inproceedings - Delay dynamics as a virtual network: Theory with Chimera states, applications with Reservoir Computing 2024 IS-PALD 2024 (2024) / Saitama City, Japan (2024, Pages pages 1) Larger, Laurent
inproceedings - 3D-printed core-cladding waveguides and adiabatic splitters for integrated photonic circuits 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe and the European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2021) / Munich, Germany (2021) Porte, Xavier | Moughames, Johnny | Larger, Laurent | Jacquot, Maxime | Kadic, Muamer | Brunner, Daniel
inproceedings - Optically addressed spatial light modulators for photonic neural network implementations SPIE NanoScience + Engineering (2020) / San Diego CA, United States (Volume 11469, 2020, Pages pages 1146905) Semenov, Vladimir | Porte, Xavier | Jacquot, Maxime | Larger, Laurent | Abdulhalim, Ibrahim | Brunner, Daniel
inproceedings - Noise propagation in feedforward and reservoir neural networks SPIE NanoScience + Engineering (2020) / San Diego CA, United States (Volume 11469, Issue , 2020, Pages pages 114690J) Semenova, Nadezhda | Porte, Xavier | Jacquot, Maxime | Larger, Laurent | Brunner, Daniel
inproceedings - Photonic reservoir computing and general considerations for photonic neural networks ORC/ZI “in absentia” colloquium (2020) / University Of Southampton, United Kingdom (2020) Brunner, Daniel | Jacquot, Maxime | Chretien, Stéphane | Reitzenstein, Stephan | Larger, Laurent
inproceedings - Greedy Boolean learning in large photonic neural networks: empirical findings of convergence and scaling Active Matter and Artificial Intelligence ( 2019) / Lausanne, Switzerland (2019) Brunner, Daniel | Andreoli, Louis | Porte, Xavier | Jacquot, Maxime | Reitzenstein, Stephan | Larger, Laurent
inproceedings - Photonic neural networks scalable in size and learning effort 42nd European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC 2016) / Dusseldorf, Germany (2019) Brunner, Daniel | Andreoli, Louis | Porte, Xavier | Jacquot, Maxime | Larger, Laurent
inproceedings - Greedy Boolean Learning in Photonic Recurrent Neural Networks European Material Research Society annual meeting (E-MRS 2019) / Warsaw, Poland (2019) Andreoli, Louis | Porte, Xavier | Jacquot, Maxime | Larger, Laurent | Brunner, Daniel | Große, Jan | Heuser, Tobias | Reitzenstein, Stephan | Chretien, Stéphane
article - Delayed Dynamical Systems: Networks, Chimeras and Reservoir Computing Philosophical transactions of The Royal Society A : Mathematical, Physical & Engineering Sciences (Volume 377, Issue (2153), jul 2019, Pages :20180123) Hart, J. D. | Larger, Laurent | Murphy, T.E. | Roy, R.
inproceedings - Scaling laws and topology-properties of Boolean greedy learning in photonic neural networks 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe and the European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2019) / Munich, Germany (2019) Andreoli, Louis | Porte, Xavier | Jacquot, Maxime | Larger, Laurent | Brunner, Daniel
inproceedings - Photonics for neural networks and evolutionary boolean learning 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe and the European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2019) / Munich, Germany (2019) Brunner, Daniel | Andreoli, Louis | Porte, Xavier | Maktoobi, Sheler | Jacquot, Maxime | Chretien, Jacques | Reitzenstein, Stephan | Larger, Laurent
inproceedings - Reinforcement Learning in a Large Scale Photonic Network Latin America Optics and Photonics (2018) / Lima, Peru (Issue W2A.2, 2018, Pages pages W2A.2) Brunner, Daniel | Jacquot, Maxime | Fischer, Ingo | Larger, Laurent
inproceedings - Multi-Reservoir Echo State Network for Proton Exchange Membrane fuel cell Remaining Useful Life prediction 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (2018) / Washington D.C., United States (2018, Pages pages 1872 - 1877) Mezzi, Rania | Péra, Marie-Cécile | Morando, Simon | Hissel, Daniel | Yousfi Steiner, Nadia | Larger, Laurent
