
Short Bio

Y. Le Gorrec was graduated as engineer in "Control, Electronics, Computer Engineering" at the National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA, Toulouse, France) in 1995. He received in 1998 his Ph. D. degree from the National Higher School of Aeronautics and Aerospace (Supaero, Toulouse, France). His field of interest was robust control and self scheduled controller synthesis. From 1999 to 2008, he was Associate Professor in Automatic Control at the Laboratory of Control and Chemical Engineering of Lyon Claude Bernard University (LAGEP, Villeurbanne, France). He worked on port Hamiltonian systems and their use for the modeling and control of irreversible and distributed parameter systems with an application to physico-chemical processes. From september 2008 he is Professor at National Engineering Institute in Mechanics and Microtechnologies. His current field of research is the control of non linear systems and infinite dimensional systems with an application to smart material based actuators, and micro actuators by using the port Hamiltonian framework.

Current positions

Deputy director of the AS2M department of the FEMTO-ST Institute
in charge of the Scientific Council. Besançon France.
Head of the Teaching Department Automatic Control - Mechatronics at ENSMM - Besançon France