
2023 (1)

  • inproceedings - Asymptotic Performance and Energy Consumption of SLACK
    29th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par 2023) / Limassol, Cyprus (2023, Pages pages 81 - 95)
    Benoit, Anne | Canon, Louis-Claude | Elghazi, Redouane | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille
    pdf | doi | bibtex

2021 (2)

  • inproceedings - Shelf schedules for independent moldable tasks to minimize the energy consumption
    33rd IEEE International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD 2021) / Belo Horizonte, Brazil (2021, Pages pages 126 - 136)
    Benoit, Anne | Canon, Louis-Claude | Elghazi, Redouane | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Update on the Asymptotic Optimality of LPT
    27th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par 2021) / Lisbon, Portugal (Volume 12820, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2021, Pages pages 55 - 69)
    Benoit, Anne | Canon, Louis-Claude | Elghazi, Redouane | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille
    pdf | doi | bibtex

2019 (2)

  • inproceedings - A Comparison of Random Task Graph Generation Methods for Scheduling Problems
    25th Parallel Processing Workshops (Euro-Par 2019) / Göttingen, Germany (Volume 11725, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2019, Pages pages 61 - 73)
    Canon, Louis-Claude | El Sayah, Mohamad | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Fast and robust PRNGs based on jumps in N-cubes for simulation, but not exclusively for that
    17th International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2019) / Dublin, Ireland (2019, Pages pages 650 - 657)
    Contassot-Vivier, Sylvain | Couchot, Jean-François | Bakiri, Mohammed | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille
    pdf | doi | bibtex

2018 (2)

  • inproceedings - A Markov Chain Monte Carlo Approach to Cost Matrix Generation for Scheduling Performance Evaluation
    International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (2018) / Orléans, France (2018, Pages pages 460 - 467)
    Canon, Louis-Claude | El Sayah, Mohamad | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille
    doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - An Approximation-based Approach for the Random Exploration of Large Models
    12th International Conference on Tests & Proofs (TAP 2018) / Toulouse, France (Volume 10889, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2018, Pages pages 27 - 43)
    Bernard, Julien | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Kouchnarenko, Olga
    pdf | doi | bibtex

2017 (3)

  • article - Controlling the correlation of cost matrices to assess scheduling algorithm performance on heterogeneous platforms
    Concurrency and Computation-Practice & Experience (Volume 29, Issue (15), aug 2017, Pages :e4185 (27))
    Canon, Louis-Claude | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Philippe, Laurent
  • article - The emptiness problem for tree automata with at least one global disequality constraint is NP-hard
    Information Processing Letters (Volume 118, feb 2017, Pages :6 - 9)
    Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Hugot, Vincent | Kouchnarenko, Olga
  • article - Random Walk in a N-cube Without Hamiltonian Cycle to Chaotic Pseudorandom Number Generation: Theoretical and Practical Considerations
    International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos (IJBC) (Volume 27, Issue (01), jan 2017, Pages :1750014 (18))
    Contassot-Vivier, Sylvain | Couchot, Jean-François | Guyeux, Christophe | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille

2016 (2)

  • inproceedings - Controlling and Assessing Correlations of Cost Matrices in Heterogeneous Scheduling
    22nd International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par 2016) / Grenoble, France (Publisher : Springer, Volume 9833, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2016, Pages pages 133 - 145)
    Canon, Louis-Claude | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Philippe, Laurent
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • techreport - Controlling and Assessing Correlations of Cost Matrices in Heterogeneous Scheduling
    FEMTO-ST (feb 2016, Research Report)
    Canon, Louis-Claude | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Philippe, Laurent

2015 (4)

  • article - Efficient and Cryptographically Secure Generation of Chaotic Pseudorandom Numbers on GPU
    The Journal of Supercomputing (Volume 71, Issue (10), oct 2015, Pages :3877 - 3903)
    Guyeux, Christophe | Couturier, Raphael | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Bahi, Jacques
  • inproceedings - On the Uniform Random Generation of Non deterministic Automata up to Isomorphism
    20th Conference Implementation and Application of Automata (CIAA 2015) / Umeå, Sweden (Publisher : Springer, Volume 9223, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2015, Pages pages 140 - 152)
    Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Joly, Jean-Luc
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Random Generation and Enumeration of Accessible Deterministic Real-time Pushdown Automata
    20th Conference Implementation and Application of Automata (CIAA 2015) / Umeå, Sweden (Publisher : Springer, Volume 9223, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2015, Pages pages 153 - 164)
    Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Joly, Jean-Luc
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Covering both stack and states while testing push-down systems
    8th International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW) - IEEE / Graz, Austria (Publisher : IEEE, 2015, Pages pages 7 pages)
    Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | M'hemdi, Hana
    pdf | doi | bibtex