inproceedings - Large scale spatio-temporal networks of nonlinear oscillators for neuromorphic computing International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Application (NOLTA 2018) / Tarragona, Spain (2018, Pages pages ) Bueno, J. | Maktoobi, Sheler | Froehly, Luc | Fischer, Ingo | Jacquot, Maxime | Larger, Laurent | Brunner, Daniel
inproceedings - Reinforcement Learning in large scale parallel photonic Reservoirs Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR 2018) / Sapporo, Japan (2018, Pages pages ) Brunner, Daniel | Fischer, Ingo | Larger, Laurent
inproceedings - Learning in large scale parallel photonic Reservoirs Novel frontiers of optics for computing Workshop ( 2018) / Tokyo, Japan (2018, Pages pages ) Brunner, Daniel | Jacquot, Maxime | Fischer, Ingo | Larger, Laurent
inproceedings - Prédiction de la durée de vie d'une pile à combustible à membrane échangeuse de proton PEMFC en utilisant un Echo State Network optimisé GdR Hydrogène, Systèmes et Piles à Combustible (2018) / Grenoble, France (2018) Mezzi, Rania | Morando, Simon | Yousfi Steiner, Nadia | Péra, Marie-Cécile | Hissel, Daniel | Larger, Laurent
inproceedings - Embedding in Neural Networks: A-Priori Design of Hybrid Computers for Prediction 2017 IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing (ICRC 2017) / Washington, United States (2017, Pages pages 1-4) Marquez, Bicky | Suarez-Vargas, Jose | Larger, Laurent | Jacquot, Maxime | Chembo, Kouomou Yanne | Brunner, Daniel
inproceedings - Exploiting complexity of DDE in photonics: Chaos encryption, pure Radar microwave, and in brain inspired processing 2nd Workshop on Pattern Dynamics in Nonlinear Optical Cavities (PDNOC 2017) / Auckland, New Zealand (2017) Larger, Laurent
inproceedings - A complex network of 1600 holographically coupled opto-electronic oscillators: network dynamics and utilisation for reservoir computing Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2017) / Munich, Germany (Issue paper CD_10_4, 2017) Brunner, Daniel | Jacquot, Maxime | Larger, Laurent | Fischer, Ingo
article - High-Speed Photonic Reservoir Computing Using a Time-Delay-Based Architecture: Million Words per Second Classification Physical Review X (Volume 7, Issue ( ), feb 2017, Pages :011015-1/14) Larger, Laurent | Baylon Fuentes, Antonio | Martinenghi, Romain | Udaltsov, Vladimir | Chembo, Kouomou Yanne | Jacquot, Maxime
article - Interaction between Liénard and Ikeda dynamics in a nonlinear electro-optical oscillator with delayed bandpass feedback Physical Review E (Volume 94, Issue (6), dec 2016, Pages :062208) Marquez, Bicky | Larger, Laurent | Brunner, Daniel | Chembo, Kouomou Yanne | Jacquot, Maxime
inproceedings - Space-Time analogy in Delay Systems for Chimera States and Reservoir Computing International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA 2016) / Yugawara, Japan (2016) Brunner, Daniel | Penkovskyi, Bogdan | Maistrenko, Yuri | Larger, Laurent
inproceedings - Interaction between Liénard and Ikeda dynamics in a nonlinear electro-optical oscillator with delayed feedback Workshop on Dynamics of Delay Equations, Theory and Applications (2016) / Berlin, Germany (2016) Marquez, Bicky | Larger, Laurent | Brunner, Daniel | Chembo, Kouomou Yanne | Jacquot, Maxime
article - Ikeda-like chaos on a dynamically filtered supercontinuum light source Physical Review A (Volume 94, Issue (2), aug 2016, Pages :023847) Chembo, Kouomou Yanne | Jacquot, Maxime | Dudley, John Michael | Larger, Laurent
inproceedings - Photonic non linear transcient computing : A new paradigm for harnessing speed, power, and energy efficiency in future computers International Conference on Energy, Materials and Photonics (EMP 2016) / Troyes, France (2016) Larger, Laurent
