Welcome to my scientific homepage. I am a CNRS Senior Researcher at the FEMTO-ST research institute in Besançon in France and I am leading the nonlinear photonics group since 2010. I am supervising both theoretical and experimental studies of fundamental nonlinear effects that occur in optical fibers and other tiny optical waveguides (photonic crystal fibers, optical micro and nanofibers, and resonators), with the aim of investigating potential applications to ultrafast signal processing, fiber-based telecommunications, fiber lasers and optical fiber sensors. I have broad expertise in nonlinear fiber optics and related fields and I made scientific achievements in the fields of broadband fiber-based parametric amplification, pulsed and cw-pumped supercontinuum generation, high-power Raman fiber lasers, passive mode-locking of fiber lasers through dissipative four-wave mixing, and Brillouin light scattering in specialty fibers, for which I have been awarded with the Fabry-Gramont Prize from the French Optical Society. I co-authored more than 100 publications in leading scientific journals and as many conference papers. I am currently working on the following research topics:
• Investigation of optomechanical interactions and Brillouin scattering in optical nanofibers and microstructured fibers
• Development of supercontinuum fiber sources from the ultraviolet to the mid-infrared,
• Design and development of broadband fiber optical parametric amplifiers at 1.5 µm and 1 µm,
• Design and development of ultrafast fiber lasers using novel nonlinear mode-locking techniques,
I have also been the principle investigator and co-investigator of several projects funded by national and european agencies and industrial partners (Europe H2020-MSCA-ITN, French research minister, ACI and ANR, LABEX Action, Europe Interreg Program, FEDER, Franche-Comté Region, University of Franche-Comté, PRES, CEA, Alcatel-Lucent). I am working closely with a number of industrial and academic collaborators in France and abroad (ULB Bruxelles, EPFL, Lausanne, McGill University, Montreal, University of Auckland, NZ, Max Planck Institute, Erlangen, Germany, Tampere University, University of Maryland, USA).