-Caille, Céline | Lesniewska, Eric | Delage-Mouroux, Régis | Boireau, Wilfrid
  • article - Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the binding of GII.4 norovirus variants onto human blood group antigens
    Journal of Virology (Volume 85, Issue (9), may 2011, Pages :4057 - 4070)
    De Rougemont, Alexis | Ruvoen-Clouet, N. | Simon, Benoît | Estienney, Marie | Elie-Caille, Céline | Aho, S. | Pothier, M. | Le Pendu, Jacques | Boireau, Wilfrid | Belliot, Gaël
  • inproceedings - On-arrays capture of Red blood cells in critical transfusional cases
    World Congress on Biotechnology / Hyderabad, Inde (2011)
    Boireau, Wilfrid | Elie-Caille, Céline | Rouleau, Alain | Guerrini-Chappuis, Jean-Sebastien | Wacogne, Bruno | Pieralli, Christian | Morel, Pascal | Pazart, Lionel
    doi | bibtex

2010 (11)

  • misc - GaAs as a crystal for bioMEMS : Micromachining of the sensing surface
    Communication orale, 12-15 Septembre 2010, Agadir (Maroc). (sep 2010)
    Bienaime, Alex | Elie-Caille, Céline | Leblois, Thérèse
  • article - Morphological damages of a glyphosate-treated human keratinocyte cell line revealed by a micro- to nanoscale microscopic investigation
    Cell Biology and Toxicology (Volume 26, Issue (4), aug 2010, Pages :331 - 339)
    Elie-Caille, Céline | Heu, Céline | Guyon, Catherine | Nicod, Laurence
  • article - Gold/Silica thin film for biosensors application : Metal Enhanced Fluorescence
    Laser Physics (Volume 20, Issue (3), jul 2010, Pages :591 - 595)
    Renier, A. | Mangeat, Thomas | Benalia, Hichem | Elie-Caille, Céline | Pieralli, Christian | Wacogne, Bruno
  • inproceedings - Multi-scale characterization of bio-functionalised GaAs crystal plates: towards a performant biosensor
    APCOT 2010, 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology. / Perth, Australia. (2010)
    Bienaime, Alex | Moussus, M. | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Lucchi, Géraldine | Leblois, Thérèse | Elie-Caille, Céline
  • proceedings - Design of new Lateral Field Excitation GaAs Resonant Biosensors
    APCOT 2010, 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology (jul 2010)
    Bienaime, Alex | Liu, L. | Elie-Caille, Céline | Leblois, Thérèse
  • inproceedings - NanoBioengineering and multiscale characterization of molecular and cellular chips
    Cross Border Conference on NanoSciences and Materials for Health (2010)
    Elie-Caille, Céline
  • unpublished - On-chip screening of noroviruses using histo-blood group antigens surfaces (jun 2010)
    Simon, Benoît | Elie-Caille, Céline | Rouleau, Alain | Pothier, M. | De Rougemont, Alexis | Belliot, Gaël | Boireau, Wilfrid
  • inproceedings - Nano-bio-engineering on µarrays for the capture of red blood cells in critical transfusional cases
    11th World Congress on Biosensors, May 26-28 2010, Glasgow, Scotland, 2010 / Glasgow, United Kingdom (2010)
    Boireau, Wilfrid | Elie-Caille, Céline | Rouleau, Alain | Guerrini-Chappuis, Jean-Sebastien | Wacogne, Bruno | Pieralli, Christian | Pazart, Lionel
  • inproceedings - Development of a batch processed and regenerable GaAs biosensor: Incidence of GaAs crystal plates nanostructuration on surface performance
    BIOSENSORS 2010, 20th Anniversary World Congress on Biosensors / Glasgow, UK (2010)
    Elie-Caille, Céline | Moussus, M. | Lucchi, Géraldine | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Ducoroy, Patrick | Boireau, Wilfrid | Leblois, Thérèse
  • misc - Living cells investigated by ultrasound holography
    (may 2010)
    Elie-Caille, Céline
  • misc - Screening estrogenic compounds using force spectroscopy
    Présentée le 12 mai 2010 (may 2010)
    Elie-Caille, Céline | Berthier, A. | Boireau, Wilfrid | Delage-Mouroux, Régis | Lesniewska, Eric

2009 (1)

  • article - Conformational Adaptability of Redβ during DNA Annealing and Implications for Its Structural Relationship with Rad52
    Journal of Molecular Biology (Volume 391, Issue (3), aug 2009, Pages :586 - 598)
    Erler, Axel | Wegmann, Susanne | Elie-Caille, Céline | Bradshaw, Charles Richard | Maresca, Marcello | Seidel, Ralf | Habermann, Bianca | Muller, Daniel J. | Stewart, A. Francis