inproceedings - Bifurcation of spiral-shaped patterns in the phase space of a nonlinear delayed electro-optic system XXXVI Dynamics Days Europe (2016) / Corfu, Greece (2016) Marquez, Bicky | Larger, Laurent | Brunner, Daniel | Chembo, Kouomou Yanne | Jacquot, Maxime
inproceedings - Nonlinear delay differential equations with a slow integral term: fundamental issues & applications in photonic Synchronization Patterns in Complex Networks: Chimera States and Beyond (2016) / Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany (2016) Larger, Laurent
inproceedings - Photonic nonlinear delay dynamics for advanced information processing: from secure chaos communications to brain-inspired computing International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Application (NOLTA 2015) / Kowloon, Hong Kong (Issue Paper ID : 6263, 2015, Pages pages 538 - 541) Larger, Laurent | Marquez, Bicky | Baylon Fuentes, Antonio | Martinenghi, Romain | Jacquot, Maxime | Chembo, Kouomou Yanne | Udaltsov, Vladimir
inproceedings - Reservoir Computing: concepts and hardware implementation in photonic 1st GDR BioComp workshop / Saint Paul de Vence, France (2015) Larger, Laurent
inproceedings - Chimera states in laser nonlinear delay dynamics International Workshop: Waves, Solitons and Turbulence in Optical Systems (WASTOS15 2015) / Berlin, Germany (2015) Larger, Laurent
inproceedings - Chaos communications: From the concept to photonic hardware implementation 1st International Conference on Chaotic Secure Communication (ICCSC 2015) / Changsha, China (2015) Larger, Laurent
inproceedings - Chimera states in laser delay dynamics: experiment and modeling XXXV Dynamics Days Europe / Exeter, United Kingdom (2015) Larger, Laurent | Penkovskyi, Bogdan | Maistrenko, Yuri
inproceedings - Optoelectronic delay dynamics: cross-fertilization between applications and theory XXXV Dynamics Days Europe / Exeter, United Kingdom (2015) Larger, Laurent
inproceedings - Virtual space-time delay dynamics and their chimera states 3rd Workshop on Control of Self-Organizing Nonlinear Systems / Leucorea, Germany (2015) Larger, Laurent | Penkovskyi, Bogdan | Maistrenko, Yuri
inproceedings - Delay dynamics explored through signal and information photonic processing Workshop on Delay Differential Equations in Physical Sciences and Engineering / Toronto, Canada (2015) Larger, Laurent
inproceedings - Des changements de couleur chaotiques aux futurs calculateurs photoniques inspirés par le cerveau 2015 : Année de la lumière en France / Lannion, France (2015) Larger, Laurent
inproceedings - Étude d'un asservissement proportionnel intégral utilisant un effet Joule pour le contrôle d'un interféromètre optique à fibre CETSIS : Enseignement des Technologies et des Sciences de l’information et des Systèmes, CETSIS 2014 / Besançon, France (2014) Larger, Laurent | Merolla, Jean-Marc | Jacquot, Maxime
article - Theoretical and experimental study of slow-scale Hopf limit-cycles in laser-based wideband optoelectronic oscillators Journal of the Optical Society of America B (JOSA B) (Volume 31, Issue (10), oct 2014, Pages :2310 - 2316) Goune Chengui, Geraud Russel | Talla, Alain Francis | Talla Mbe, Jimmi Hervé | Coillet, Aurélien | Saleh, Khaldoun | Larger, Laurent | Woafo, Paul | Chembo, Kouomou Yanne
inproceedings - Chimera state in delayed dynamics of a tunable semiconductor laser International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA 2014) / Luzern, Switzerland (2014, Pages pages 629) Larger, Laurent | Penkovskyi, Bogdan | Girardot-Poinsot, Morgane | Maistrenko, Yuri
inproceedings - Dual Delay Electro-optic Phase Oscillator : A Nonlinear Non-Local Dynamics for High Performance Secure Optical Chaos Communications The 4th International Conference on Complex Systems and Applications. / Le Havre, France. (2014) Larger, Laurent | Lavrov, Roman | Baylon Fuentes, Antonio | Jacquot, Maxime | Chembo, Kouomou Yanne | Udaltsov, Vladimir