2014 (5)

  • misc - Traversing a n-cube without Balanced Hamiltonian Cycle to Generate Pseudorandom Numbers
    (sep 2014)
    Couchot, Jean-François | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Guyeux, Christophe | Wang, Qianxue | Bahi, Jacques
  • inproceedings - Pseudorandom Number Generators with Balanced Gray Codes
    Secrypt 2014, 11th Int. Conf. on Security and Cryptography / Vienna, Austria (2014, Pages pages 469-475)
    Couchot, Jean-François | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Guyeux, Christophe | Wang, Qianxue | Bahi, Jacques
  • inproceedings - A Random Testing approach using Pushdown Automata
    Heam, Pierre-Cyrille
  • article - A random testing approach using pushdown automata
    Software Testing, Verification and Reliability (Volume 24, Issue (8), jun 2014, Pages :656 - 683)
    Dreyfus, Aloïs | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Kouchnarenko, Olga | Masson, Catherine
  • article - Model-Based Mutation Testing from Security Protocols in HLPSL
    Software Testing, Verification and Reliability (Volume 25, Issue (5-7), apr 2014, Pages :684 - 711)
    Dadeau, Frédéric | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Kheddam, Rafik | Maatoug, Ghazi | Rusinowitch, Michael

2013 (3)

  • inproceedings - A Cryptographic Approach for Steganography
    IIHMSP'13, 9th Int. Conf. on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing / Beijing, China (2013, Pages pages 518-521)
    Bahi, Jacques | Guyeux, Christophe | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Enhancing Approximations for Regular Reachability Analysis
    CIAA 2013, 18-th Int. Conf. on Implementation and Application of Automata / Halifax, NS, Canada (Publisher : Springer, Volume 7982, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2013, Pages pages 331--339)
    Dreyfus, Aloïs | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Kouchnarenko, Olga
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Random Grammar-Based Testing for Covering All Non-terminals
    CSTVA 2013, 5-th Int. Workshop on Constraints in Software Testing Verification and Analysis. Held in conjunction with ICST 2013 / Luxemburg, Luxemburg (Publisher : IEEE, 2013, Pages pages 210 - 215)
    Dreyfus, Aloïs | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Kouchnarenko, Olga
    pdf | bibtex

2012 (4)

  • article - Loops and Overloops for Tree-Walking Automata
    Theoretical Computer Science (Volume 450, sep 2012, Pages :43 - 53)
    Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Hugot, Vincent | Kouchnarenko, Olga
  • inproceedings - On Positive TAGED with a Bounded Number of Constraints
    CIAA 2012, 17th Int. Conf. on Implementation and Application of Automata / Porto, Portugal (Volume 7381, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2012, Pages pages 329--336)
    Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Hugot, Vincent | Kouchnarenko, Olga
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - From Linear Temporal Logic Properties to Rewrite Propositions
    IJCAR 2012, 6th Int. Joint Conf. on Automated Reasoning / Manchester, UK (Volume 7364, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2012, Pages pages 316-331)
    Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Hugot, Vincent | Kouchnarenko, Olga
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • misc - A Complexity Approach for Steganalysis
    Journées Codes et Stéganographie, Hôtel de la Monnaie, Rennes, France (mar 2012)
    Bahi, Jacques | Guyeux, Christophe | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille

2011 (5)

  • inproceedings - Loops and overloops for tree walking automata
    CIAA'11, 6-th Int. Conf. on Implementation and Application of Automata / Blois, France (Volume 6807, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2011, Pages pages 166--177)
    Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Hugot, Vincent | Kouchnarenko, Olga
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - A Random Testing Approach Using Pushdown Automata
    TAP'11, 5-th Int. Conf. of Tests and Proofs / Zurich, Switzerland (Volume 6706, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2011, Pages pages 119--133)
    Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Masson, Catherine
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Mutation-Based Test Generation from Security Protocols in HLPSL
    ICST 2011, 4th Int. Conf. on Software Testing, Verification and Validation / Berlin, Germany (2011, Pages pages 240--248)
    Dadeau, Frédéric | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Kheddam, Rafik
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Seed: An Easy-to-Use Random Generator of Recursive Data Structures for Testing
    ICST'11, 4-th IEEE Int. Conf. on Software Testing, Verification and Validation / Berlin, Germany (2011, Pages pages 60--69)
    Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Nicaud, Cyril
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • article - On the Complexity of Computing the Profinite Closure of a Rational Language
    Theoretical Computer Science (Volume 412, Issue (41), 2011, Pages :5808 - 5813)
    Heam, Pierre-Cyrille

