article - Physics-Informed Neural Network for modeling and predicting temperature fluctuations in proton exchange membrane electrolysis Energy and AI (Volume 20, may 2025, Pages :100474 (13)) Zerrougui, Islam | Li, Zhongliang | Hissel, Daniel
article - An advanced 1D physics-based model for PEM hydrogen fuel cells with enhanced overvoltage prediction International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (Volume 97, jan 2025, Pages :1108 - 1125) Gass, Raphaël | Li, Zhongliang | Outbib, Rachid | Jemei, Samir | Hissel, Daniel
article - Investigating bubble impacts on PEM electrolysis performance through enhanced multiphysics modeling International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (Volume 98, jan 2025, Pages :626 - 638) Zerrougui, Islam | Li, Zhongliang | Hissel, Daniel
article - Stack-level diagnosis of proton exchange membrane fuel cell by the distribution of relaxation times analysis of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy Journal of Power Sources (Volume 603, may 2024, Pages :234420 (16)) Ao, Yunjin | Li, Zhongliang | Laghrouche, Salah | Depernet, Daniel | Candusso, Denis | Zhao, Kai
article - A deterioration-aware energy management strategy for the lifetime improvement of a multi-stack fuel cell system subject to a random dynamic load Reliability Engineering & System Safety (Volume 241, jan 2024, Pages :109660 (17)) Zuo, Jian | Cadet, Catherine | Li, Zhongliang | Bérenguer, Christophe | Outbib, Rachid
inproceedings - A 1-D 2-phase control-oriented mass transfer model of PEM fuel cells 7th IEEE CAA International Conference on Vehicular Control and Intelligence (CVCI 2023) / Changsha, China (2023, Pages pages 5) Gass, Raphaël | Li, Zhongliang
inproceedings - A dual-scale modelling framework for predicting catalyst degradation in Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells 9th International Conference on Fundamentals and Development of Fuel Cells (FDFC 2023) / Ulm, Germany (2023) Touil, Walid | Li, Zhongliang | Outbib, Rachid | Jemei, Samir | Hissel, Daniel
inproceedings - A dynamic 1D+1D physical model of the PEMFC hydrogen stack for embedded systems 9th International Conference on Fundamentals and Development of Fuel Cells (FDFC 2023) / Ulm, Germany (2023) Gass, Raphaël | Li, Zhongliang | Outbib, Rachid | Jemei, Samir | Hissel, Daniel
inproceedings - Comprehensive Modeling and Analysis of Bubble Dynamics and its Impact on PEM Water Electrolysis Performance 9th International Conference on Fundamentals and Development of Fuel Cells (FDFC 2023) / Ulm, Germany (2023) Zerrougui, Islam | Li, Zhongliang | Hissel, Daniel
article - Function approximation reinforcement learning of energy management with the fuzzy REINFORCE for fuel cell hybrid electric vehicles Energy and AI (Volume 13, jul 2023, Pages :100246 (12)) Guo, Liang | Li, Zhongliang | Outbib, Rachid | Gao, Fei
inproceedings - An Unbiased Fuzzy Double Q-Learning based Energy Management for Fuel Cell Hybrid Electric Vehicles Publisher: IEEE PDF 32nd IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE 2023) / Helsinki, Finland (2023, Pages pages 7) Guo, Liang | Li, Zhongliang | Outbib, Rachid
inproceedings - Un modèle physique 1D+1D dynamique de la pile à hydrogène PEMFC pour des systèmes embarqués 3ème Réunion Plénières de la Fédération Hydrogène (FRH2) du CNRS (2023) / Saint-Gilles, France (2023) Gass, Raphaël | Li, Zhongliang | Outbib, Rachid | Jemei, Samir | Hissel, Daniel
article - Fault Diagnosis for PEMFC Systems in Consideration of Dynamic Behaviors and Spatial Inhomogeneity IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion (Volume 34, Issue (1), mar 2019, Pages :3 - 11) Li, Zhongliang | Outbib, Rachid | Giurgea, Stefan | Hissel, Daniel
inproceedings - Remaining useful life estimation for PEMFC in dynamic operating conditions 13th Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC 2016) - IEEE / Hangzhou, China (2016, Pages pages 6) Li, Zhongliang | Gouriveau, Rafael | Hissel, Daniel | Zerhouni, Noureddine
article - Fault detection and isolation for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell systems by analyzing cell voltage generated space Applied Energy (Volume 148, jun 2015, Pages : 260 – 272) Li, Zhongliang | Outbib, Rachid | Giurgea, Stefan | Hissel, Daniel | Li, Yongdong
article - Diagnosis for PEMFC Systems: A Data-Driven Approach With the Capabilities of Online Adaptation and Novel Fault Detection IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (Volume 62, Issue (8), apr 2015, Pages :5164 - 5174) Li, Zhongliang | Outbib, Rachid | Giurgea, Stefan | Hissel, Daniel
inproceedings - Online implementation of SVM based fault diagnosis strategy for PEMFC systems 6th International Conference on Fundamentals and Developments of Fuel Cells (FDFC 2015) / Toulouse, France (2015, Pages pages 8) Li, Zhongliang | Outbib, Rachid | Giurgea, Stefan | Hissel, Daniel | Jemei, Samir | Rosini, Sébastien | Girard, Alain
article - Data-driven diagnosis of PEM fuel cell: A comparative study Control Engineering Practice (Volume 28, jul 2014, Pages :1-12) Li, Zhongliang | Outbib, Rachid | Hissel, Daniel | Giurgea, Stefan
inproceedings - Fault diagnosis and novel fault type detection for PEMFC system based on Spherical-Shaped Multiple-class Support Vector Machine 13th IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2014) / Besançon, France (2014, Pages pages 1628 - 1633 ) Li, Zhongliang | Giurgea, Stefan | Outbib, Rachid | Hissel, Daniel
inproceedings - Diagnosis of PEMFC by using data-driven parity space strategy 13th European Control Conference (ECC 2014) / Strasbourg, France (2014, Pages pages 1268 - 1273) Li, Zhongliang | Outbib, Rachid | Hissel, Daniel | Giurgea, Stefan
inproceedings - Fault detection and isolation of PEMFC systems: a classification approach Conference Internationale Discussion on Hydrogen Energy and Applications (IDHEA 2014) / Nantes, France (2014, Pages pages 49 (8)) Li, Zhongliang | Giurgea, Stefan | Outbib, Rachid | Hissel, Daniel
inproceedings - A Statistical Approach to Diagnose Humidification-Related Failures for PEMFC 5th International Conference on Fundamentals and Development of Fuel Cells (FDFC 2013) / Karlsruhe, Germany (2013, Pages pages P068) Li, Zhongliang | Outbib, Rachid | Giurgea, Stefan | Hissel, Daniel
inproceedings - Online Diagnosis of PEMFC by Combining Support Vector Machine and Fluidic Model 5th International Conference on Fundamentals and Development of Fuel Cells (FDFC 2013) / Karlsruhe, Germany (2013, Pages pages P069) Li, Zhongliang | Giurgea, Stefan | Outbib, Rachid | Hissel, Daniel
inproceedings - Diagnosis of PEMFC by using statistical analysis 6th International Conference on Integrated Modeling and Analysis in Applied Control and Automation (IMAACA 2012) / Wien, Austria (2012, Pages pages 191 - 198) Li, Zhongliang | Outbib, Rachid | Hissel, Daniel | Giurgea, Stefan