inproceedings - New Paradigm in Delay Dynamics : Virtual Chimera States and Brain- Inspired Processing The 4th International Conference on Complex Systems and Applications - ICCSA. / Le Havre, France. (2014) Larger, Laurent | Penkovskyi, Bogdan | Baylon Fuentes, Antonio | Jacquot, Maxime | Chembo, Kouomou Yanne | Maistrenko, Yuri
article - Noise and chaos contributions in fast random bit sequence generated from broadband optoelectronic entropy sources IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I-Regular Papers (Volume 61, Issue (3), mar 2014, Pages :888 - 901) Fang, Xiole | Wetzel, Benjamin | Merolla, Jean-Marc | Dudley, John Michael | Larger, Laurent | Guyeux, Christophe | Bahi, Jacques
inproceedings - "Etats Chimères" dans une dynamique à retard en longueur d'onde d'une diode laser accordable Comptes-rendus des 17èmes Rencontres du Non Linéaire (RNL) 2014 : Mini-Colloque Dynamique et optique non linéaires, hommage à Pierre Glorieux. / Paris, France (2014, Pages pages 81 - 86) Larger, Laurent | Penkovskyi, Bogdan | Girardot-Poinsot, Morgane | Maistrenko, Yuri
inproceedings - On the metrological performances of optoelectronic oscillators based on whispering gallery mode resonators Proc. SPIE 8985, From Conference SPIE Photonics West - Terahertz, RF, Millimeter, and Submillimeter-Wave Technology and Applications VII / San Francisco, California, United States (Issue 89851D, 2014) Saleh, Khaldoun | Coillet, Aurélien | Henriet, Remi | Salzenstein, Patrice | Larger, Laurent | Chembo, Kouomou Yanne
inproceedings - Towards optoelectronic architectures for integrated neuromorphic computers Proc. SPIE 8989, Smart Photonic and Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits XVI / San Francisco, California, United State (Issue 89890K, 2014) Martinenghi, Romain | Baylon Fuentes, Antonio | Jacquot, Maxime | Chembo, Kouomou Yanne | Larger, Laurent
inproceedings - Complex photonic nonlinear delay dynamics for high performance signal and information processing International conference Optics & Photonics Taïwan (OPTIC 2013) - OSA. / Chungli, Taïwan. (2013) Larger, Laurent | Martinenghi, Romain | Jacquot, Maxime | Chembo, Kouomou Yanne
article - Slow-fast dynamics of a time-delayed electro-optic oscillator Philosophical transactions of The Royal Society A : Mathematical, Physical & Engineering Sciences (Volume 371, Issue (1999), aug 2013, Pages :20120459 ) Weicker, Lionel | Erneux, Thomas | D'Huys, Otti | Danckaert, Jan | Jacquot, Maxime | Chembo, Kouomou Yanne | Larger, Laurent
article - Complexity in electro-optic delay dynamics: modelling, design and applications Philosophical transactions of The Royal Society A : Mathematical, Physical & Engineering Sciences (Volume 371, aug 2013, Pages :20120464) Larger, Laurent
article - Real time noise and wavelength correlations in octave-spanning supercontinuum generation Optics Express (Volume 21, Issue (15), jul 2013, Pages :18452 - 18460) Godin, Thomas | Wetzel, Benjamin | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Larger, Laurent | Kudlinski, A. | Mussot, Arnaud | Ben Salem, A. | Zghal, M. | Genty, Goëry | Dias, Frédéric | Dudley, John Michael
inproceedings - Etude des fluctuations en temps réel et des corrélations spectrales lors de la génération de supercontinuum 33èmes Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG) / Villetaneuse, France (2013) Godin, Thomas | Wetzel, Benjamin | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Larger, Laurent | Kudlinski, A. | Mussot, Arnaud | Ben Salem, A. | Zghal, M. | Genty, Goëry | Dias, Frédéric | Dudley, John Michael
inproceedings - Experimental characterization of optoelectronic oscillators based on optical mini-resonators Proc. European Frequency and Time Forum & International Frequency Control Symposium (EFTF/IFC) / Prague (2013, Pages pages 37 - 39) Henriet, Remi | Coillet, Aurélien | Salzenstein, Patrice | Saleh, Khaldoun | Larger, Laurent | Chembo, Kouomou Yanne