2010 (10)

  • techreport - Random Generation of Positive TAGEDs wrt. the Emptiness Problem
    (nov 2010, Research Report)
    Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Hugot, Vincent | Kouchnarenko, Olga
  • article - Composition of Services with Constraints
    Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS) (Volume 263, jun 2010, Pages :31 - 46)
    Balbiani, Philippe | Cheikh, Fahima | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Kouchnarenko, Olga
  • inproceedings - Approximations par réécriture pour deux problèmes indécidables
    AFADL'10, Congrès Approches Formelles dans l'Assistance au Développement de Logiciels / Poitiers, France (2010, Pages pages 7--10)
    Courbis, Roméo | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Jourdan, Pierre | Kouchnarenko, Olga
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Une approche parallèle et distribuée pour la complétion d'automates d'arbre
    AFADL'10, Congrès Approches Formelles dans l'Assistance au Développement de Logiciels / Poitiers, France (2010, Pages pages 43--46)
    Caciula, A. | Courbis, Roméo | Felea, Violeta | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Ionescu, R.
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Model-Based Testing using Symbolic Animation and Machine Learning
    CSTVA'10, 2nd Int. Workshop on Constraints in Software Testing Verification and Analysis - co-located with ICST'2010 / Paris, France (2010, Pages pages 355--360)
    Bue, Pierre-Christophe | Dadeau, Frédéric | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - SAT Solvers for Queries over Tree Automata with Constraints
    CSTVA'10, 2nd Int. Workshop on Constraints in Software Testing Verification and Analysis - co-located with ICST'2010 / Paris, France (2010, Pages pages 343--348)
    Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Hugot, Vincent | Kouchnarenko, Olga
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Semi-commutations et sûreté des systèmes
    Heam, Pierre-Cyrille
  • article - Component Simulation-based Substitutivity Managing QoS and Composition Issues
    Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS) (Volume 260, jan 2010, Pages :109 - 123)
    Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Kouchnarenko, Olga | Voinot, Jérôme
  • article - Parametric Random Generation of Deterministic Tree Automata
    Theoretical Computer Science (Volume 411, 2010, Pages :3469--3480)
    Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Nicaud, Cyril | Schmitz, Sylvain
  • article - Component simulation-based substitutivity managing QoS and composition issues
    Science of Computer Programming (Volume 75, Issue (10), 2010, Pages :898--917)
    Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Kouchnarenko, Olga | Voinot, Jérôme

2009 (7)

  • article - Handling Non Left-Linear Rules When Completing Tree Automata
    International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science (IJFCS) (Volume 20, Issue (5), oct 2009, Pages :837 - 849)
    Boichut, Yohan | Courbis, Roméo | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Kouchnarenko, Olga
  • inproceedings - How to Tackle Integer Weighted Automata Positivity
    RP'09, 3rd Int. Workshop on Reachability Problems / Paris, France (Volume 5797, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2009, Pages pages 79--92)
    Boichut, Yohan | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Kouchnarenko, Olga
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • article - Tree Automata for Detecting Attacks on Protocols with Algebraic Cryptographic Primitives
    Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS) (Volume 239, jul 2009, Pages :57 - 72)
    Boichut, Yohan | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Kouchnarenko, Olga
  • inproceedings - TAGED Approximations for Temporal Properties Model-Checking
    CIAA'09, 14th Int. Conf. and Application of Automata / Sydney, Australia (Volume 5642, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2009, Pages pages 135--144)
    Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Kouchnarenko, Olga | Courbis, Roméo
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Random Generation of Deterministic Tree (Walking) Automata
    CIAA'09, 14th Int. Conf. on Implementation and Application of Automata / Sidney, Australia (Volume 5642, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2009, Pages pages 115--124)
    Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Nicaud, Cyril | Schmitz, Sylvain
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - On the Use of Uniform Random Generation of Automata for Testing
    MBT'09 proceedings / York, United Kingdom (Volume 253-2, Series Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS), 2009, Pages pages 37--51)
    Dadeau, Frédéric | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Levrey, J.
  • inproceedings - Regular Approximations
    Heam, Pierre-Cyrille

