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My current fields of interest are the modelling and the control of non linear and distributed parameter systems using the port Hamiltonian framework. This framework is particularly adpated to multi-domain and multiscale systems.

Infinite dimensional port Hamiltonian systems

  • 1D linear port Hamiltonian systems defined on Hilbert spacesBoundary control systems
  • Stability and stabilization using imersion/reduction schemes, positive feedback, backstepping
  • Extensions to 2D-3D and non linear systems

Modeling and control of irreversible thermodynamic systems

  • Chemical processes
  • Smart materials with hysteresic behavior

Model reduction and control

Keywords: Port Hamiltonian systems, non linear control, infnite dimensional systems

List of Projects (as coordinator)

  • 2011- 2015 : French National Research Agency Project, HAMECMOPSYS (APP Blanc SIMI3) :
    Hamiltonian Methods for the Control of Multidomain Distributed Parameter Systems. This project is about port Hamiltonian framework and its use for modelling, analysis and control of infinite dimensional systems in the context of multidomain systems. This project is concerned with fluid/structure interactions, irreversible thermodynamics, dissipative systems and fractional derivative systems. The teams involved in this project are FEMTO-ST, LAGEP, ISAE and IECN.
    Wesite: https://hamecmopsys.ens2m.fr/
  • 2006-Avr. 2010 : NRA Young Researcher Project, RECIPROC :
    Robust and Efficient Control of In finite dimensional systems : application to PROCess control. This project is concerned with modelling, reduction and robust control of infinite dimensional systems through J-spectral factorization methods. A link between the spectral properties of a class of infinite dimensional systems and the ones associated with canonical Dirac structures has been pointed out. It has also been proven the convergence properties of the strutured reduction based on the finite dimensional port Hamiltonian structure. To end, the J spectral factorization has been applied for the control of an adsortpiton process.
  • 2003-2005 : Ministry of Higher Education and Research Project, IMPACT :
    Innovation Mecanique Passive et Active pour les suspensions moteur des avions du futur. Ce projet en commun avec le LTDS et le CEGELY consistait a mettre en oeuvre un nouveau type d'actionneur actif permettant d'isoler les blocs moteurs des avions supersoniques. Intervention sur les parties modelisation et commande robuste.

Projects (as contributor)

  • 2011-2015 : French National Research Agency Project NANOROBUST (APP P2N) :
    Multiphysic characterization and manipulation at the nanoscale using SEB technology.
  • 2010-2013 : Region Project MIOP ( nancement region Franche comte - Axe transverse FEMTO-ST). Microscope on chip. Electrostatic actuators control. 2008-2010 : ACCELERA-RHODIA Project : Modelling and control of a tween screw extrusion degassing process.
  • 2012- 2015 : European Project NANOHEAT :
    MultidomaiN plAtform for iNtegrated MOretHan-MoorE Beyond CMOS systems charActerisation and diagnosTics.
  • 2008-2010 French Institute of Petroleum Project:
    Bond graph modelling for process control and multiscale processes.
  • 2002-2006 : European Project GEOPLEX - (Geometric Network Modeling and Control of Complex Physical Systems).