inproceedings - Signal, information et oscillateurs optoélectroniques non linéaires à retard Conférence sur les Systèmes Dynamiques Complexes (CSDC’2013). / Alger, Algérie. (2013) Larger, Laurent
inproceedings - Square-wave oscillations exhibiting different duty cycles in a time-delayed optoelectronic oscillator Proc. of the Annual Workshop of the IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter / Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium (Volume 15, 2013) Weicker, Lionel | Erneux, Thomas | D'Huys, Otti | Danckaert, Jan | Jacquot, Maxime | Chembo, Kouomou Yanne | Larger, Laurent
inproceedings - Real time spectra and wavelength correlation maps: new insights into octave-spanning supercontinuum generation and rogue waves Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - International Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/EUROPE - IQEC) - IEEE/OSA / Munich, Germany (2013, Pages pages 385) Godin, Thomas | Wetzel, Benjamin | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Larger, Laurent | Merolla, Jean-Marc | Ben Salem, A. | Cherif, R. | Zghal, M. | Kudlinski, A. | Mussot, Arnaud | Genty, Goëry | Dias, Frédéric | Dudley, John Michael
inproceedings - Dispersive time stretching measurements of real-time spectra and statistics for supercontinuum generation around 1550 nm Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - International quantum electronics conference (CLEO/EUROPE - IQEC) - OSA / San Jose, CA , USA (2013, Pages pages 436) Wetzel, Benjamin | Stefani, Alessio | Larger, Laurent | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Merolla, Jean-Marc | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Kudlinski, A. | Mussot, Arnaud | Genty, Goëry | Dias, Frédéric | Dudley, John Michael
article - FPGA Design for Pseudorandom Number Generator Based on Chaotic Iteration used in Information Hiding Application Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences (Volume 7, 2013, Pages :2175 - 2188) Bahi, Jacques | Fang, Xiole | Guyeux, Christophe | Larger, Laurent
article - Strongly asymmetric square waves in a time-delayed system Physical Review E (Volume 86, Issue (5), nov 2012, Pages :055201) Weicker, Lionel | Erneux, Thomas | D'Huys, Otti | Danckaert, Jan | Jacquot, Maxime | Chembo, Kouomou Yanne | Larger, Laurent
inproceedings - Mixing of analog and digital entropies for optical chaos communications Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA 2012) / Palma, Majorca, Spain (2012) Larger, Laurent | Nguimdo, Romain Modeste | Pesquera, L. | Colet, Pere
inproceedings - A Novel Photonics Approach to Unconventional Information Processing ECOC 2012, 38 th European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication / Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2012) Soriano, M.C. | Brunner, Daniel | Ortin, S. | Mirasso, C.R. | Larger, Laurent | Fischer, Ingo | Pesquera, L.
inproceedings - Applications using complexity of electro-optic delay dynamics : from chaos to fixed points through limit cycles KEYNOTE SPEAKER Conference on Delayed Complex systems 2012. / Universitat de les Iles Baleares, IFISC, Palma de Mallorca, Spain. (Volume DCS12, 2012, Pages pages 10) Larger, Laurent
inproceedings - Analytical and experimental study of two delay optoelectronic oscillator Conference on Delayed Complex systems 2012 / Université Iles Baleares, IFISC, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (2012, Pages pages 31) Weicker, Lionel | Erneux, Thomas | Jacquot, Maxime | Chembo, Kouomou Yanne | Larger, Laurent
inproceedings - Slow-fast dynamics for time delay problems : theory and experiments KEYNOTE SPEAKER Conference on Delayed Complex systems 2012 / Universitat de les Iles Baleares, IFISC, Palma de Mallorca, Spain. (2012, Pages pages 18) Weicker, Lionel | Erneux, Thomas | Jacquot, Maxime | Chembo, Kouomou Yanne | Larger, Laurent | D'Huys, Otti | Keuninckx, Lars | Danckaert, Jan