2008 (12)

  • inproceedings - Regular Approximations
    Heam, Pierre-Cyrille
  • article - A Note on Partially Ordered Tree Automata
    Information Processing Letters (Volume 108, Issue (4), oct 2008, Pages :242 - 246)
    Heam, Pierre-Cyrille
  • inproceedings - Regular Approximations
    Heam, Pierre-Cyrille
  • techreport - A Combination of Model-Based Testing and Random Testing Approaches using Automata
    (oct 2008, Research Report)
    Dadeau, Frédéric | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Levrey, J.
  • article - A Theorerical Limit for Safety Verification Techniques with Regular Fix-point Computations
    Information Processing Letters (Volume 108, Issue (1), sep 2008, Pages :1 - 2)
    Boichut, Yohan | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille
  • inproceedings - Regular Approximations
    Heam, Pierre-Cyrille
  • inproceedings - Finer is better: Abstraction Refinement for Rewriting Approximations
    RTA'08, 19th int. conf. on Rewriting Techniques and Applications / Hagenberg, Austria (Volume 5117, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2008, Pages pages 48--62)
    Boichut, Yohan | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Kouchnarenko, Olga | Courbis, Roméo
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Efficiency of Automata in Semi-Commutation Verification Techniques
    RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications (Volume 42, Issue (2), mar 2008, Pages :197 - 215)
    Cece, Gérard | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Mainier, Yann
  • techreport - A Theoretical Limit for Safety Verification Techniques with Regular Fix-point Computations
    (jan 2008, Research Report)
    Boichut, Yohan | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille
  • article - Clôtures transitives de semi-commutations et model-checking régulier
    Technique et Science Informatiques (TSI) (Volume 27, Issue (1-2), 2008, Pages :7 - 28)
    Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Cece, Gérard | Mainier, Yann
  • article - Approximation-based Tree Regular Model-Checking
    Nordic Journal of Computing (Volume 14, Issue (3), 2008, Pages :216 - 241)
    Boichut, Yohan | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Kouchnarenko, Olga
  • inproceedings - Handling Left-Quadratic Rules When Completing Tree Automata
    RP'08 proceedings, Workshop on Reachability Problems in Computational Models / Liverpool, United Kingdom (Publisher : Journal of Supercomputing, Volume 223, Series Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS), 2008, Pages pages 61--70)
    Boichut, Yohan | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Kouchnarenko, Olga | Courbis, Roméo
    pdf | doi | bibtex

2007 (5)

  • article - Vérifier automatiquement les protocoles de sécurité
    Techniques de l'ingénieur (oct 2007, Pages pp 1 - 8)
    Boichut, Yohan | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Kouchnarenko, Olga
  • inproceedings - Tree Automata for Detecting Attacks on Protocols with Algebraic Cryptographic Primitives
    INFINITY'07, Int. Ws. on Verification of Infinite-State Systems, joint to CONCUR'07 / Lisboa, Portugal (2007, Pages pages 44--53)
    Boichut, Yohan | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Kouchnarenko, Olga
  • inproceedings - How to Handle QoS Aspects in Web Services Substitutivity Verification
    WETICE'07, 16th IEEE Int. Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises / Paris, France (2007, Pages pages 333--338)
    Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Kouchnarenko, Olga | Voinot, Jérôme
  • techreport - Towards Formalizing QoS of Web Services with Weighted Automata
    (jun 2007, Research Report)
    Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Kouchnarenko, Olga | Voinot, Jérôme
  • techreport - Transitive Closures of Semi-commutation Relations on Regular omega-Languages
    INRIA (jun 2007, Research Report)
    Heam, Pierre-Cyrille

2006 (3)

  • inproceedings - Handling Algebraic Properties in Automatic Analysis of Security Protocols
    ICTAC 2006, Int. Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing / Tunis, Tunisia (Volume 4281, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2006, Pages pages 153--167)
    Boichut, Yohan | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Kouchnarenko, Olga
  • techreport - Automatic Abstraction Generation: How to Make an Expert Verification Technique for Security Protocols available to Non-expert Users
    (nov 2006, Research Report)
    Boichut, Yohan | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Kouchnarenko, Olga
  • techreport - Handling Algebraic Properties in Automatic Analysis of Security Protocols
    (mar 2006, Research report)
    Boichut, Yohan | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Kouchnarenko, Olga