inproceedings - Crenelated slow-fast oscillations in a dual delay nonlinear photonic dynamics 12th Experimental Chaos and Complexity Conference / Ann Arbor, MI, United States (2012) Jacquot, Maxime | Weicker, Lionel | Chembo, Kouomou Yanne | Erneux, Thomas | Larger, Laurent
inproceedings - Contexte, principes et exemples de réalisations de nouveaux systèmes cryptographiques non algorithmiques mais physiques : les communications optiques sécurisées par chaos, et la distribution quantique de clés secrètes Cryptographie, journées d’étude dédicacées à Laurence Caillet. / Nanterre, Univ. Paris X, France. (2012) Larger, Laurent | Merolla, Jean-Marc
article - Random walks and random numbers from supercontinuum generation Optics Express (Volume 20, Issue (10), may 2012, Pages :11143 - 11152) Wetzel, Benjamin | Blow, Keith J. | Turitsyn, Sergei K. | Millot, Guy | Larger, Laurent | Dudley, John Michael
inproceedings - Bifurcation par modulation d'enveloppe d'un cycle limite dans une dynamique non linéaire à double retard Actes des 15e Rencontres du Non-linéraire (RNL) 2012 / Paris, France (2012, Pages pages 221 - 226) Weicker, Lionel | Erneux, Thomas | Jacquot, Maxime | Chembo, Kouomou Yanne | Larger, Laurent
inproceedings - Slow–fast asymptotics for delay differential equations International Workshop on Hysteresis and Slow–Fast Systems (HSFS-2011). / Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Germany. (2011) Erneux, Thomas | Weicker, Lionel | Larger, Laurent
inproceedings - Delay electro-optic dynamics for brain inspired information processing Proceeding of the Fifth Rio De La Plata Workshop on Laser Dynamics and Nonlinear Photonics IEEE. / Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay. (2011, Pages pages 1 - 4) Jacquot, Maxime | Martinenghi, Romain | Rybalko, Sergei | Chembo, Kouomou Yanne | Larger, Laurent
inproceedings - Optoelectronic and electro-optic nonlinear delay dynamics : from the fundamental concepts to practical applications, through illustrations with live experiments Low Cost High Physics and Appropriate Solutions to Real Life Problems in Developing Countries. / Yaoundé, Cameroun (2011) Larger, Laurent
inproceedings - A Novel Experimental Approach for Information Processing in Photonics International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA 2011) / Kobe, Japan (2011, Pages pages 597) Soriano, M.C. | Brunner, Daniel | Appeltant, Lennert | Mirasso, C.R. | Fischer, Ingo | Larger, Laurent
inproceedings - Incoherent Fibre Supercontinuum Generation for All-Optical Random Number Generation Proceedings IEEE of conference on Lasers & Electro-Optics Europe & 12th European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO-EUROPE/EQEC) / Munich, Germany (Issue EH.P.4, 2011) Wetzel, Benjamin | Larger, Laurent | Blow, Keith J. | Turitsyn, Sergei K. | Dudley, John Michael
inproceedings - Nonlinear Delayed Optical Phase Oscillator for High Performance Chaos Synchronization : Dynamics and Chaos Commun. @ 10Gb/s SIAM, Dynamical System 2011, MS114. / Snowbird, Utah, USA. (2011) Larger, Laurent | Lavrov, Roman | Jacquot, Maxime | Udaltsov, Vladimir
inproceedings - Computational performance of a single bandpass electro-optic delay oscillator Proceedings IEEE of conference on Lasers & Electro-Optics Europe & 12th European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO-EUROPE/EQEC) / Munich, Allemagne (2011, Pages pages EHP10) Appeltant, Lennert | Van Der Sand, G. | Rybalko, Sergei | Martinenghi, Romain | Jacquot, Maxime | Chembo, Kouomou Yanne | Larger, Laurent | Fischer, Ingo | Danckaert, Jan
inproceedings - Digital Key for Chaos Communication Performing Time Delay Concealment Proceedings IEEE of conference on Lasers & Electro-Optics Europe & 12th European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO-EUROPE/EQEC) / Munich, Germany (2011) Nguimdo, Romain Modeste | Colet, Pere | Larger, Laurent | Pesquera, L.
inproceedings - Système de communication haut débit par chaos en phase utilisant un composant dédié : un interféromètre à 3 ondes 14èmes Rencontres du Non Linéaire / Paris, France (2011, Pages pages 121 - 126) Oden, Jérémy | Lavrov, Roman | Larger, Laurent
inproceedings - Dynamique intégro-différentielle en longueur d’onde optique, à retards multiples, pour le “Reservoir Computing" 14èmes Rencontres du Non Linéaire / Paris, France (2011, Pages pages 115 - 120) Martinenghi, Romain | Rybalko, Sergei | Appeltant, Lennert | Van Der Sand, G. | Danckaert, Jan | Jacquot, Maxime | Chembo, Kouomou Yanne | Larger, Laurent
article - Photonic filtering of microwave signals in the frequency range of 0.01-20 GHz using a Fabry-Perot filter Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS) (Volume 274, Issue (1), feb 2011, Pages :012014) Aguayo Rodriguez, Gustavo | Zaldivar-Huerta, I.E. | Garcia-Juarez, A. | Rodriguez-Asomoza, J. | Larger, Laurent | Courjal, Nadège
inproceedings - Electro-optic delay dynamics used as a reservoir for Liquid State Computing Journées du GdR DYCOEC. / Besançon, France (2010) Larger, Laurent | Cornelies, M. | Appeltant, Lennert | Brunner, Daniel | Danckaert, Jan | Mirasso, C.R. | Fischer, Ingo | Rybalko, Sergei | Martinenghi, Romain | Udaltsov, Vladimir
inproceedings - A technological application of time-delayed systems : ultrapure microwave generation using optoelectronic generators Journées du GdR DYCOEC. / Besancon, France (2010) Chembo, Kouomou Yanne | Larger, Laurent
inproceedings - Phase noise modeling of microwave optoelectronic oscillators with very long time delays French–Russian workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics and Applications. / Besançon, France. (2010) Chembo, Kouomou Yanne | Larger, Laurent | Colet, Pere
inproceedings - A few words more about Security of Chaos-Based Communications French–Russian workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics and Applications. / Besançon, France. (2010) Udaltsov, Vladimir | Larger, Laurent | Lavrov, Roman | Jacquot, Maxime
inproceedings - Phase optique chaotique pour les transmissions sécurisées à 10Gb/s, essais sur le réseau Lumière de Besançon JNOG 2010 - Journées Nationales d’Optique Guidée (JNOG 33) / Besançon, France (2010, Pages pages 85 - 87) Lavrov, Roman | Jacquot, Maxime | Larger, Laurent
inproceedings - Effets de dispersion sur un signal chaotique en phase généré par un dispositif electro-optique à retard Recueil des communications des 29 èmes Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG) 2010 / Besançon, France (2010, Pages pages 303) Nguimdo, Romain Modeste | Lavrov, Roman | Colet, Pere | Jacquot, Maxime | Chembo, Kouomou Yanne | Larger, Laurent
inproceedings - Electro-optic phase dynamics for chaos communication field experiments at 10Gb/s EOS Annual Meeting 2010 (EOSAM 2010) / Paris, France (2010) Larger, Laurent | Lavrov, Roman | Jacquot, Maxime
inproceedings - Microwave photonic filter tuning by varying the optical link length Proceedings of the 53rd IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS) 2010 / Seattle, Washington, United States (2010, Pages pages 457 - 460) Aguayo Rodriguez, Gustavo | Zaldivar-Huerta, I.E. | Garcia-Juarez, A. | Rodriguez-Asomoza, J. | Larger, Laurent | Courjal, Nadège
inproceedings - Chaotic optical phase generated by electro-optic and optoelectronic nonlinear and nonlocal delayed feedback: Successful field experiment at 10 Gb/s 7 th IEEE international symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP). / Newcastle, Royaume-Uni. (2010, Pages pages 226 - 229) Larger, Laurent | Lavrov, Roman | Jacquot, Maxime
inproceedings - Nonlinear Delayed Differential Optical Phase Feedback For High Performance Chaos Communications Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) and Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (QELS), 2010 - IEEE / San Jose, California United States (2010, Pages pages CFC6) Jacquot, Maxime | Lavrov, Roman | Larger, Laurent
inproceedings - Générateur de chaos opto-électronique à double retard pour les télécommunications optiques sécurisées à haut débits 13ème Rencontres du Non Linéaire / Paris, France (2010, Pages pages 127 - 132) Nourine, Mourad | Larger, Laurent | Chembo, Kouomou Yanne | Volyanskiy, Kirill | Peil, Michael
inproceedings - Cryptage par chaos haut-débit sur réseau optique installé Rencontre du Linéaire / Institut Poincaré, Paris, France (2010) Larger, Laurent | Lavrov, Roman | Jacquot, Maxime